Let me start by saying, that the story (that I’m just about to tell you) is true.
As such, it involves some screaming (on my part) swearing, a kiss and some tongue action.
(It happened.)
It also involves cannabis, an international Steemit friendship and very loud (kind of screeching) hard rock/blues music.
I think it’s the longest post that I have ever written and I apologize for taking the better part of a week to write it.
What can I say? Life is complicated sometimes.
If you’re good with all that, please be my guest and stick around for the complete dog and pony show.
It was Friday night.
I had just driven home from work and at the last minute, I decided to carry on a little further and go and pick up our mail...
(What? Doesn’t everyone look forward to going to pick up their mail on a Friday night?...Really, it was the highlight of my whole week. Yeah, that happens too, once you’ve put some age behind you. You’ll get excited about experiences that break up the monotony of your regular habits. If you’re not there yet, you probably will be soon enough. No rush.)
Actually it was somewhat significant because our mail is a little tricky to get at the moment. Our community mailbox is on the other side of a large river. The bridge (that normally spans over it) was taken out for retrofitting last October and hasn’t been replaced yet.
As a direct result there has been a temporary walking path (through the construction zone) and a small bridge installed for foot traffic only.
Think of it like an obstacle course of sorts...one that takes a wee bit of agility and time to complete and that’s what getting the mail is like these days.
You have to have your wits about you so that you don’t fall into the drink or, get in the way of the construction project itself, because of a few misguided steps.
I safely made it to our mail-box and discovered that I had received a parcel!
(Now I was expecting this package to arrive eventually but there was some question around just where it was, exactly. The last time that I tracked it, it was still sitting on a custom agent’s desk, on the boarder between the USA and Canada so I was very surprised that it had cleared customs and found its way to me already.)
Once I got home, I opened it.
The package was from @bluelightbandit!
(If you haven’t found his blog yet, please go visit it. The man has more guitars and guns than anyone I know. He’s also great at blowing shit up if you like a good explosion every once in awhile.)
Over the course of the last year, he has become one of my dearest Steemit friends.
You see, we have a lot in common.
We think similarly and we share many of the same hobbies (love of music, target shooting, silver, writing, photography etc).
We also have both been afflicted by the same autoimmune disease.
A disease that randomly robes our bodies of physical function and independence over time.
Both of us were taken out of the game of life in our prime.
(This translates to: sometime in our thirties, which was a few years ago, because we’re both in our forties now. )
Anyway, the disease process forced us to give up our professional careers just as we were fast-tracking to the top.
(He, as a decorated Law Enforcement Officer and I, as a therapist and General Manger of a large destination spa.)
Being reclusive is in this equation too.
You simply no longer have “working in the traditional sense" in common with your original friends and colleagues. As a result, the tendency is to withdraw from connecting with them and you drift apart once the common ground is lost, between you.
Life just changes and you either move on and change yourself or, you get stuck looping in your past history.
Isolated and left to your own devices, you can’t help but wonder when the next attack will hit and whether you’ll be able to recover the function, you lost. It’s tough and it’s really hard for people to understand unless they too have experienced it, first hand.
Most people with Multiple Sclerosis suffer in silence. A person with MS just does whatever they need to, in order to survive it mentally, emotionally and physically.
The silver lining in all of this is Steemit.
It brings people together and gives us all opportunities to help each other in ways, that would never likely happen otherwise.
It’s fair to say, that the Bandit and I are damn lucky to have found each other. We understand intimately what the other is going through and for that, I am and will be forever grateful.
Talk about finding a needle in a haystack because that’s about the equivalency in the great big sea, that is Steemit.
Enough of the sap.
Let’s open the damn box already and see just what my mischievous friend has sent me all the way from North Carolina, USA.
This is the front of a very cool t-shirt.
I decided to show you a close up of the logo. It belongs to a rock band that @bluelightbandit went to see recently. He thought that I would get a kick out of the band’s name because it contains one of my favourite types of cannabis.
It turns out that Vel Indica is an actual constellation.
(Yeah, no kidding.)
But wait there was more...
Communi-Tree.@bluelightbandit gave me a Vel Indica CD to go with the shirt, and a 2018 Steem Silver Round
What can I say? Damn! My brother from another mother has good taste.
That wasn’t the coolest thing in the box though...
@bluelightbandit had a customer t-shirt made (just for me) with his own logo that he personally designed.
