Last time , i wrote a article to introduce you the best andbiggest bounty reward pool of Current Media Project . I received so manyquestion from reader about the rule and registration campaign , someone complain to the that it is too diffucult to do , they do not know foreign language so can not take part in translation campaign , they are not Jr.member rank on BTT to take part in signature campaign , they can not participate content campaign because they can not write , have no ideas , have no blog channel account , blah … blah . That’s why today i want to write another articles to INTRODUCE them the others campaign that very simple that they can earn ERNC free for sure ( less than 3 campaign above of course ) . One more than , i just INTRODUCE and GIVE ADVISES , NOT TEACH YOU STEP BY STEP , do not send me messgae , i will not answer , please read and follow the instruction on bounty thread here :
Facebook , Instagram , Twitter campaign
With these three very famous social medias , i bet that anyone of you guys willhave at least once , that’s enough for you to take part in socialmedia campaign . Only thing that you need to do is share their posts on their official page . But have some discipline and rule you must follow or you will be banned .
Advantages : this is simple , easy , everyone can take part in and take you only 3 minutes per day only
Disadvantages : because of the fact that it is very popular , so they are many people will register for these campaign , and their bounty reward pool will be very low , you will get few stakes than the other campain .
Newsletter and Yoube campaign .
These two campaign is super easy to earn free CRNC , in my opinion this is not bounty campaign at all , this is airdrop campaign , you do not have to sweat and still get CRNC . For youtube , you just need to follow their youtube channel ,done !!! That’sit , 1 stakes = 1 subcribers , the more subcribers you hvae , the more stakes you earn . For Newsletter campaign , you just need to submit you emailto receive their latest news about current media , all stakes will be divided for every participants with the same amount .
Advantages : you have to do NOTHING
Disadvantages : you will get few CRNC because it deserve to your work :D , No Pain No Gain .
Telegram Campaign
Just like social medias campaign i told you above , you just to post a post about current media on telegram channel to any group on telegram , the number of stakes you earn will depend on amount of members in group you post in .
Advantages and Disadvantages : Same with social media campaign .
With these 6 campaign you can earn pretty much ERNC if you work hard . Hope you guys enjoy my article , donot forget to claps and follow me .
P/S : This article is REPOSTED from ME MEDIUM PROFILE :
Some necessary links :
Website :
Bitcointalk :
Telegram :