Daily Research and learning : Long Term link building Best ranking Competitor Research Anlysis

in #daily-activity8 years ago

Yesterday I did research about link building. Using quality links I make a site really good quality. More than 2 years we are holding good links. All quality links research and done by me. Spending so much time for high quality link building. Also, it is expensive. Finally the link building work. I am also going to do similar type of work for eostalk. So Eos talk will be strong like I did for another site. All I do with competitor research. So competitor research based link building helpful. But for some reason Quality link building 90% people do not understand. The reason is behind serious mathematics. I found the mathematics. In this case 100% guaranteed to show any SEO improvement.


I also research for google Adwords campaign review and optimization, Steemit user research , find the best business solution for a forum. Competitive research with ethereum, Bitcoin forum. ofcourse Forex daily optimization. Local SEO Team management, advice for content writing and more.

I am forwarding my facebook article : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156651186076632&set=a.10150697836301632.496531.604501631&type=3&theater
