Welcome back to my channel , in the previous review about Current Media project , i received many question from my reader in personal message box around this project . There are too many duplicated questions from many readers and i cannot answer one by one , that’s why i make this topic to answer your all considerations . One more time , DO NOT send me personal message for asking question , if you have any questions , please leave the comment below , i will answer as fast as possible .
Question number 1 : When will public sale start ? How to take part in ?
As i know , there is no public sale organized because they raised successfully their hard capital fund in their private sale up to 36 million dollar , so , you can not take part in public sale anymore
But you can earn ERNC token by participating their airdrop campaign ,there are two main airdrop up to 1 million dollar : refferal airdrop campaign and telegram airdrop campaign , you can find the information on their website , i will leave the link below .
Question number 2 : Where can i download Current app ? Is Current Media app safe for my mobile phone ? Which phone brand i can download Current Media app ?
To the present , Current Media app is now available for IOS operating system but do not worry , Android will be comming soon . Because of the fact that you can download it on App Store and Google Play
This app is absolutely safe , it is rated on App Store with 4.6 / 5 point by 257 rating . The number of users reach 200,000 users .
Question number 3 : What is the advantages of Current Media Platform compare to their competitors
With only one app ,you can enjoy all the best content and function of all famous media in the world like youtube , facebook , spotify ,…. You can do every entertainment things here such as listening musics , ratios , watching movies , …
You can both entertain and earn money with Current Media Platform wherether who you are , user , cretors , curators ,… you can earnsome CRNC free when using their services .
Next time i will update your questions and answer them in the next articles . Do not hesitate to raise your question about this project . Thanks for reading .
This article is REPOSTED from MY MEDIUM PROFILE : https://medium.com/@ngannam/current-media-platform-answer-for-your-all-question-6d988d796e42
Some necessary links :
Website : https://tokensale.current.us/index.html
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2829644.0
Telegram : https://t.me/CurrentCRNC
NOTE : This article is REPOSTED from MY TUMBLR PROFILE , NOT MEDIUM PROFILE : https://minchubby.tumblr.com/post/171748682572/current-media-platform-answer-for-your-all