The shirt says:
- proudly made in North Carolina, USA
- Bluelightbandit
- shoots straight every time!
- Non ducor, duco underneath, which is Latin and translates to: "I am not led, I lead"
- then, to anchor all of that, Steemit is the last message.
@knarly327 (who’s my husband) and I had been invited by another couple (who we’ve known for a few years) to go to an outdoor festival to see a hard rock band, the next day.
Naturally, I was quite excited about my new Bluelightbandit shirt and decided (on the spot) that I would wear it to the concert on Saturday.
(Good thing I made the decision (when I did) to retrieve the mail!)
Our friends had arranged for a whole group of people to go.
Including the two of us, there were 10 adults (most of whom were in their early fifties) and 6 of their kids (some of whom were designated drivers because the event was in a neighbouring city, about an hour away by car).
@knarly327 and I, didn’t know any of the others and I wasn’t too keen on the idea of being stuck at an outdoor concert, walking in crowds of people, in high heat and humidity. (The humidity usually does me in and zaps my energy on account of the MS, so we decided to drive ourselves.)
Once we got to the city and found a place to park, l thought that I would simply take a few photos, write a simple walk with me post and thank @bluelightbandit for his generosity in the process.
I had carefully medicated with cannabis infused olive oil, a fattie and some shatter before I left our house.
I use cannabis exclusively to stay in remission and technically have been high since 2007.
I also brought these things with me because I knew that we were going to be out for about 6 hours and I might need to re-medicate (discreetly) somewhere.
I asked @knarly327 to take the photo (above) so that I could include it in my post. As we started to walk in the direction of the performance, I took some additional photos of a beautiful water feature that we past along the way.
It was all quite elegant and very innocent as I planned the material for this post, in my mind.
As we made our way closer to where the band was playing, the crowd was growing in volume.
freak-beacon is on full strength, Bec. Just try to blend in and don’t make eye contact with anyone. I know you want to capture some video footage and I‘ll try to stay just behind you in the crowd.”@knarly327 said “I can feel that your
“Ok”, I say.
freak element out in people who cross my path. He’s witnessed this more times than he can count.What @knarly327 was referring to is my uncanny ability to draw the
(@bluelightbandit has a beacon too, he generally attracts people who want to fist fight with him. Thankful, most people just want to hug me and tell me the most bizarre things. I think this is because @bluelightbandit is over 6 feet tall, where as, I am tiny. I tend to attract people who just want to squish or pet me like I’m a toy.)
As I start to weave my way between people (in the crowd that is building) I do my best not to be intrusive and I make an effort to get as close to the stage as I feel comfortable with.
I was thinking about just trying to blend in as the band was starting to play.
The band is what’s known as a tribute band. They mimic a very famous Australian hard rock band (from the mid-70s) named AC/DC.
The thing about tribute bands is that they attempt to be just like the original performers that they are emulating right down to the way they physically look, move and sound. Typical, they only sing the songs that the band that they are trying to copy, has made famous.
The name of this particular tribute band is Who Made Who.
I took a few videos and uploaded them to my YouTube channel on July 12th, 2018.
I wanted you to be able to see what I see.
Notice the fellow who crept up closer to the stage to capture some video footage of his own?
He was part of our group and I had really only been introduced to him a few hours before.
We didn’t really know each other and I thought to myself: “Why don’t you just check your ability to project your own energy.” So, I thought, I’ll point my phone in the direction of this man and see just what his reaction is.
“Mmh”, I thought: “Under 10 seconds to get a little tongue action, not bad at all. Haha!”
(Twice I might add.)
I guess my freak flag was actually flying at full mast just like @knarly327 said it was.
The band played on.
I decided to give myself a little intermission and fired up my concentrate pen.
No sooner had I finished discretely vaping some shatter when things went all to hell in a handbag.
I had been crouching down all this time because I had chosen to wear white shorts and I didn’t want to sit directly on the asphalt.
Before I knew it, I had been carefully extracted from the safety of the crowd by a friendly giant.
“Where the hell is Rusty when you need him?”, I thought.
(This is a Canadian joke. That some will get, if they are old enough to remember.)
Then, a microphone was put in front of me.
“Oh Gawd!” I thought. “So much for blending into the crowd.” @knarly327’s warning about not making eye contact was ringing in my ears.
Oh well. Carpe Diem! Let’s get on with the show.
