19 Parents Who Got Their Child's Scribbles Tattooed on Their Bodies

in #cute6 years ago

It's becoming a trend for parents to get their little kids' drawings and/or signatures tattooed on their bodies.


Often these drawings are really rudimentary (a.k.a. not great).

via: Twitter

Is this cute? Is it something you would do?

Or do you think this is totally weird?

I happen to think it’s adorable. Here are 19 examples that might help you make up your mind.

This scary hot air balloon

via: Twitter

I think that’s what it is, anyway.

Anyway, this is a pretty badass tattoo even if it wasn’t drawn by a little kid. But it was so it’s extra cool.

via: Twitter

I wonder if that’s a portrait of the kid or the mom. Or maybe it just sprang from the little one’s imagination!

via: Twitter

He’s hanging out under a leaf.

That is one proud artist right there.

via: Twitter

Let’s just hope his hands don’t actually look like that. That would make life hard.

The next one is super cute…or creepy…help me decide…

- The story continues -

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It's a cute idea, not the most attractive thing to have on the body for life though