I was asking simple questions about the value/results of staking a small amount of PIVX as opposed to the investment of thousands right off the bat.
Instead of getting answers to the questions I asked, I got the "PIVX is wonderful" catch-phrases and accusations of being a 'trouble maker' when I asked more specific questions about the information I was looking for.
When I did get something resembling a real answer to my questions, it was couched in 'comparisons' to an extremely low-interest savings account, which seemed to designed to mask the fact that it was being compared to an 'investment' which loses you purchasing power.
Even when someone finally pointed out that a small investor could expect to wait four years or more for any kind of return, it wasn't mentioned that even this was in no way guaranteed, but was merely a 'possibility' that, even then, was based on nothing changing in the future.
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Thanks. I was advocating that more people should win smaller awards every block to ensure small players get something. The probability angle makes it a mix betweeen a slot machine (with odds in your favor) and an interest bearing account. Still until the coin volatility is much lower the interest angle is a novelty. That why steem dollars could be so powerful if used correctly. Stable plus interest. I think the pivx community increased 1000x overnight and they are still trying to get organized. They seem like a good crew though.
Yes, crypto currency is still closer to 'gambling' than to 'investment' so there is more emotional energy involved in those who are genuinely promoting it as a long-term investment. Especially when those who are in the early waves of a developing idea/technology tend to be young and lie in the range between activists and true believers. They tend to get upset that someone who has already been through the 'cult' phases in their youth question the 'rose colored glasses' narrative in any manner.
I was quite specific in mentioning that I had, in fact, chosen PIVX as a good long-term investment to stabilize a portfolio as cryptocurrency transitions away from the 'gambling' to a true 'investment,' yet I still got a lot of flak for asking the kind of questions that you should be asking before you dive into something.
Of course, when social forums are run by volunteers/activists rather than by pad staff, it is inevitable that you will end up having to deal with some of the problems that arrive when youth and inexperience are being fueled by hormones. Hard to bitch too much when you're not paying someone to cater to your needs. Unless you're an old grouch...
You should tag it cryptocurrency to get more reads.
Thanks. I tend to forget that if I really think I have something worth saying I should make an effort to get it read more. I added 'cryptocurrency' to the tags, and couldn't resist the urge to add 'sex' as well...maybe it will go viral.