When The Woke Go Broke and Cancel Themselves! And, Here Come the Truckers!

in #currentevents3 years ago

When The Woke Go Broke and Cancel Themselves!  And, Here Come the Truckers!

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Intro vid: Sold Man - Curtis Stone and Media Bear: https://odysee.com/@urbanfarmercstone:0/sold-man-will-self-destruct.-download:2

Rob Mills - Enigmatico’s Twitter:

Millions of Chinese people are living in covid quarantine camps now! 2022/1/9:
~~~ embed:1480157037681995779?t=jYah-R1MKF18GGZFtPfRzg&s=19 twitter metadata:c29uZ3BpbmdhbnF8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vc29uZ3BpbmdhbnEvc3RhdHVzLzE0ODAxNTcwMzc2ODE5OTU3Nzl8 ~~~

Hong Kong will kill 2,000 pets due to fears that hamsters spread COVID to humans:https://www.google.com/amp/s/fortune.com/2022/01/18/china-covid-zero-cases-mail-beijing-hong-kong-hamsters/amp/

China Brings Back Anal Covid Swab Testing... Just in Time for Winter Olympics:

Biggest Protest in Canadian history. Rising up against the Covid tyrants and criminals. Here is the rally cry: https://drtrozzi.org/2022/01/28/beautiful-4-minute-rallying-cheer-for-freedom-trucker-convoy

Convoy Now Longest on Record

Video: A panicked looking Justin Trudeau launches a massive attack on the peaceful truckers describing them as 'fringe' who hold 'unacceptable' views: https://t.me/c/1264095585/20701

Walmart introduces vaccine passports in Quebec, will require the unvaccinated to be escorted by staff as they shop: https://reclaimthenet.org/walmart-vaccine-passports-quebec/

Check out today’s video..!


Truckers... I can appreciate your spirit, but I don't understand how shutting down the supply chain is going to help us get "FREEDOM". Maybe you guys should change your signs from "F*ck Trudeau" to "Research AGORISM". Just leave the damn system completely and show your friends how to do the same. #countereconomics #agorism

By the way, besides the supply chain (especially FOOD), you guys are shutting down your own economies.. How do people get to work when you have shut down the roads? Are you gonna block the railroad tracks too?? Come on guys.. THINK. Just leave the damn system completely and show your friends how to do the same. #countereconomics #agorism

Neil Dung...have a wash...cleanse your soul!

..curious when you remembered where your shoes were lol

I think at Starbucks, you get poison. I wouldn't know, I don't drink coffee, because of its taste... But if I would guess, which I'm doing, really, Starbucks sells poison. It's no better than McDonald's or Pollos Hermanos or any chain business.

Kratom can be obtained in the Netherlands in so-called 'smart shops'. They sell so-called 'smart drugs'. Those are drugs that are not on any list (yet). Those shops started to appear when mushrooms became popular. Until they got banned, but the shops still exist. There are many so-called 'smart' drugs. The smartness is in the evasion of the laws.

As a Canadian, I would think you would be leading with the trucker freedom convoy /protest, but wasting 30 minutes on Neil Young...

Lots of buffering on this one

Yep, it's a known issue and we are working hard to fix that. The .tv server itself is under very little load and the noc/demarc has only ever spiked to around 30% so there is a lot of capacity left. We will be upgrading the peertube core server late this week tho, so hopefully they have improved the p2p streaming tech a bit more. High traffic sites like TDV are really putting these web3 technologies thru their paces.