Project Curie's Daily Curation List (13 Sept - 14 Sept 2016)

in #curie9 years ago (edited)


Project CurieWriters, artists, chefs, photographers, videographers, and many others have been recognized by these rewards. is a community project run by several Steemit authors. Its mission is to help reward content creators who are posting great original content, yet who have not yet become established. In the short time since Curie began, our writers group has partnered with @nextgencrypto and other whale accounts to bring rewards to these deserving authors.

Please consider adding your comments on these posts also!Each day, the members of our Project will publish this list of the posts that Project Curie has chosen to reward recently. We hope that this list will provide more positive exposure to the authors we have selected. Also, it is an effort for us to be more transparent about which posts are being rewarded. We hope that you will consider following not only this @curie account, but also many of the authors whose work is featured here each day.

Today's Brief Analysis

Today's list polls all posts curated between 17:00 13/09 UTC and 17:00 14/09 UTC. Project Curie voted on a total of 148 posts by 134 unique authors. SBD 6,027 has been generated for authors thus far, at an average of SBD 41 per post. The numbers are significantly higher than previous days as there are more support for the project now. Posts are also becoming better in quality - possibly a sign of the community learning to present content better.

@krnelUnity and Knowledge280.328 SBD
@yostopiaCapturing a 7' tall clown's "Hallelujah" performance with a hodgepodge of cameras.147.620 SBD
@edgarsartTiger Charcoal Drawing Video Original97.018 SBD
@rigaronibAntiDemon! My first heavy metal concert in southern Chile.95.550 SBD
@travelistaA Simple Recipe to the Delicious Queso Fundido With Chorizo and Mushrooms!92.396 SBD
@runrudyHow Did I Make This Photograph? - Behind the Pixels91.748 SBD
@ionescurA generation of Romanian kids learned English from Cartoon Network88.358 SBD
@ltmTuesday Morning Quarterback - This Week In DFS77.606 SBD
@cryptochannelAcid's Crypto Picks - Introduction72.327 SBD
@pjheinzMirror Worlds71.061 SBD
@peskovHe Lived to Fly (featuring Vasily Peskov as author)65.956 SBD
@ocrduYou had to be there, I suppose62.278 SBD
@thebluepanda“Thus With A Kiss I Die”62.020 SBD
@pgarcgoProyecto Cervantes (11 - 13 Sept 2016): Compensación y reconocimiento para escritores de habla hispana / Bringing rewards and recognition to spanish writers (Vol. II)62.483 SBD
@yostopiaWelcome to a beach full of bowling balls!60.241 SBD
@anarchyhasnogodsWorm holes- the sad existence of a path impossible to travel.57.447 SBD
@nestinvasThe one who waits for you at night...56.013 SBD
@englishtchrivyPhotography Hacks :Tips on Photographing a Butterfly (with video)54.711 SBD
@lesliestarroharaSurfing the Myconet - Original Sentient Fungus Fiction - Part 3 of 353.333 SBD
@lyndsaybowesWe Give Food Away For Free. One Of Our "Customers" Came Yesterday Bearing Gifts!51.324 SBD
@lukestokesRoad Trip Update: Wedding, Car Show, Skaneateles50.643 SBD
@royalmacrofish & river [An Original Abstract Art]47.227 SBD
@micheletrainerSci Fi Movie The Art of Human Salvage starring Edward James Olmos45.465 SBD
@cm-steemGridcoin Community Hangout #007 (RSVP & Suggest topics)45.158 SBD
@doubledexNature's Numbers44.380 SBD
@poeticsnakeDIY. Easy relief flower with acrylic paint ( ALSO FUN FOR KIDS)43.667 SBD
@glitterfartHomemade cute kitchen window hydroponics to grow your own fresh spices (original how-to Steemit)43.779 SBD
@sebastien101Startups #10 – HACKER ONE: Get paid $20,000 to hack companies43.727 SBD
@elfkitchenHappy Mid-Autumn Day! Two fools / 两个笨蛋42.448 SBD
@erikaharrisPoetry Slam Challenge #2: (Yes To Freedom!)41.746 SBD
@claudiaMia's Brave Ordeal After Being Bitten By An Adder41.472 SBD
@kommienezuspadtFinally, the Gia Genevieve post I’ve been wanting to make since joining Steemit!40.349 SBD
@mynameisbrianConstruction Modeling - Memories from a career lost39.430 SBD
