What if every voter had an equal say no matter their Steem Power? The Daily Tribune finds out and highlights those posts that would have been rewarded most but weren't. In ancient Rome, the Tribune of the Plebs was the voice of the people, serving as an important balance to the power of the ruling class. With your help, we hope the Daily Tribune will serve a similar purpose for the Steemit community.
In order to allow highlighted posts to benefit from greater visibility before the first payout, we plan to post twice a day, each covering the prior 12 hours of posts that have had at least 3 hours for votes to come in. Each post will rank the top 80 most undervalued posts for that period.
Please note that this isn't necessarily a direct criticism of Steemit's reward algorithms. An automatic reward system needs to be resilient against more potential abuses than a community driven effort such as this one, in which humans remain in the loop to reward deserving posts with more votes or flag undeserving ones.
In the next section, you can read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details. Or if you'd like, you can scroll down to skip to today's rankings.
For each 12 hour period's posts, we set every eligible voter's voting power to be equal and divide their voting power among each post they voted for, with a maximum of 10% for any given vote. This part is somewhat similar to Steemit's own voting power algorithm, though with our method, every vote for a given voter is counted equally and the particular timing is not relevant. An eligible voter is one with a reputation score of at least 30.
We then add up the total voting power and total pending payout across all posts in that period. Each post gets assigned a share of the total pending payout proportional to its votes' voting power.
Now so far, posts that have had more time to collect votes will have an unfair advantage over others that were posted more recently. To see how we might control for that, we began by analyzing how a week's worth of posts acquired votes over time. For each integer percentage, we computed the average amount of time for a post to reach that percentage of their eventual payout. So, we obtain the nice-looking curve below.

We can see, for instance, that it takes a post around 3.5 hours on average to reach 50% of its eventual payout. And to reach 90%, it takes posts about 7 hours on average.
This data seemed pretty interesting but also struck us as counterintuitive. We remember seeing plenty of posts that acquired votes and pending payout much more quickly. One possibility that came to mind is that popular posts' payouts might grow more quickly than the average post. In that case, we would want to use that data to control for some posts having more time to acquire votes than others or else we'd risk overcompensating.
We were also curious to try the converse measure where, for each minute, we calculate the average percentage of their eventual payout posts had reached at that time. So, we tried again using just the top posts and this converse measure to obtain the two curves below.

The curves are less smooth because we are now filtering down to just the top 150 most undervalued posts a day, so we're not averaging over as many data points. We also changed the x axis to minutes on a logarithmic scale instead of hours on a linear scale to focus better on the interesting parts. The large ticks count 1, 10, 100, 1000 and the smaller ticks count first 2,3,...; then 20,30,...; next 200,300,...; and finally, 2000, 3000, and 4000.
The orange curve, which is the equivalent to the first chart's curve, actually didn't change as much as we thought it would, though it does show some initial acceleration. However, the blue curve, the converse measure, behaved much more like the way we initially expected. By 30 minutes, we can see that posts had on average reached 25% of their eventual payout. At a little over 40 minutes, they reach 50% and at around 3 hours (180 min), it's 90%.
Now, we could have just taken the average of these two curves, but seeing such a large discrepancy indicated to us that we must be missing something. Eventually, we figured that using the arithmetic mean to calculate averages was giving undue influence to a few outliers with large values. If a few posts took a very large number of minutes to reach significant percentages, it would drag up the average number of minutes to reach a percentage out of proportion to its actual signficance.
So, we changed the means to medians and reran the data to obtain the chart below.

We now see that there is much closer agreement between the orange and blue curves. Interestingly, it seems it is mostly the orange curve that has shifted much closer to the blue curve. Although the means could have distorted both measures, perhaps the orange curve was affected more because the large values there did not have a natural cap at 100%.
We have also added the average of the two curves in green. At this stage, we feel pretty comfortable about using the green curve to control for some posts having had more time to acquire votes than others. So, on a first pass, posts are ranked by the difference between their actual pending payout and the payout they would have received if voters had equal power. But now, we use our data to project how big the value difference would be if posts had equal time to collect votes and payout. Finally, posts are ranked by this projected value difference. For instance, a 3-hour-old post that currently has a value difference that is 88% of that of a 15-hour-old post would be ranked about equal to it.
