Haven't heard of The Great Convergence yet? Oh, it's just the plan to merge biology with digital technology and redefine what it means to be human, that's all. Today on the podcast James covers the biodigital convergence that is already being rolled out and what it means for the future of homo sapiens.
He is the only true journalist.
I read that damned .pdf report over 2 months ago!
Have that effer downloaded and safe.
‘Going to present it (and several others) as incriminating evidence for ‘Nuremberg 2.0’
The Truth is Nicer: those people, when they are placed into virtual reality: they will have created their lake of eternal fire!
They never let a good crisis go to waste -_-
Thanks James for beating the drum! Worrying indeed!
Clearly the cabal wants to live forever. But the members don't want to experiment on themselves so how fortunate there is an abundant supply of cheap human lab rats to hand.
please do shorter versions with key points, to long