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RE: Some birds :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (150/366)

You just reminded me that I should be archiving my old files (particularly photos) from 2019 out to an external so that I can keep my laptop clean and fast.
Yes, it is a hassle when there's too much data to compile haha.


Remember to make back-ups too. I lost one of my external hard drives and with it almost 1 terabyte of photos and videos of Leo's childhood. The drive just stopped working.

I'm still hoping to get all that data rescued one day. It's just a bit too expensive at the moment.

Hm. How about backing them up on DVD? 🤔

I would need 213 DVD's to back-up one 1TB hard drive.

My computer has 4TB hard disk space.

Yikes! That's A LOT OF DATA