Below each post title, we list some important stats, which take the following form:
# Votes | Equal Voter Payout - Actual Pending Payout = Difference in Value + Time Bonus (# Hours Old) = Projected Difference in Value
If you'd like to see Steemit's rewards be more democratic, please consider following us as well as browsing the rankings and upvoting posts you agree are undervalued.
Rank | | Author | Post Title and Stats |
1 |  | @timcliff | Update on @the.masses - Reputation Shattered - Thoughts on Flagging and Censorship236 | $24.93 - $2.89 = $22.04 + 0.3% (13.6) = $22.10 |
2 |  | @timcliff | The Official 'Welcome to Steemit' Landing Page Has Been Submitted to GitHub as a Pull Request!226 | $22.76 - $0.99 = $21.77 + 0.9% (10.6) = $21.96 |
3 |  | @l0k1 | Starting to feel a bit more settled154 | $17.05 - $0.70 = $16.35 + 3.2% (6.4) = $16.87 |
4 |  | @exploretraveler | Tasty Snacks of Taiwan140 | $14.81 - $0.34 = $14.47 + 1.0% (9.9) = $14.62 |
5 |  | @l0k1 | Cryptocurrency Issuance Rates - What is the best way to regulate it?129 | $13.76 - $0.15 = $13.61 + 7.2% (4.4) = $14.59 |
6 |  | @eneismijmich | America + Canon = Photostory to share (part 3 – Chicago)243 | $26.40 - $11.93 = $14.47 + 0.3% (13.4) = $14.52 |
7 |  | @dumar022 | Protect your environment and invest in Steem123 | $13.73 - $0.34 = $13.39 + 5.0% (5.2) = $14.07 |
8 |  | @iamviv | Bill Gates's Top Four Priorities for the Next Political Leader182 | $18.42 - $5.04 = $13.39 + 4.9% (5.3) = $14.04 |
9 |  | @pollux.one | Steemit Photo Challenge #16 Entry 1: Black Truffel - Pasta119 | $13.20 - $0.10 = $13.11 + 4.4% (5.6) = $13.68 |
10 |  | @steemitrecipes | Steemitrecipes Daily Picks - Entry 030207 | $19.56 - $6.25 = $13.31 + 2.7% (6.9) = $13.67 |
11 |  | @inertia | Doctor's Office Aquarium171 | $13.41 - $0.17 = $13.23 + 0.9% (10.6) = $13.35 |
12 |  | @good-karma | SteemFest mobile application v1 released!218 | $24.13 - $11.89 = $12.25 + 4.2% (5.7) = $12.76 |
13 |  | @exploretraveler | Photo of the day ~ Enjoying the City View on top of Westerkerk Bell Tower in Amsterdam131 | $13.47 - $0.94 = $12.52 + 0.3% (13.7) = $12.56 |
14 |  | @rusteemitblog | 📰 SteemMag – Еженедельный Стимит-дайджест #16/2 (перевод статьи @infovore)124 | $10.56 - $0.38 = $10.18 + 0.4% (13.0) = $10.22 |
15 |  | @virtualgrowth | Announce of eSports SteemBets 002: Cards Against Humanity and Prize Pool Builder104 | $9.68 - $0.49 = $9.19 + 0.5% (12.2) = $9.24 |
16 | | @runridefly | BernieSanders has a lot of steempower and fyrstikken is a dollarvigilante. BlockTrades took a shortcut. Steemit67 | $7.82 - $0.20 = $7.62 + 12.9% (3.0) = $8.60 |
17 |  | @contentjunkie | Monthly Steemit Top 100 POWER UP List: October 2016197 | $10.95 - $2.60 = $8.36 + 0.9% (10.4) = $8.43 |
