Auto Voters Yes Or No? Steemdunk Is My Choice With The Right Balance Of Manual Curation.

in #curation7 years ago (edited)

Some of you might have realised that I do not use @steemvoters anymore for quite some time and now the service is out of order anyways.

Those past days, the number of votes are much less and rewards minimised drastically for some of us early adopters, who build up well deserved trust in our content by some members.

I kind of like this new situation because it shows who really appreciates what you write and people probably take more time to check out "your message", what you present with your articles on your blog.

Personally I am thankful for an average of 50-100 comments on each of my posts and since my mother taught me about politeness, I take my time to reply to every single one. This takes sometimes more time than reading new articles and for sure I miss most trending posts. 

Everyone of you is unique and special to me and I thank you for your time and votes!

Something funny I realised though....There are not many who vote on my replies. Take this as a hint :) I also would like votes on my answers to be honest. 

One of my followers posted this quote a few days ago and it touched me deeply because it explains so well what we all should follow through on @steemit

Once in while I also go to your profiles right after reading your feedback and check what you do, who you are because I wish to get to know you better and maybe I feel that I should support you. I find many new members who seem to struggle and some might be even frustrated, thinking to quit. 

Don't quit and remember why you started! Take it step by step and find a way to achieve your personal goal.

I feel that its my responsibility to motivate you to stay because success doesn't come over night. It took me more than 17 months to become a Dolphin in this pool of wonderful "madness" but it was all well worth it if I look at all my wallets, my investments and all overall income.

Steemit changed my lifestyle for sure and gave me a sense of security, financial freedom.  

STEEMIT AUSTRIA is rising every day with more members.

Give me a shout in the comments that I don't miss out on you and don't forget to add the tag that we can find each other. 

Last not least, I met so many awesome people, new friends, bought artwork from @zeroooc with SBD. 

Finally, I found my valuable place in this community to curate for great music articles for @curie and started to help a growing #steemit-austria community I am so proud of! I might forget sometimes to read your articles intime but I always check our powerful tag!

Our next Meet-Up can be found HERE

Steemit Automation Service @steemdunk

Anyhow, personally I still like to select 10 new or well established authors every 3 days and set on an auto-voting service, I really would like to introduce to you. 

I take control what authors I choose, after manually curating content first and find a balance in-between both options. 

Steem Dunk - Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Steemdunk Account

Steem Dunk is an automated curation service designed to be as simple and reliable. New features are being worked on every day for our users.This is a simple step-by-step for getting your Steemdunk account up and running.
Don't need a guide? Skip the rest of the article and visit

That's how it looks>>>

Thank You @steemdunk

You can also find them on discord channel

Look for yourself and maybe this will help you as well.


Yours @mammasitta

Follow also my minnow profile @massivevibration to keep on spreading those MassiVe Vibes.

Feel free to join my steemit chat channels at "mammasittas, austria, massivevibrations, baliohbali" to post your links.

I am supporting Austrian authors and invite You for the discord "steemit-austria" channel*



I guess many of the Steemians who rely on big auto vote follow, do not like the fact the auto votes are not casted anymore, at least not some of them. I'm with you all the way wrt manual reading and engaging on post; Something I really appreciate and take time for, like you do.

I am interested to hear what you think about this " MOVE" to unfollow everybody?

(I voted with 80% of my VP for visibility)

IMO : Very impolite and unkind
IT would not be in favour of creating a supportive community.

Very impolite and unkind

That is one way of looking at it. But to be honest: I don't really look in my own HOME FEED anymore, I already follow too many people to get to the good posts. I did not unfollow yet, but since months I hardly add user to my Follow list anymore. I reduced my 'general' time on Steemit, and focus on music more. This also reduced greatly my time spend on Steemit related topics, I used to do a lot, reading a lot of post, trying to articulate my own opinion and try and drive Steemit (culture/technology etc) in a direction I believe it shall go. This resulted in lower number of users coming to my post; Well to be honest, most users didn't came to my post before as well, but at least they would from time to time notice one of my posts and comment/reward it. What this user @kyriacos likely will start experiencing is what he stated at the end of his post as something that may happen - I can tell you, it will happen since I see same things happened to myself, or better said: my posts. Auto voters are leaving, and less users coming to my posts to read and vote for it. Lately I even notice I get quite interesting number of views (in relative terms) , and sometimes also interesting number of comments (again in relative terms), but hardly any vote. That is maybe the dynamic of the whole platform (I don't know), but for sure I noticed my rewards dropping (again in relative terms, since note that Steem increased with a factor of 4 to 6 over the value of this summer and even mid-December), and when accounting for that, a post reward of 5$ now, is a post reward of 1$ not even three weeks ago, before Steem price went up quite a lot. Anyway, enough about that part, it is diverting from the question you asked.

