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RE: A Dash of Sult N Papper 10/12/21> (s)Election CONsequences

The courts failed us back in 2020 when they declined to see the evidence on grounds of "standing".

We are currently at war with the CCP.
We are at war with, the whom Catherine Austin Fitts calls, Mr. Global.

And we are woefully unprepared. As the indoctrination in movies and schools has us think that winning is by killing the bad guy. We don't even know who the bad guys are. They change their names, often die, and come back as somebody new.

Further, killing them won't do squat. The structure, the pyramid of power still exists. A beacon calling the worst of the worst to come fight for its top position.

So, we need to continue to make our lives as unreliant on their system as possible.
Grow your own food.
Trade with people you know.
Turn off the TV. Avoid advertisements that make you feel inadequate and buy stupid stuff.

Live as if The US is already gone... and soon it will be.