18 |  | @gardenofeden | A Catalog of Treasures, Just in Time for the Gift Giving Season! Consider Doing All Your Holiday Shopping On Peerhub with the Free Steem$ You Have Earned Here on Steemit, and Support a Worthy Cause!168 | $13.24 - $5.09 = $8.15 + 0.6% (12.0) = $8.20 |
19 |  | @contentjunkie | Bitcoin Price Drops 5% as New China Rumors Stoke Trading169 | $8.58 - $1.30 = $7.27 + 0.1% (14.3) = $7.28 |
20 |  | @fabio | Der Zitate-Detektiv: Wer hat's gesagt? Folge 360 | $7.75 - $1.79 = $5.95 + 12.1% (3.2) = $6.67 |
21 |  | @engineercampus | Starting on Youtube - My Channel Trailer137 | $7.10 - $0.50 = $6.60 + 0.9% (10.7) = $6.66 |
22 |  | @merej99 | November Challenge - Day 2 - WriMo, Leadership, Building Community, and Setting Goals63 | $6.59 - $0.29 = $6.29 + 1.7% (8.5) = $6.40 |
23 |  | @bola | Sentence Unscrambler #5464 | $6.23 - $0.02 = $6.21 + 1.8% (8.1) = $6.32 |
24 |  | @craig-grant | Jaxx zcash wallet and genesis mining zcash holders183 | $8.83 - $2.70 = $6.13 + 0.7% (11.5) = $6.17 |
25 |  | @steemitfaucet | Resteem and receive 0.07 STEEM #935 | $6.04 - $0.04 = $5.99 + 0.6% (11.8) = $6.03 |
26 |  | @mallorca | Impressions from Mallorca - #23 - Cala Serena125 | $7.57 - $1.84 = $5.73 + 0.2% (14.0) = $5.75 |
27 |  | @profitgenerator | Steem Dollar has met it's End! [100% SteemPower]130 | $8.00 - $2.28 = $5.72 + 0.2% (13.8) = $5.74 |
28 |  | @boddhisattva | First snow - continuation (own photo)204 | $19.00 - $13.63 = $5.37 + 5.0% (5.3) = $5.64 |
29 |  | @norbu | The Butterflies in my Garden.49 | $5.63 - $0.10 = $5.53 + 0.2% (13.8) = $5.54 |
30 |  | @norbu | New and Exciting New Archaeological Discovery Places Human Settlement at 49,000 years old!49 | $5.84 - $0.58 = $5.26 + 1.8% (8.2) = $5.35 |
31 |  | @blinova | Night. Streetlamp. Street..44 | $5.27 - $0.28 = $4.99 + 2.1% (7.7) = $5.09 |
32 |  | @mindhunter | @mindhunter's sweet tooth returns: COCONUT AND DATE FUDGE! Hell yeah!50 | $4.81 - $0.30 = $4.52 + 8.4% (3.9) = $4.90 |
33 |  | @poeticsnake | Update on the blanket I am making with crochet.91 | $4.75 - $0.24 = $4.52 + 8.2% (4.0) = $4.89 |
34 |  | @mindhunter | "Hey! @mindhunter I love you comments!" Time For A Comments Competition Of My Own Now - 'The Dogs Bollocks (Best) Comment' Gets 50 Steem Winged To Their Wallet!44 | $4.59 - $0.08 = $4.51 + 6.8% (4.5) = $4.82 |
35 |  | @robotev | Status Update for Day 65 of My Life as a Bot on Steemit130 | $6.20 - $1.55 = $4.65 + 0.1% (14.4) = $4.66 |
36 |  | @awesomenyl | Floral Quilling Art99 | $5.86 - $1.31 = $4.55 + 0.8% (11.0) = $4.58 |
37 |  | @jlufer | La foto del día Murales de mi tierra- Holiday Photo Murals my land43 | $4.68 - $0.14 = $4.54 + 0.8% (11.0) = $4.58 |
38 |  | @daveks | Banff National Park p781 | $4.59 - $0.11 = $4.48 + 0.6% (11.8) = $4.50 |