So, based on how I handle my FOLLOWED users, ie not look in my own FEED, has the same effect for myself to see the posts of those I follow as if I would unfollow them all. The later is more transparent, since in the behaviour I have, those who I follow may think I read their post (from time to time) but in fact the chance is even much less (for most of those I follow) since I don't have a trigger to actually look into their post. Unless they come to my posts and write a nice comment (then I may go to their FEED and read/comment/vote for a nice post from them).

Another issue I see with for instance first looking into your own FEED to discover good posts, is that anybody who is not in your follow list, get less chance to get noticed with their good post. And because most of us do not have a lot of time to spend on Steemit, we are creating more and more more-or-less closed groups. That in itself is not an issue persé, BUT since we distribute real currency, we are contributing to the fact to not spread our power towards a larger group, especially the newbies, and they will then go to more extreme measures to get noticed... We all know this dynamic, and IMHO we shall try our own best to not follow the general behaviour and try and contribute to spreading the daily distributed Steem to a larger group, and try and avoid to vote for those who consistently get high to super high rewards, even when they create continuously high quality posts. The question I always ask myself, is every post of some author getting eg 500-1000$ per post indeed that much better than good posts from someone who get lets say 1-10$ or even 10-50ct per post? This are factors of 100 to 10.000 difference, more than what we see in our real lives between top earners and lowest earners.

So long story short: answer to your question: is it impolite and rude to unfollow users. I don't think so - although I hesitate myself to start unfollowing users - I actually think it gives more openness, therefore honesty by indeed unfollowing users when you would for instance never comment and vote for the post of a user you follow.

Thank you! Thats a true @edje feedback I was expecting! I will take my time to reply properly soon

Thanks for your positive review of our @steemdunk app, @samrg472 spent a number of months building it from scratch, much appreciated.

You are more than Welcome! I am so thankful for your service because I was not a big fan of other offers so far. For now I only use 10 authors and wondering how I could upgrade for more?
My last 💯 % upvote as a little gesture of my THANK YOU!!!

Contact @samrg472 on discord for instructions on upgrading, hopefully, he will see this tag.

Thanks much!!!!! Hello @samrg472

And it is the Dolphins and Whales on Steemit like you, with compassion, understanding and empathy in knowing that everyone who begins on Steemit most likely starts at square 0, that helps us Minnows to flourish and not quit. I post daily, 100% original stuff with what I love to do. And i will continue to do so, regardless of the payout. I don't plan on quitting for I see the wondrous potential in this platform. But every now and then a whale or dolphin who genuinely CARES will stop by the blog and give an upvote and that is a HUGE moral boost. (and financial boost as well, obviously :])

I am still new to Steemit, just coming up on a month soon. I, quite frankly, love this platform already and have adamantly persuaded my friends to join and have succeeded with several, @kelsnm, @docroulston, and @summerstime. And more to come I am sure, once they see how awesome it is for people who take the time to produce quality content!

The world, not just Steemit, could use more people like you @mammasitta!


I am so so tired today and since it’s 3 am right now, I better catch some sleep but I be back to thank you more for such charming comment. Keep going!

No one is obligated! Thank you regardless!

of course not :)
I wish you a great time here on this fascinating but quite addicting platform and happy to get to know new members every day , especially your friends from Australia. Looking forward to read more from you guys.

We are from the USA!

Ohhh I thought you are from Australia

Great post @mammasittta, being new to Steemit and reading your post it highlights that things aren't going to happen quickly, it took you 17 months so why would it take me less.
To me these posts are the most valuable, it can be easy to think "why am I writing a post not many people will read", but hearing about other people's success stories and the time it has taken other users is comforting.

I would be keen to read a post about your journey on Steemit so far and how you built your empire to over 4000 followers since June 16

Keep up the great work. I will be sure to check it out

As I always said: Mammasitta for Presidenta!