@tygergamerMy Thoughts on Shovel Knight38.599 SBD
@keyserUNRAVEL (2016) - Enjoy your new adventure ®37.707 SBD
@anca3drandomWeedland - right under your feet - Pen and ink -Original artwork36.462 SBD
@dexter-kTraveling in China Part I: The streets of Beijing, lost in translation, and people around town (original work)36.614 SBD
@deanliuIn between ocean and a remote island35.049 SBD
@unrealisbackLoony Dictators #1 Saparmurat Niyazov: Building an Ice Palace in a desert.35.377 SBD
@orcishOpal Princess ❤original art❤34.534 SBD
@delphia16Prostate Care Diet for Today #134.811 SBD
@bitcalmThe lies we tell ourselves - hindsight bias34.291 SBD
@tarekadam3d design - Compact Cassette Cross Section34.999 SBD
@leahlindemanRedeemed From the Ashes (Chapter 1)34.466 SBD
@gardenofedenStandard Accountability: The Garden of Eden Daily Ledger, or How We Spend Our Freedom34.472 SBD
@yangyangMy self-portrait(Children's Sketchpad drawing )我的自畫像2(兒童畫板篇)내 자화상233.436 SBD
@handmadeSimples verdades que hasta los mas inteligentes olvidan (Parte #1)32.873 SBD
@smartercarsReviewing the Ford EcoSport ~ Smarter Car Reviews31.202 SBD
@mbroek1983Reflections31.926 SBD
@edgarsartRoses Color Pencil Drawing30.573 SBD
@ansharphotoPonte Sant'Angelo in the Morning, Rome30.069 SBD
@masonmilerApocalypse - To Ashes (An Original Fiction Story - Chapter 3 )30.432 SBD
@scaredycatguideOriginal Essays based off the 5 Senses – TASTE (Essay #5)30.574 SBD
@lpfaustUS Tax Considerations - Capital Loss Rules30.570 SBD
@pinkislandLearning Process & Class Environment30.142 SBD
@macksbyREJOINING THE LIVING… (An Original Story - Part 3)30.920 SBD
@moonyCareer choices - Where do I fit?30.441 SBD
@steemswede[EDUCATION] The Agenda Behind Common Core30.917 SBD
@gonzoThoughts About Life30.845 SBD
@anca3drandomMy Pyrography (wood burning) Art - Six Month Vacation30.316 SBD
@peskovA Workingman (featuring Vasily Peskov as author)29.982 SBD
@herverissonRijksmuseum Award 2017 : design, create and win !29.914 SBD
@moon32walkerTop 10 Gaming Franchises29.749 SBD
@dajohns1420The Grouch & Eligh29.057 SBD
@mindover[Original Sci-Fi Story] Imaginary Friend – An Artificial Intelligence is injected into the brain of an unsuspecting man (Part 2 of 2)29.230 SBD
@jenniferskylerHacking Your Body's Fight/Flight Response - by Jennifer Skyler - With Love From Portland29.789 SBD
@penguinpabloHow to Easily Carve a Funny Apple28.046 SBD
@mandibilBETWEEN THE TREES [Sidsel Johnsen, Denmark 2009] - movie review by Mandibil28.584 SBD
@eveningstar92The Exotic Hypnotic- Snake Charmer (steps/versions)- NSFW28.823 SBD
@lyubovbarBright Colors of Nature: be Sure to Look at the Flowers!28.388 SBD
@berekThe only life worth Living is the Examined Life !(Exploring the self)28.271 SBD
@zaebars⛵️ See you at sea: Kiel Canal, or the first awkward locking. (eng/rus)28.321 SBD
@williambanksSo You Want To Be A Super Hero? - Laser Vision!28.594 SBD
@timelapseColorado Crush 2016 - Featuring Street Artists @birdcap and @nosey4228.314 SBD
@puffinThe Separation (Original Poem)28.363 SBD
@shortcutDoodle of the Day #8 - Captain Sensible [Poetry-Special]28.305 SBD
@haphazard-hstead4 Ways to Eat Sunflower Buds – original photos and recipes28.257 SBD
@lisadangSimple DIY Oatmeal facemask that gives you flawless skin28.736 SBD
@mikemacintireThe Rising Sunflower - My work28.778 SBD
@senseyeThe Wonders of Witnessing: Simple Observing is Still Worthwhile Even If It Doesn’t Contribute to Science27.710 SBD
@lanimalResearchers Bribed, people duped by government dietary guidelines27.097 SBD
@comealongOriginal Work - Mixed Media Abstract Portrait27.399 SBD
@knablinzOriginal Collage art by Knablinz - ( Flowing )27.123 SBD
@generation.easyAmazing Fantastic Inventions #327.257 SBD
@funnymanGive life to your Dreams27.427 SBD
@iamgretaMr Robot - Cinematography of a Crazy Mind - Part 126.904 SBD
@tkemboUsers are bad designers; But they know bad design26.513 SBD
@sergeypotapovSmart Phones for Smart Cities26.387 SBD
@poeticsnakeDIY. Create your own gift box with old magazines.26.452 SBD