39 |  | @ballinconscious | Steem Battles #3 - Alien Vs Predator - Mini SP Distribution Game!42 | $4.21 - $0.10 = $4.11 + 9.0% (3.7) = $4.48 |
40 |  | @ace108 | STEEMIT 烹饪挑战 # 2 : 超好三文治🍔 (@ace108 翻译)52 | $5.42 - $1.16 = $4.26 + 4.9% (5.3) = $4.47 |
41 |  | @cehuneke | Recipe: Fall Quinoa and Butternut Squash Salad203 | $17.87 - $13.55 = $4.32 + 0.5% (12.5) = $4.34 |
42 |  | @allmonitors | A face that tells a difficult life (Philippines)44 | $4.32 - $0.18 = $4.15 + 1.0% (9.8) = $4.19 |
43 |  | @gammagooblin | Swiss Railways Company Sells Bitcoins at her ATM's as 2 Years Pilot Project over 1000 new ATMs realized!!!70 | $4.26 - $0.08 = $4.18 + 0.2% (13.8) = $4.19 |
44 |  | @steevc | Steem is down to 10c, so what?51 | $4.00 - $0.09 = $3.91 + 6.2% (4.8) = $4.16 |
45 |  | @fishingvideos | My Virgin Forest Life - The Delicious Fish (Original)52 | $5.24 - $1.53 = $3.71 + 8.0% (4.1) = $4.00 |
46 |  | @mindhunter | It Is Time For Philosophy To Become The King Of All Our Sciences?38 | $3.68 - $0.13 = $3.55 + 7.4% (4.3) = $3.81 |
47 |  | @thegame | Now Taking Bets for eSports SteemBets 002: Cards Against Humanity40 | $3.86 - $0.15 = $3.71 + 0.3% (13.3) = $3.72 |
48 |  | @danilamarilu | Self portrait - Autoretrato - Photography32 | $3.46 - $0.10 = $3.36 + 9.3% (3.6) = $3.67 |
49 |  | @tee-em | 1.5 Steem Power Curation Daily Effortlessly78 | $3.76 - $0.18 = $3.58 + 1.0% (9.9) = $3.61 |
50 |  | @daveks | the Daily Pic #4068 | $3.66 - $0.15 = $3.51 + 1.7% (8.5) = $3.57 |
51 | | @leesunmoo | 스팀에 대한 내 생각38 | $4.23 - $0.69 = $3.54 + 0.1% (14.7) = $3.54 |
52 |  | @generation.easy | So Many Sellouts - Am I the Only One Powering Up?33 | $3.51 - $0.12 = $3.39 + 1.1% (9.7) = $3.42 |
53 |  | @steemcultures | I love this Animated GIFs100 | $3.99 - $0.87 = $3.12 + 9.8% (3.5) = $3.42 |
54 |  | @kachinhenry | The folk-tales of Myanmar -02 ( Steemed by Henry Aung )122 | $4.71 - $1.41 = $3.30 + 0.5% (12.4) = $3.32 |
55 |  | @me-tarzan | NEXT PRESIDENT S&P 500 UP CLINTON WIN -- S&P 500 DOWN TRUMP WIN25 | $3.25 - $0.03 = $3.22 + 0.3% (13.3) = $3.23 |
56 |  | @dragosroua | Zen Bits35 | $3.22 - $0.06 = $3.17 + 1.9% (8.1) = $3.23 |
57 |  | @littlescribe | WHY I VOTED TO LEGALIZE MARIJUANA42 | $3.33 - $0.34 = $2.99 + 2.6% (7.0) = $3.07 |
58 |  | @elias15g | mis primeros dibujos hechos en el 201221 | $3.06 - $0.01 = $3.05 + 0.2% (14.1) = $3.06 |
59 |  | @mindhunter | The Fabled Ellipsis Cometh To Steemit In Its Corrected Form ....32 | $2.88 - $0.06 = $2.82 + 7.8% (4.1) = $3.04 |
60 |  | @matrixdweller | Why cant we be consistent people98 | $5.17 - $2.17 = $3.00 + 0.3% (13.5) = $3.01 |
61 |  | @richardcrill | Flat Earth? Are You Serious? Please tell me all of you were just trolling me!32 | $3.06 - $0.07 = $2.99 + 0.0% (14.8) = $2.99 |