Hahhaaaa you make me laugh before I catch some well deserved 😴



What pleasure to read your comment and soon after also your introduction post.
Helloooo #team-australia!!!
You just did what I did for many hours of those past few awesome months on this platform. I took time and read many articles. Thats how I got to know people, their stories, their worries, their joys and pain. I never heard of crypto currencies in June 2016. I feel I became an expert and oh passion is on fire:) I wish you lots of fun and don't forget...find your niche and be who you are! Success will follow!

I don't use any of the autovoters any more, either. I found that using them acts as a sort of separation between myself and the posters as I just wouldn't read too many of them. Now, everyday, I have a small coterie of Steemers that I visit, as do you.

Great call out on the follow-up comment voting. I have not yet achieved Slider Status. In trying to keep my voting power up, I limit my votes to 20, or so, each day. With about 25 people I check out each day, I have just enough fire power to reward their posts and to upvote a post that I may craft, as well. That's doesn't leave me with anything to use to reward great replies as of yet. (Most of those I follow post just about every day.)

I appreciate you and the fat that you reply to just about every comment I make. Of course, I do try to post thoughtful comments, or at least something funny, instead of just 'nice post' or great pic... lol

Once I achieve my slider, however, you can bet that although I'll likely expand my circle, I'll be rewarding good replies, to! Cheers, and thank you for being such a loyal and most interesting friend!

anyhow ....You are on my auto voter for a few days :)

Having automated votes is definitely convenient, but with my limited SP I need to be very careful with how many votes I make each day. Most of my votes end up going to those who participate on my posts and when I get the chance, I read posts by those who show up in my feed. I prefer voting manually because that forces me to at least scan my feed for interesting topics and authors I really like. If my votes were automated, I would miss a lot more great articles because the incentive to actually read them is gone. It also gives me a chance to adjust my vote based on the article I'm reading rather than simply give all work an equal vote.

Unfortunately, I have a lot on my plate right now and have not been doing nearly as much reading of posts as before. Just before Christmas I found out I have cancer, so have been dealing with that among other things. All the money in the world is useless if one doesn't have their health, so I need to focus on my health first.

Really good point on the manual posting strategies! I wish you strengh, best recovery and health power to overcome every dark moment that may pass your way. Get well soon!

You are so kind to reply to @happyme
Now we are already 2 who send strength and power to overcome such horrific disease.
@happyme You can conquer this!!! I close my eyes and hope for the very best for you!

I do believe in the power of prayer and positive energy, so I thank you with all my heart. I can feel a shiver of energy surge through my body as I'm typing this.

Me too but maybe you look into Nature's medicines as well like Hemptouch CBD !!!
I wrote an article a while ago ....

Thank-you! Yes, I am looking into natural medicines. I don't like any of the "solutions" proposed by the western doctors. I'm so glad I have already watched the Truth About Cancer series, so have a bit of an idea about all the various alternative treatments that are available. I just need to find a few that I think will work for me. I've got 4 months to shrink the tumor enough that it is obvious when I get a re-scan in 4 months. If I manage to show it is shrinking, I will keep doing what is working and cancel the idea of surgery.

4 months!!!!! It’s possible!!! @happyme !!!!!

Thanks so very much. The support is most appreciated. Half the battle is psychological and I'm amazed at the support I have been getting from the people who know me. I've had multiple offers to drive me to hospital and back as well as lots of prayers. I will beat this thing for sure.


My prayers are with you to get through this dark time for you.

OMG! I am so so so sorry to hear about those horrific news and send you my sincere wishes and strength to get through. You are absolutely right if you say that health is the most important treasure we have. I am fighting difficult issues as well but I stay positive and keep going. My love your way!!!

I do understand your points reg VP very well but there comes the time you might have some favourites, knowing that they will deliver great content. Auto voting service helps me because even though I mostly curate manually, I still have the chance to go to those articles later and change my percentage to a higher or lower vote.
Its good to have you back here @happyme Keep in touch and let me know how you do .....

It seems almost everyone is getting it these days so I guess I will join the club! I really don't like the surgery options, so I'll be trying alternative medicine to shrink the tumor. I have 4 months to make it shrink. I'm remaining confident that it will shrink and go away if I apply myself. I need to do more research and determine exactly what I need to do to beat this naturally. Cutting it out will not prevent it from returning. Something caused it in the first place and I need to find out what that was so that it can be changed.

I am speechless to be honest and sad

@mammasitta mam...