@doitvoluntarilyWhen His Values Are Not My Values26.855 SBD
@tatianka"Vulica Brazil 2016" - Urban Art Festival - COWEK26.155 SBD
@alchemageMy Top Five Favorite Oldschool Psychedelic Rock Bands. No, Pink Floyd is not on the list.26.051 SBD
@modernbukowskiAlcoholic Stories #5: Internet Dating Goofs26.447 SBD
@alex2016My products from genuine leather. Read as I do them?26.343 SBD
@awesomenylCalla Lily Paper Flower25.780 SBD
@delphia16Dreams (An Original Poem)25.395 SBD
@plotbot2015Witches and Bitches on Netflix25.156 SBD
@getonthetrainSecret Societies #5: The Ancient Roman Cult of Mithras25.531 SBD
@jgcastrillo19HOMO HABILIS (Hombre constructor) Parte tres25.607 SBD
@juliamateoCOVER a PIANO / cantando en ESPAÑOL25.730 SBD
@linzoEternal Love (Original Poem)25.219 SBD
@tonyswishUprooting My Life To Work In Crypto Has Been Incredible, I'd Like To Share My Story25.499 SBD
@lindseylambzAdventures at Bouldin Food Forest!25.641 SBD
@generation.easyMy Day at the Renaissance Festival25.752 SBD
@rigaronibA love story for the ages - How I met my wife and best friend. (with original artwork)25.643 SBD
@nathanjtaylorHealing Herb Art Painting and Poetry24.384 SBD
@kosklKanawa - Heaven is a place on earth24.440 SBD
@modernbukowskiGrief & Despair (Original Poem)24.379 SBD
@kreetMy new dotwork art. Night in mountains. Timelapse.24.413 SBD
@levycoreCoffee Latte - Dolphins Latte Art24.274 SBD
@prufarchyLove Truth (Original)24.891 SBD
@beowulfoflegendSilvanus and Empire, an Original Novel (Chapter Nineteen)24.178 SBD
@koburMy You [An original poem]24.720 SBD
@michelle.gentSteemit and/or Facebook? Do you have to choose one or the other?24.685 SBD
@naquoyaBad Trip: part one (Steemit original fiction)24.735 SBD
@andrewawerdnaWhy Don’t We Like Eating Healthy?24.830 SBD
@sulevPhotography #10 - Lingonberries, Blueberries, Mushrooms and a Rapid24.783 SBD
@justoneartistTwo need to watch videos if you're going to build now a new PC.24.808 SBD
@pigattoThe whisper of the unknown (An original poem)24.928 SBD
@georgedonnellyEpisodes 115-119 of Lando Cruz and The Coup Conspiracy (dystopian thriller novel)24.678 SBD
@iamgretaBeing a Videographer - Pros and Cons23.008 SBD
@lyndsaybowesHow To Save Cucumber Seeds ~ Step By Step Tutorial (Photos)23.454 SBD
@tanataA creative approach to batik (short tutorial)23.518 SBD
@krabgatTODAY in HISTORY (14 September): Napoleon entered Moscow in 181223.562 SBD
@gustavopasquiniRolls of ham and Mayonnaise23.985 SBD
@naquoya[ORIGINAL FICTION] The Ghosts of Emmett Hill: Part Four23.791 SBD
@alwaysfeliciaPassion is a Powerful thing22.542 SBD
@contentjunkieThis is a @Dickbutt Service Announcement - Dickbutt v2.0 With 88% More Dickbutts!22.534 SBD
@timcliffHow I have eaten Breakfast and Lunch for under $2 a day for the past 5 years22.911 SBD
@steemitpatinaTantalizing Garlicky Ricotta Spinach Chicken21.531 SBD
@kobur5 Reasons why the new Harry Potter sucked [Spoilers]21.396 SBD
@gustavopasquiniPumpkin with jerked beef21.348 SBD
@dimon14The history of the ships built in my city Nikolaev ☸ ⚓21.754 SBD
@therealpaulFictionarium Chapter 6. PART V-- Driving A Watermelon Into Dystopia21.639 SBD
@sebcamDay 2 Looking at the Sun. My Video documentary of my thoughts & feelings & eyesight.21.927 SBD
@stichin-sistaMy first video21.855 SBD
@tanstaaflcafeReal Food Rebellion - 9/13/201621.536 SBD
@lukeofkondorØ3. The Many Homes Theory20.168 SBD
@levycoreArt Tryings - Steemit Coffe Latte20.240 SBD
@senseyeNeil Armstrong: The Most Efficient 30 Minutes in the History of Geology19.620 SBD
@lscottphotosLSCOTTPHOTOS A little bit of autumn love <3 PART 2 - Portraits (3 Original Photos)19.470 SBD
@jbouchard12Reel Action Pt. 4: Post-Storm Conditions19.303 SBD
@ibringawareness"Stiffed? I GOT STIFFED!" (Nevermind the Steem-pocalypse, here's "Guy's Waiter Blog" Chapter 4!)19.425 SBD
@freeinthoughtPoetry Slam Challenge #2: (Daily Grind)17.793 SBD
@tfeldmanBreaking Down the Basics of Diabetes: A simple way to understand the pathophysiology of diabetes (Part I).15.262 SBD
@miserableoracle[Why is it so? Series] Why do we need oxygen to live ?11.727 SBD