62 |  | @heroic15397 | Poetry Dice Challenge 2 - My Entry89 | $3.04 - $0.09 = $2.95 + 1.3% (9.2) = $2.99 |
63 |  | @kyusho | Oh so "Special"66 | $3.38 - $0.53 = $2.85 + 3.1% (6.5) = $2.94 |
64 |  | @dubi | Coinhills 웹사이트에서 유용한 툴을 사용하며!!38 | $3.15 - $0.39 = $2.76 + 5.3% (5.1) = $2.91 |
65 |  | @aldentan | Here are some stupid pieces of advice you from successful people you need to stop following38 | $2.94 - $0.23 = $2.72 + 5.5% (5.0) = $2.87 |
66 |  | @mapesa | Gecko26 | $2.85 - $0.04 = $2.81 + 1.8% (8.2) = $2.86 |
67 |  | @vegascomic | The Giant Panda In A Tree - Original Sketch Renders With Polaroid Photo Effect30 | $2.60 - $0.09 = $2.51 + 12.7% (3.1) = $2.83 |
68 |  | @denn | Autumn Still Life photo.25 | $2.54 - $0.01 = $2.53 + 11.4% (3.3) = $2.82 |
69 |  | @honesty | Petition: List SBD on Polo's USDT Market56 | $4.84 - $2.25 = $2.59 + 6.7% (4.5) = $2.76 |
70 |  | @stephenkendal | Extract taken from UK Government Website on the EU Referendum..!!25 | $2.74 - $0.01 = $2.72 + 0.4% (13.1) = $2.73 |
71 |  | @ericvancewalton | SOUL'S BREATH (An Original Poem)381 | $40.28 - $37.59 = $2.70 + 0.8% (11.1) = $2.72 |
72 |  | @floridagypsy | Beautiful San Diego104 | $4.90 - $2.23 = $2.67 + 1.7% (8.4) = $2.71 |
73 |  | @quantumanomaly | I Cant Help It - I HAVE to Share This Track!!!99 | $2.77 - $0.11 = $2.66 + 1.4% (9.1) = $2.70 |
74 |  | @vannour | Trawl Landline86 | $2.85 - $0.19 = $2.65 + 1.2% (9.4) = $2.69 |
75 |  | @raymonjohnstone | Working on SteemStars!36 | $2.71 - $0.06 = $2.66 + 0.0% (14.9) = $2.66 |
76 |  | @riosparada | STEEMIT WORLD LOTTERY #12. Minimum Jackpot is now $105.79 (U.S. $ paid out in SBD) Next Drawing is 11/05/2016 @ 10:12 p.m. CT !!!26 | $2.65 - $0.01 = $2.64 + 0.1% (14.3) = $2.65 |
77 |  | @michelnilles | TGIF Americans Burger And Fries For Steemians55 | $2.64 - $0.12 = $2.52 + 2.0% (7.8) = $2.57 |
78 |  | @bluechoochoo | Resteem cliques, community discovery, Steem, and social platform mechanisms98 | $4.31 - $1.83 = $2.48 + 2.1% (7.6) = $2.54 |
79 |  | @lyndsaybowes | Regarding The Art of Fucking Off25 | $2.53 - $0.02 = $2.52 + 0.6% (12.1) = $2.53 |
80 | | @better | The Daily Better - 4 November 2016184 | $16.11 - $13.66 = $2.45 + 0.4% (13.2) = $2.45 |
I think this is one of the most undervalued posts on Steemit I've seen thus far.
I agree with you, it's an interesting post, although it's complicated to understand..
Thank you for the list, and the information. We notice the linkbacks and always take a look. Thanks again!
No problem. Quality content is always appreciated. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you ranking highly again in the future... unless of course, the reason you don't is because your posts' payouts have increased to the point they are no longer undervalued!
