The famous animated series that began in the 90s has become controversial because of that strange factor of predicting events, catastrophic in its majority, what nobody had predicted is what was seen coming in 1998. In the series they predicted that the FOX chain It was going to be bought by Disney.
Disney, an announcement was made that will make a division between the television channels in which Fox, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network stands out to assign them to different shareholders. This is not the first time that Disney makes a large purchase, since previously I buy pixar studios, ABC, touchtone pictures, ESPN, important studios in the film industry such as MARVEL and Lucas Films. "The simsomps hit again"
Esta compra se dio por la importante cantidad de 52.4 mil millones de dólares y los fans de la exitosa serie “Los Simpsons” recordaron que en 1998 predijeron esta adquisición, transmitido en el episodio que lleva como nombre “cuando se anhela una estrella” en el que homero es empleado de alec balwin y Kim Basinger había aparecido un anuncio que afirmaba que 20th century Fox era una división de Walt Disney.
This purchase was given by the significant amount of 52.4 billion dollars and fans of the hit series "The Simpsons" recalled that in 1998 they predicted this acquisition, transmitted in the episode that bears the name "when a star is craving" in the that homero is employed by alec balwin and Kim Basinger had appeared an ad that claimed that 20th century Fox was a division of Walt Disney.
The magnates of the industry are getting stronger and stronger at a monetary level and at the level of acquisitions they really think what they are doing and today they took a tremendous package with the purchase of fox. Bringing TV series movies and everything that was authoritative to this company, they keep growing and they do not stop.
Many untrustworthy people jokingly say "Disney wants to take over the world"
Will it be true?