Note: All author rewards from this post will be used to fund Project Curie. Join us in #curie on!

Follow us @curie


This is a great initiative to encourage different authors.

I can't even imagine how long it takes to make this post let alone find all this content and come to a consensus. I salute everyone involved. Well done.

I am honored to make your list again with my series on secret societies. I hope we all can continue to add quality content and am pleased you see an improvement across the board.

Right? Thankfully it's a group of great Steemians who help find good content and, from what I can see, it's a pretty diverse group of folks finding all kinds of gems.

The table with the list of posts is automatically generated, though it needs a lot of human massaging as it never quite turns out right!

Helo @curie,

i love this initiative and i will supp you as mush as i can. But i do need some help to be seen more. I post original articles that are based on real life and with the help of some thinking show what i see with eyes unclouded by hate.
Here is one of my posts, will have many like this in the future.

Hope i can be of help and will get some help in return also.

Good day everyone.

Hey @curie,

I think more people need to do what you guys are doing to help steemit grow. May I ask you to check out my post, it has been on the promoted list for a day, is original content that has, so far, been exclusive to steemit and is at only .20 cents.

Awesome initiative!

Nice list! Good job!

Holy Cow, thanks so much. I'm quite honored! Part 2 was posted earlier today as well, hope it's okay to link here? Part 1 (above) was "Stiffed? I Got STIFFED!" but as promised at the end of that "cliff-hanger ending" ;) Part 2 Guy's Waiter Blog "WHY I Got Stiffed" is now at

Thanks for the initiative, and for the support. For myself as it's greatly appreciated, but also for this growing community.

Thanks. I'll need to check this out later as I'm running low on voting power now!

Thanks for supporting my recent post on diabetes. I look forward to posting more topics on health. I had no idea about this project until now. Rock on!

Quite possibly my happiest event on Steemit. Love it! Much respect to everybody involved in the project!

whoever added me in the #curie project, thank you very much.

Thank you for curating my post ;-)

I'm so grateful that I can in the list. Thank you so much.^^