Thats Right :-) Thank you
Good luck with this awesome-as-fuck idea.
Great project I will def. follow you...
Congratulations on what you and your team do for the community....
Congratulations to all the nomineesThank you very much @screenname for trusting and supporting my work
It's a very interesting experiment and I applaud you for putting the effort in to do this. I think it is something a lot of the people in the community have been looking for.
I noticed you because "linkback-bot" told me you had mentioned my post, and I was curious to see what it was about :)
One suggestion that you might want to consider is to try and account for actual users vs. bots. Unfortunately for me, this would probably reduce my rating by quite a bit (because I am blessed to have made my way onto a few bot lists), but I actually think that filtering out posts like mine might get you closer to what you are going for. There is no 'perfect' way to do this, but the best thing I can think of would be to add a small exclusion based on reputation.
Regardless of whether you keep it the same or tweak it though, I think this is a really cool idea and I'm following to see what it does.
A very interesting insight, Tim.
I'm pretty sure I'm on a few bots' radar, which might account for why my posts will skyrocket to >100 votes in quick fashion - but still with low earnings. It would be interesting to see how the chart would change by excluding heavily bot voted posts.
I appreciate the encouragement and feedback. I do wonder whether you are being overly modest since, notwithstanding a few bot fans of yours, you seem to have some great posts and I'm pleased to see them at the top.
However, I also take the concerns about bots seriously. It may have been easy to miss and slightly contrary to the opening statement, but we do currently count votes only from those with a reputation greater than 25. The exact level may be subject to change and if necessary (or interesting enough), I'm also open to taking on the technical challenge of developing more sophisticated measures for disregarding suspected bots while remaining true to our egalitarian spirit.
Thank you :)
A simple change of 30 instead of 25 might make a big difference. The only negative part I can think of is "lurkers" - people who only view and upvote, but never comment/post.
Cool, I like that suggestion. Looking at some stats on reputation distribution, it looks like that could make a meaningful difference without being too exclusionary. I've gone ahead and made 30 the minimum reputation score required.
That's indeed a cool way of seeing Steemit :)
Thanks for including my post:-)
This is some really advanced statistics, in my opinion anyway. All those curves and numbers and axes. The weird part is, I kind of follow, despite my serious deficiency in this kind of thinking. Nice job!
I'm glad I could keep it accessible. I try to think of things like statistics and math as just advanced common sense, but I still often find a lot of it pretty intimidating. But those are usually the most interesting parts!
Wow, this is a new way of looking at things and I am impressed with your initiative! I have 2 posts in your list!
Thank You!
Thanks for including my post, this is very interesting
when this happen , what we can do to avoid this ?
I've never really thought about how Steem Power can actually change an outcome of an Upvote. Thanks for this information.
Thank you for the detailed analysis. You must have been very diligent to track all of the data to come up with the results.
It's a very interesting, I applaud you for putting the effort in to do this amazing work. I think it is something a lot of the people in this community needed. I noticed by a link with my post mentioned.
I think this is a really cool idea and I'm following to see what it does.
Fascinating insights. The longer I am on this platform the more convinced I am that I have found my geek heaven. I like the technical aspects and the goof off posts. They do really sit well together on steemit.
Your analysis is an eye opener as it allows one to optimise voting behaviour.
I find it interesting that the last 4 days seem to have a negligible effect on payout outcomes.
In my limited experience this does seem to be the case on my blogs.
My questions.
Why do you think this is the case?
What do you think accounts for the flattening of the line?
Muy buen dato gracias
Damn good intel. Now I just need to keep posting till my posts are worthy of being undervalued lol
Hello screenname!
This is very helpful and I am Following you!
I ask for your clarification of the following: " we set every eligible voter's voting power to be equal and divide their voting power among each post they voted for, with a maximum of 10% for any given vote."
I am new to Steemit. I was wondering if you were using a bot to notify people that their post was undervalued? If so, I was wondering if there was a way for people to call the bot to their own post so that we can get an idea of how undervalued our own post was? I really like the concept of this tribune, but it only illustrates the top 80.