Gangs work together to use drones for criminal smuggling operation

In an interesting and somewhat shocking story we discover that gangs have created a network of drones capable of smuggling tens of millions of dollars worth of stolen smart phones. The drones are only scratching the surface of what is possible in the future using these technologies. These technologies can be used for good but also for great harm.

Blockchain technology in the future may in fact be integrated into these drone networks. In fact, a technology like IOTA seems to fit the purpose of these kinds of applications. On the one hand it makes sense, because prisoners have been using drones to smuggle Internet access devices into prison. On the other hand there is no obvious limit to where this drone technology can evolve toward and the fact that criminal networks of gangs are joining forces to use it is both interesting and for all who aren't gangsters a danger.



a very good story..

So how the government can prevent this from happening again?

I think everything that has advantages also at the same time have disadvantages, it all depends on regulation.
I believe if the production of drones are regulated in such a way that it doesn't get into wrong hands, it's use wrong use will be reduced. A license and full registration must be taken before the drone is used.

everything is going high tech now a days. we are nearing a point that AI technology will be put to use whether it be good or bad.

Just you wait till someone finally gets the (obvious) idea to hang frag grenades off them...

If I ever see a drone observing me or getting too close I am gonna smash the shit out of that fucking drone I don't care.

Invasion of privacy is what I call these retarded objects.