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RE: Ridding Ourselves Of Heroin Dealers The Right Way

in #current-events9 years ago

You can't really find a proper way to fight the war on drugs, let alone the war on anything. Truth is, is that society needs and works best when you have example like the one you just posted to show the rest of the world that this what happens when you engage in such behavior. I understand that every aspect of what we see in articles like this are disturbing to say the last, but the reality is that people learn better with real world examples, rather than you just saying "hey watch out and don't do A,B, and C, because if you do then this will happen". Maybe harsher penalties like taking their kids away, along with a bunch of fines and mandatory check in with law enforcement to help lessen the use of drugs or committing crimes. That might help but who knows, people are gonna do what they feel is best for them. That's just the reality of it.


I've addressed this in my blog on the tragedy of the commons:

People already know that this type of behavior is dangerous and the actions against people who commit these acts are a waste of tax money, but the fact that people continue to do it and in this instance put their children in danger in the process, gives people a reason to support measures taken by the state to counteract drug use.