Thank you so much for being featured in this article! Great job on pulling info from my MetamorphoSims post and giving it a good summary along with your own take on my work.
I hope to keep my content relatable and interesting for these home rennovations for users to digest the information and realize the work put into these types of projects.
I hope others will check out my post(s) and leave feedback! Also great job to those also featured here, I'll be sure to look further into these posts and users!
Congratulations bro. I'm so glad you were able to get to the top of the Curie showcase. I knew you could do it especially with your mix of Architecture and Gaming while maintaining cryptocurrency relevance. Outstanding sir. Keep up the momentum.
Thanks @scruffy23, I feel it is my true honor to help bring eyes to some of the amazing authors that Curie upvotes on a weekly basis. You rock!