
Did you add in the weight of it's trail?

Why would you want to support an account that is powering down?
I mean, other than an attaboy for finding some shame about what they did?

You do know that every post would get ~5sbd if things were equal?
That wouldnt be much of a game, but it gives you an idea of how much is taken from every author for every post they make to make room for the whale's voting for their favored few.

I'm sure some education would save you the embarrassing comments above. You know how you sound to someone who understands how Curie operates? Exactly. Dumb. Read her white paper and head to ask questions where you don't understand. Quit the rage-spit. You sound butthurt. I guess you didn't get the Vaseline with your Steem starter kit.

Check yourself, the only one sounding dumb here is the one living in fantasy land.
Kissing extra ass wont get you any more votes.
Speaking of votes, how many have you received from curie?

Are selfvotes the only ones you get?

Curie is a witness and pays her curators,reviewers and node managers for their work, not to talk of maintenance. Being a witness, you get paid in steempower. In what other ways would you expect curie to fund her activities if not by her earnings from her wittness work and SP earned from Curation. Hence the need for the periodic power down.

I dont know when it got some shame and stopped doing that, but clearly the community doesnt value its service even now, if it ever did.
Their decision to only support approved corporate speak excludes those of us with opinions.
Until they support dissent and shitposts they can kiss my a**.
And its looking like the vast majority of users agrees with me in not valuing their contributions.When @curie started it paid its curators by upvoting crap posts with @ned's posting key.

Well, I obviously wasn't here by then ( if that's what really happened). But now, I'm saying what I know and the fact that it is doing a lot of good for this platform.

Gangs reward their members.
Steem is a community pool, ganging up to reward the few comes at the expense of the many.
You dont have to accept that fact, but your denial of the truth doesnt make it any less true.

Its a blockchain, if you have any questions the truth is there for all to see.

Who do they say need not apply? You really dont have to look any farther than @curie's own rules.

Well, looks like your mind is made on this already...haha. I can only advice you try and unlearn what you think you know before now and run a new query on curie.

All i got to do is look in their wallet and their policies to know that they treat folks that don't kiss their asses like second class citizens and that they have enough power to take pennies from every vote made for anybody.

Perhaps you should pull your lips off their ass and look around?
Try to understand the math, eh?

They will need to power some down to support their witness costs I suspect.

Surely you don't think every post is worth 5 SBD?!

You're a strange one, but I still enjoy your comments :)

I prefer the term unique.
Im back in the right account, that other one isnt supposed to be contraversial in order to qualify for curie votes, but you can guess how that has gone.

I dont think every post should get its equal share, but neither do i think it is ok for the favored few to get hundreds on crap while 'good' content gets pennies.

Look at trending, that fool bought his place at the expense of the good content created today and the bots are laughing on the way to the bank, also at the expense of 'good' content creators.
And because the way massive sp works in the math, i will make a post explaining in more detail later, those 'good' content creators will never get more than a few pennies because that is all that is left for the few votes they do get once the bots reward their customers.

When whales vote every other vote is worth less.
When a whale votes with ten times the sp the votes are diminished by 90%.

Why you refuse to accept that is beyond me, but you dont see anybody contradicting me, do you?
If what i am saying was in error the whales would happily downvote what i said, but it is true, it has been true all along, and it will continue to be true as long as proof of stake controls the voting.

Will you accept the truth?
Will you help me work around the math by calling for no voting in excess of 100mv?
Time, and the blockchain, will tell.

I'm confused by your explanation...

Ask your questions and i will try to explain?