When the soul is the guide and the own path the inspiration...

in #dada4 years ago



Hello, beautiful people! How have been you?
I want raccont you that for the last days I was have working in a new great collective cryptoart masterpiece for he #VenusofMetaverse exhibition (celebration of women #cryptoart creators, in collaboration with @hellowoca, @PowerDada and @cryptoartadvisr) togheter at my dear italian friends and great artists: Isa Kost, Bárbara Tosti (@spacedivers), Serste and Cristiana Vettor... they are so amazing, is magnific put my little grain of sand to create something beautiful together at they, of great pleasures of my life!!! Very soon you will appreciate our magic. In the meantime I taked too some days for walk in my loved mountains; in the selfie and the pic at top I present you my last trekking: Laguna Jakob, Refugio San Martin, from the peaks of my dear Bariloche 😉💖

Today, I bring you another little story of life and about how our paths vibrate in different tunes harmonizing with our destinations 😊

I born in a little village in a zone of Argentine knows like "the Pampas region", this is a an extensive plain with animals, grasslands and sown fields where the sun blurs the curvature of the earth as it rises, powering the life in the earth, and as it sets, bathing the landscape with its magic golden reflection. Mornings have a humid, fresh charm ... in my mind I can evoke them as a pause in time, like leaves full of dew bright with the sun, cooked mate, breads with dulce de leche, Creole guitars ... those little things that fill you with energy the soul as if it were a battery to use for the rest of the day. Economically the place is an area of agricultural exploitation where my family since that my grandfather was child was dedicated to apiculture.

The universe of bees seems me fantastic from ever. I never understanded why in the school the focus about education in relation with the animals that live in colonies was "only" the distribution of roles like it was military laws... I had pass part of my live living in conexion with the nature and knowed so magic things aspect for highlight just as important and even much more important that roles distributions, this capitalist focus it seemed ridiculous always, then, when I knowed about the great legacy by Foucault, about how the educational institutions are simply other control instruments, social modelaters, etc, and I achieved understand so many things... so, above the natural and "indisputable" caste system that we all know, I would like a new focus on other aspects...

The next drawing in DADA.art (made three years ago) is a replication of an old pic. These that you can see are a pics take by myself from inside a beehive on my daddy's little old farm. The resolution of the pics is not the best and the cam, lents, arent the better, sucks! but I remember that adrenalinic moment like I was a "The National Geographic" nature camerman in dangered of life, hahaha

You know, You are fully invited to join at this conversation!!!



... right here is where I'll wish invite you at appreciate, not only to see or remember what you learned in school, if not appreciate the mother nature with other eyes, your own eyes, as if the eyes of your joung soul was discovering the world and enjoying it again for the first time... feel the energy, let enchanted for the live, look stoply the balance between all: in the bright and darkness in the last images, in little moments like this that I captured in the next pic where you have so beauty and danger at the same time, look this amazing flowers... full of thorns! the sweet and poison that evoques the bees... universe is equilibrium, there is where magic radic, precicely in the balance ☯️


Then I want you to notice the divinity, fragility and humility of existence ... look at their little paws full of pollen 😊💞🐝


Each bee works for the entire community because intuitively and internally it can understand that winter comes for everyone; it is work for the common good, for the survival of its species . Now, our "Winter" is Climate Change, my question with relation here is if we all can understand how bad this really is, because I sure you that It's really bad and disturbing... this is happen right now, we need an seriusly and urgent change of conscious and think.

