19 Times Manicurists Totally Nailed Disney Nail Art

in #cute6 years ago

Disney is the most magical place on Earth.

But have you thought about having that most magical place with you at all times?

Now you can with amazing Disney nail art!

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/O8UDqywC49kac" width="480" height="366" frameborder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

It’s a no-brainer. These nail artists are actual artists, and these manicures are so envy-worthy and so magical that you won’t even know what to do with yourself.

It’s Woody and Buzz and Andy’s signature and that weird little alien thing! This is actually too cute for words.

The portraits of Abu, the Genie, and Rajah are scarily accurate. But the most impressive thing may be that marble pattern on the pinky!

The 100 Acre Wood Friends

I cannot get over how adorable these are!!!

This would be my Disney manicure, for sure.

Speaking of cute, this tribute to one of the most tragic and most lovely Disney movies is second to none.

The next one is super clever…

- The story continues 1/4-

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