(I did have a second of paranoia and wondered if the guy knew I was stoned.)
“What?!?” You want me to yell that I want to get stoned? I’m high as fuck, already. There’s no wanting.”, I thought.
For a split second, I thought about whipping out the blunt that I brought with me and lighting it up in front of the crowd...but I didn’t. (Funny what goes through your mind.)
Then I thought, “What!?! You want to give me the shirt right off of your back, I can barely handle the one I just was given and you can’t have it. I’m not trading you.”
“Swear at me and kiss me all you want, but you can’t have my Bluelightbandit shirt.”
This is how I ended up backstage after the concert was over.
First with the guitarists.
Then, with the lead vocalist.
And finally...in the arms of this man.
Yeah, passed around like a well enjoyed, saliva soaked, doobie...(It’s ok. I can say what you’re all thinking.)
I did end up with another shirt at the end of the day.
A big thank you goes out to @bluelightbandit for the amazing gifts that he gave to me and to @knarly327 who has always had my back and took all the photos that I was in and the video.
I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...I have a fantastic shirt collection. ;)
~ Rebecca
Love the story and the photos. Awesome friend that @bluelightbandit. The gifts are crazy amazing! Glad you went to the post office and didn't fall in the drink!
How's the new baby doing? Did the Mother's labour go smoothly when it was time?Thanks @cecicastor! I'm so glad to hear from you! @bluelightbandit sure did surprise me and I am forever grateful. I count my blessings everyday in the people, such as yourself, that I have the privilege of interacting with.
It was a long labour but both are fine. I need to do a post with the photos. She was tiny at 5.5 pounds...
Ha ha ha! What a great story / stories! Random thoughts in no particular order:
@bluelightbandit - what an awesome package - one of those Steem rounds is on my wish list and the Bluelight T-shirt is fab
Why is there such a big space in front of the band? Why isn't it full of head banging bogans?
I went to a huge outdoor AC/DC concert back in the 90s when I was a victim support volunteer. The cops looked through photos of all the volunteers and picked the four that looked most like they wouldn't take any shit...
You kick arse
But your new friend, sorry to say it buddy, but your tongue is a bit of a disappointment. He's no Gene Simmons.
I love the story and learning (new to me) words. I can now add bogan to my list. Very cool! Lol!Haha! That’s awesome @kiwideb!
This concert was actually a free concert that was paid for by the city. There are a few reasons why the event wasn’t packed right up to the front of the stage. This particular band performed at the end of a week long festival that started with the 1st of July celebrations. I think people were just “done” with the festival. It was also a “dry” event...so perhaps that was a factor and the weather was very hot and humid.
Haha! It didn’t stop us and we had a good time. ;)
Ha, who needs alcohol to have a good time? Especially if you're high! Mind you, I can have a good time with no alcohol or anything else, if there's music involved.
Wow, what a great post! You did an amazing job at bringing us along with you on your trip! The band was fantastic and actually sounded like the real deal, kudos to those guys! The guy creepin up to the stage cracked me up. It was almost like you had caught a Sasquatch on video for the first time lmao!
I'm so glad that you like the items I sent, it was my pleasure and honor to gift you with the "mystery gift" 😎 and other items from me and my hometown. Thank you for sharing this amazing experience with us, I really enjoyed it and felt like I was actually there with you guys!
Sorry, but this picture is just badass!
I’m glad you enjoyed the post. It really did start out very innocently lol!Thanks again for your generosity and thoughtfulness @bluelightbandit!
Bahahahaa!! SIS!! That was like the most hilarious walkwithme I've ever seen or read, and wow I was in suspense there with where the whole shirt story was going, I'm so glad you kept it hahaa! And props to @bluelightbandit for making something so cool. The whole care package was just touching! Bless you both <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I’m glad I could bring a smile to a few people’s faces with the shenanigans that I call living every once in awhile. LMAO!Thanks for your amazing comment @lyndsaybowes!
The only thing missing is a creepy “Santa”....
Oh would you look at that, one found me...
and minutes later...
Haha! I’ve never really acknowledged that my freak beacon is actually dialed in (on a fairly regular basis) to the frequency of creepy Santas everywhere, until I started writing walk with me posts.
Thanks for helping me uncover this skill, my friend. Lolz!
Omg I'm cry laughing right now, thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so much Sis!!!! Bwa hahhahahaaaaaaa YASSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
Hahaha! I've just decided that I have creepy Santa Syndrome.
