The statistic you gave in an earlier post regarding the average number of comments per post is quite frightening, when you consider that the 2.2 number could be halved again if you discount the spam and automation.
I fear it's the ability to more or less print your own money here that will attract more users but it will be the wrong kind of users in my opinion in terms of trying to foster an actual 'community' on the platform. It felt like a real community of like minded men and women here when I first joined but that small group now seems to be being overshadowed by the growing number of mercenaries joining the site simply looking to increase their return.
I'm hoping that @stellabelle's plan is successful and the redistribution of voting power helps foster a better community atmosphere and leads to toher positive changes. If those with the 'power' now want the goose to keep laying the golden egg then they definitely need to start thinking long term or the goose will give up the ghost. :)
Thanks for the response mate. Hope you're having a great day.