
Hope you feel better soon.

Get rid off very soon and we will pray for you from our deepest part of heart.

Get well buddy! Hopefully its not Corna :)

Much better now! It most likely wasn't. Although it'd be nice if I had immunity already.

Good to hear!
And ye, I have changed my mind like a bit aswell. Just getting it and getting immnue would be nice xD
Some say you can get the muliply times, so not sure anymore xD

I hope that your sickness has nothing to do with the coronavirus.
Get well as soon as possible!

The good news is, it most likely wasn't. The bad is I likely still don't have immunity because of it. So we'll see how it goes if I happen to catch it.

I am pretty much fully recovered now, if not counting some occasional waves of dizziness and slight feeling of impending doom. Otherwise everything is fine. 😎

You should start weight lifting at home!
Take some Vitamin C D3 and zinc to boost your immune system! Taking 2-3 gms of Vitamin C daily will prevent virus infection more effectively!