(How else can you describe this?)
The last photo deserves to be on the blockchain forever with the rest of my Wayne's World Convention shots. LOL!
I'm so grateful for my role in this... <3 <3 Blessed Be!
I'm starting to think that you have a secret fetish for Santas...just sayin. 🤔 🎅
Hahaha! Funny. I was actually wondering that exact same thing myself.
Then, I wondered if there was a name for that sort thing... and I came (which is only natural) up with a very fitting name...(Unless you can come up with something better) I motion that we describe my new fetish as being North Poled.
Can you believe that they let me out? LOL!
Awesome post!
I'm a bit physically messed up too, and like to hit the vape (Pax 3), and am into silver and t-shirts - so we have a few things in common!
Keep on Steeming
Hey @sift666! The Pax 3 is a fantastic vape! (I don't know if you know this or not, but your comment jogged my memory. You can save your previously vaped plant material and use it to infused regular coconut oil to make a lineament for your muscles and joints. I usually throw some shea butter and some essential oils in with it, but it does work well.) I do think we have a lot in common and if you and @kiwideb every make a trip our part of Canada, our doors are open to you. There will always be a standing invitation. ;)
Awesome - thanks for all that.
One of my health things is that my inner ear can't depressurize so no planes for me (I last went on one in 93 and it wasn't good)
We have made some pretty good oil and tried it for a few things. I always find with cannabis that it really helps with muscle pain in all its forms, but sadly it wears off after about 6 hours.
Oh well, it's fun using it!
This could be your best post so far.
It has that kind of "attention grabber" and impact on us.
Posts such as this is what will continue to keep Steemit
alive and growing I think.@rebeccaryan
These two photos stand out to me the most.
Your post is about life as it should be to my way of thinking.
Enjoying life to it's fullest.
With good friends and those that you love.
Thank you for all that you have done for us.
I appreciate it very much.
This is how my life unfolds itself.
I do my best to go with the flow...which is why it is a little unusual at times. ;)Thank you very much @francisk!
So glad you and the bandit found each other here on steemit. His gift arrived just in time for you to enjoy a night of good fun with friends in the band. Always happy to see someone enjoying life as much as you do. All the best! 🐓🐓
Thanks so much for your kind words @mother2chicks! @bluelightbandit’s gift did arrive in perfect time....and I count my blessings everyday when I think of all the absolutely outstanding people that I have had the privilege of getting to know a little better over the course of the last 2 years and I count you, among them. ;)
Thank you @rebeccaryan. Ditto for me. You are an inspiration to me with all of your skills, creativity, and knowledge of cbd. I watch what is going on in your world and realize that you are so far ahead of the CEO’s of many of these newly founded companies. You have been at the forefront of all things cbd and could honestly teach them a great deal. With that being said you have a propensity for life that we could all take a lesson from. ❤️🐓🐓
Ha! This was a fun read and a really cool post. I read the WHOLE thing LOL!! Seems like a super day for you!! Too cool!
My attitude these days is not to make opportunity knock twice. From here on in, everything is a bonus.Lol! Thanks @old-guy-photos! You are an absolute trooper to make it all the way through that loooong post.;)
It is truly a musical, entertaining and lyrical journey
All these pictures say that it was a beautiful day full of many things and attitudes
Greetings to you my dear friend
We did had a lot of fun listening to the live music at the festival.
Thanks for commenting. :)Hi @walidsalah!
You were listening to hard rock in the womb so this comes as no surprise to me! Great posts my little groupie.
Thanks, Mom. Some habits die hard.
Dad almost fell off his chair when I referred to myself as being passed around like a saliva soaked doobie.
Oh, things to be proud of...
I found this group for you )
Thank you for the amazing story, @rebeccaryan - Ребекка! Best wishes from @singa
Thanks so much @singa!
The story is really wonderful and very distinctive
You are a wonderful writer
I wish you all the best
Thank you very much @roselover!
Well you weren't lying, that is the longest post I've seen from you ever. Looks like you had a really really great time. Glad to see you back on Steemit posting.
Yeah, long is right! We did have a great time and I'm glad that @knarly327 dragged my sorry ass out of the house. Not sure that I will ever be able to top this outcome and I'm almost afraid to wear my @bluelightbandit shirt, now because it seems to get me into some interesting predicaments. LMAO!