Wed March 4 Journal Entry #8 -- Minibets is coming to life.

in #daily5 years ago

Hello Steemit!

This is the eighth journal entry for this year. So far I am definitely seeing a lot of improvement in my daily routine & completing tasks!


After a bit of prototyping, I finally have a rough idea of what steem website I want to build. I have always wanted to have my own sort of gambling/mini-games spot, so why not just make it myself?
The picture above shows the type of functionality I would like to have in one of the mini-games (just call it gambling). More mini-games will be added soon!

So far testing has been pretty successful, but there is a huge list of tasks/bugs to check off the lists for the rest of the week.


Again no study. I did learn a few new tricks today, so not a complete loss ^^

Something Else:

I have been tinkering with the charting software I'm using to generate the charts below, and I have found a few ways to automate & improve the way I load the data. I will also update that tomorrow.
I still have to create a repository for this new project, but I'm wondering if I should make the code visible to the public????

Daily Tasks Progress:

Current Avg tasks for the last 45 Days: 11

Daily Study Hours Progress:

Current Avg mins for the last 45 Days: 29

Daily Project Hours Progress:

Current Avg mins for the last 37 Days: 55

Overview for the day:

17 Tasks Completed!
0 Hours : 0 Mins Study Time
3 Hours : 32 Mins Working on Projects