I just wanna help Indonesian author go to the moon through Steemit
After reading several articles and sharing among steemians around me,,, especially Aceh province. I saw there are so many articles written in Indonesia but not find yet by currator.
One of the biggest mistake when we translate in google translate we found incorrect in grammar or in grammatical error. In this case, unfortunately, Some of Indonesian authorS Cannot write in English but his or her article we can include it to high qualities or world class as well.

Sometime, the article written in Indonesian in this flatform (Steemit) is worth and more valuable than anarticle or essay which written in English, but no ane curate it. It can be a newbie in Steemit community etc.In this case, I do hope a currator @curie Or currator of Indonesia can find The author those who write in Indonesia especially. Not only curate it in English, because Steemit widespread all over the world.

In nutshell, Steemit more than just coffee time community. Crowd of Photographer and author community etc we can find them in Steemit now. It is fantastic one!
Thanks for your kind attention
Best regard @ziyadhelmi
Jeunieb Steemit Community (JSC) member
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Setuju bg... Sukses terus steemit aceh
Kita usahakan nama Aceh meluncur,,, tags Aceh pun luar biasa
Iya bg semoga sukses.
bereh go...
Oooo apa tanya kamoe jeunieb... Haha