(Finnish for "hey" or "hi", when greeting someone. Can also mean "bye" when parting ways. Even shorter form of "moro" and "morjens". When two moi's are used together like this "moi moi", it means "bye bye".)
Heh... Today I took a couple of bird photos. But in the end I only managed to edit one, because I got caught up in trying to fix one that was basically nice, but gravely underlit.
I kinda overdid it.
(Fringilla coelebs)
I wonder if it is possible to blow up a photo into a huge copy, and then do some magic that results in an enhanced photo. I know it isn't really possible unless you have more than one images. The "error correction" or denoising takes too much sharpness out of the photo, but then again without it the photo will be a mess of pixels, a little bit like a pointillist art work, but without the art.
Anyhow. I'll sleep now.
Good night! Moi moi!
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No matter what happened when you take pictures, but your try to capture is alwalys appreciate and some how one of them sure click best, good luck.
This one is still looking amazing
I guess the bird was in bad mood