What I learned here :
Steemit is not only about UPVOTES & Money
It is about writing..
It is about reading..
It is about knowing people and their side of the story..
It is about learning..
It is about finding a path to follow..
It is about keeping yourself motivated to write better..
It is about broadening your thinking..
It is about spending your time productively..
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..

Oh yeah!!!! You got that right!!!!!

We are learning every day more and more .....

Thank you Very much! and indeed we should be here to share memories, stories and enjoy being here. Read nice posts, feel the interaction and just do it because you like it!
STEEM is the best, and making friends is great.
True friends are always support!

You are such an important member here ! Keep it up and stay the way you are

Yes I noticed many were getting less rewards thought there was some updates going on at first, while I agree with your points @mammasitta I feel some auto votes are good for people you may want to support but cant always be there for, I also want to say listen to @mammasitta about not giving up I have been here over a year and still trying to make it to dolphin but I am getting there and its worth it and lots of FUN.

Uuupsssss its you here :)
Thats nice!
Keep it going Simon and soon we will see each other again at @steemfest 3 !

I agree with you 100% !

I actually share your thoughts I see a lot of auto curated users, who now post unworthy things and earn too much because they know that either way they are auto curated so why waste time doing good content,

However as you all know, I've been relentless, trying to work hard and without auto, that's how it should be, then we can see great content.

Thank you for this, @Josediccus always and forever at your doorstep

Word Up :)

I do have quite a few auto voters but I never choose to post crappy articles, at least I try my Best :)

Of course you do! Cheers! My friend

thank you!

before, I think 2 month ago I was using auto bot, but than I realized that I am running out of my power all tie again. because the auto bot was running and I made many manual votes as well. So that times it was to much. But I think the healthy mix is good. For people and friends account which we can trust, we can make an autovote, it didnt mean we will not read the post, but it is a small time saver for us. So I like still the autovote, but i will do it with a healthy combination with manual vote. To run out if Voting power is not good. It helps nobody.... God post dear @mammasitta, greetings from Sri Lanka ;-)

Hello back to beautiful Sri Lanka I never had the chance to visit. Maybe one day I will.
Lets do that healthy mix !!!

you are right now in Bali right? We was there at the beginning of our travel.In December 2016. Ubud.... But I missed to see the volcano, we have a baby, so it is not good for her to with her up to the volcano

Nop , Not right now but I still have my house there. The volcano seems to be very peaceful but you never know....

aufgrund des nicht funktionierenden steemvoters, konnte sich jetzt endlich mal meine voting power wieder auf laden^^

aber ich denke ich werde jetzt dann auch steemdunk verwenden, weil es einfach ein paar gibt die sich ein autovote verdient haben ;)

der Rest wird dann eh manuell gemacht :)

Also mein Tip : Control those services und wenn Du bemerkst dass Deine VP runter geht schaltest Du einfach ab. Lots of work here :) to become successful.

danke, hab ich eh immer so gemacht, aber dann vote ich wieder umso mehr manuell und dann macht es wieder fast keinen Sinn mehr den Voter einzuschalten^^

muss wohl eher schauen nicht immer gleich so "fette" votes zu vergeben, außer für richtig richtig guten Content :)

Na Du machst das ja alles super :)

Well, then it's time to say thank you for the support (and the votes) you have given me so far...Maybe we'll get to know each other next Sunday ;-)

Your content ist "Pure Qualitaet" for me!
My pleasure to support once in a while.
Keep going :)

I like the voting delay controller as much as reading my name on your photo :P <3

haha! Are you surprised??? I switch it around though every 3 days...I choose different authors.

Interesting when authors change their strategies then at the same time curators do :D

ufffff pfffft so viel Arbeit hier:)

Exactly, I'll try something new in my postpromotion activity on social media, chronological order counts, we'll see :)

Du machst das eh super Darling !!!

Great chois this one. I think you are the best one..
Thank you. Success is always for you...

Thank you very much. Have you heard about it before?

Had never heard of. with that I thank you very much...
Success is always for you...
I think you are my best inspiration..

thank you too!!

You are wellcome...

Great post, I find it amazing that you care enough to take the time out of your day to read each and every comment on your posts. Keep up the great content :)

I try my best but sometimes I miss a few though :)

I appreciated about your politeness. I have seen you take time for reply for all comments. Thank you mam. We all know steemvoters not worked process. I have never heard steemdunk.