A bee is a tiny, altruistic, graceful being, with few opportunities to change the world on its own. But what happens when all they join? Not only do they survive, but they bring the magic of spring into the world.
Our brains have been crushed all our lives, they was talking us about the castes and reinforcing the word "sacrifice" of the bees, the idea of to be one more, without identity, without personal power to change the reality and with the obligation of ​​"taking care of the queen" for the common good (?) What the hell is that? How would be exist the common good in that terms? Does reading it make noise only to me? Supposedly that is how the things worked, creating analogies with our human societies (which have little what to see) to normalize and naturalize the social strata that were and are useful to the system that we know today. If I think about my long and repeated afternoons of childhood / adolescence sitting on the grass looking carefully at the bees (among others) I wonder why they hardly told us about their daily dances and it is that my brain keeps blowing away that they communicate dancing! How is it that we learned about the importance of castes and roles for survival and were not taught that the basis of their entire existence was dance? The ability to communicate throug the arte, by dancing, of the importance of body language before the peer group. No one mentioned too much about the flapping of their wings or created analogies about their eagerness to explore the world and go beyond their own borders, about venturing out, marveling at the vegetation and stopping to smell flowers, about facing great dangers... when they molded contents Nobody stressed in schools about the failures in replicating the bee colony model? Did they not know it or did they prefer to leave it as a minor point? Nobody speaked about what is the "pillage", for example: bees that steal from others because their intrinsic desire to survive prevails when the resources they obtained are scarce... nobody spoke about the seasons of swarms, entire colonies that flee for afront the adversity, nor did they relate it to the nomadism, or did draw analogies in favor of normalizing refugees with that...

- Bees drinking water from the farm's supply tank. I remember swimming there and when I get out of the water a lot of bees perch on my skin to drink water (not suitable for the heart, haha) They are harmless if they do not feel attacked or in danger 😉

Look the next photo, is amazing...all this bees vibrating.
They die separately, but together they are capable of creating sophisticated systems based on the common good like this "thermoregulation" (cold / heat) that they achieve by beating their wings.
Personally, I like to see them and imagine them as very close and interconnected beings who live a life dancing, hugging, feeling the warmth of the other, the support and the conscious presence of the other , trusting each other, in a society where expression is fundamental, the communication is so effective and listening so attentively that not a single important message for all unnoted.


In the hive, basically, at born they are all larvae ... no one are born being a queen, anyone could be the queen, the difference is in the resources consumed by each larva. If we know that the possibility of access to better food (Royal Jelly in this case) increases longevity and increases the possibilities of those who have access to it (reproduction, social life, rest, etc.) why are we replicating that system in our society human, without to do questions?... then we preach about fairness and democracy and we get scared with hunger and unnecessary deaths that we lead globally, in mean time we insist on comparing ourselves to bees and ants. Bees do not have the rational possibility to change things, but we do! My point isnt that we all become "queens" of the hive, that would be insane and our planet would not be enough to sustain the astronomical level of consumption (with the actual irrational consumism, is more than suficient) but we must find and create a new order between workers and queens that is fairer for everyone, that respects GAIA, natural cycles, the totally of the existence, where basic needs are covered and every human being can enjoy a full life and a high personal development... is obvious that I talk about creating the non-existent in natural life, but we are experts in that, we are warlocks called: artists, enginiers, scientists, the change come it will be through creativity, art, engineering, study and perseverance. That queens of our hive will not want to lose their privileges, that fo sure!!! it will not be easy but it cannot be so impossible: we wanted to move faster and invented the wheel, we needed sources of knowledge that would take us beyond the time and geographical spaces that we could visit and the book was born, we flew, we left the planet, we read stars .... we have the magical abilities to create, perceive, transmute ... magic exists and the irrefutable proof is right there in front of our eyes, your great-grandfather himself could attribute our daily-comfort, the screen you're looking at right now, to magic, and it is! Today is not question of move so fast (in fact we are moving too fast), is not for understand where is tha we from or where we go, we must join us in one direction, serving from our own individuality to our human hive for change urgently -all us togheter- the way for the survive of our specie, the survive of each one of us without differences based in acces to resourses, the survive of others species, and preserve something of this magnific world that we know it. We should only get more involved and use our magical gifts (which bees lack) to work creatively and dedicatedly in pursuit of knowledge, and the common good of our entire hive ... Said I sometime that I love the name "Hive" of this project?

Things aren´t good, really feels that aren't going well, all are we know and can feel it deep, inside. The question is: What am I going to do about it? I would like to make a small suggestion to you in this regard from my humble place as a human being:
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

I see in Blockchain the last opportunity of not shit more our reality this time or to screw it up completely if the mentality dont move forward... I believe that "Invisible Economy" by DADA will can be a way of positive change... tell me, you, have you thought about where you can make your little difference for the world?
I wait for your comments 😊

*In another line of dialogue, for those who are interested:

See you in the next post!!!
BIG HUG from the south of globe.