I hope it will help you as well and thanks so much for your kindness and replies.

I feel uplifted after reading your post. I'm having some very hard-working and a bit painful time, and it was much harder for me lately to socialize and publish here on Steemit. But thanks to what you've written about becoming a Dolphin, and how much time did it take you, I felt more faith and hope immediately. I admire the fact that you're a creator of Steemit Austria. There's no such thing as Steemit Polska yet so I can get inspired by you :) I wish us both more success on Steemit! Love, Klaudia

Klaudia ! It’s ok to go on a rollercoaster ride! I’ve been there but at some point it’s getting easier and you get more and more into a habit to write, socialize or just hide again. You are a part of our team already. We don’t have borders!!! Join our discord channel please! We will help and Welcome your articles there.

It's very cool @mammasitta that you share this experience, that with time habits build and Steemit management gets easier. That's exactly what I needed to hear :) I feel even more hopeful now! There is always this warm power in your words! I will make sure to join you on your Discord channel, thank you for this warm invite <3

I fully support the idea of putting steemians on autovoter!))
I won't be pointing fingers... where I would like you to vote with steemdunk...
And obviously, I'm not talking about myself! Nonono, I'm not like that!!

Hehehee are honest! I like this.

I will be one of the “chosen” ones for sure for one of my rounds.....

this information is great that you share with us, is very useful

Glad to know

@mammasitta Thank you for the heads up, I've been using this particular service trying to build up my blog. I will take your information into consideration. Thanks for your support!

You really might like this service and glad I could help maybe.

steemdunk i haven't heard before about them

Interesting information @mammasitta, I always monitor your articles. I have also follow @massivevibration. Terima kasih

Kembali! Sama sama ! I am happy to know you

I am also glad to know you here, even if you are away in Vienna. Today my article is in crisis. ha ha ha. Sorry my friend so vent

Don't worry about crisis...It will pass. Just keep going!

Thank you @mammasitta, you are my encouragement now.

I am truly happy to hear this and thank you also for your generous vote on my comment earlier.

its my pleasure to know that you takecare every reply on your post, steemit is a good platform and you have to struggle at least 6 month to be a standard steemian. steemdunk looks impresive, manual curation is the best.

True true .....if you got a lot of time manual curation is for sure the best way to go

all of a sudden everything looks down from few days haha steemit is completely auto if we look but thanks for sharing an alternative of that :)

You are for sure not one of the lazy ones here and always find time to give a val;table feedback. Thanks so much

lol i never got a vote from auto i don't even think about it now haha

You never might happen

steem voter caused a lot of chaos but didn't affected those who are new but good to see that we have this option on steemit

I have been doing manual upvotes and I think its time I try the auto votes and all. Thank you for sharing sweetie.

I believe in the right balance in all areas of life

i can't write quality post like you all kind of sad but cool at the same moment i am happy with manual work

I think thats a good balance

Pick me pick me pick me! Memememe!))

Keep on writing quality content and you never know who finds it 🐒🐒🐒

Meh, I started to blog just to write what I think and to have fun.
I'm not sure about quality to be frank. I just want to open myself and put it on the paper.
And whatever happens next I don't care. If I'm not that bad as a person then what I put on paper will be not that bad too :D

But I know I'm terrible person so... eh. Sadface.

Mehhhhh Exactly :)

What's the steemdunk? Is it like as steemvoters? do autovote facility? Sorry for asking. I have never knew so the you asking. Important story of steemit-austria group.

Maybe you look through my article because it will explain everything quite well. Yes its similar to steemvoter

Doesn't this model of auto-voting still assume that all posts by authors will be voted on automatically? Without any kind of weighting for content then you still take yourself out of the process of rewarding higher quality content from authors that are followed on the bot, or withholding votes for things you'd rather not vote on?

It depends how you manage the service. I explained it quite well how I do it.
I am here long enough to know which author I can trust delivering quality in every article. I also said that I control articles and also change percentage from time 2 time.

I am revoking all of the service from the other app. I just found something that bother me abit. Have to be selective next time. I use steemvoters and steemdunk before. What lack in steemdunk is that we could only list 5 author max, while steemvoters can have 10.

I might using it once again, have to look for their TOS once again. heheh

You can control who and when and how often you wish to vote or just turn it off and on. I m changing authors a lot. I also read their articles later again.
I prefer less authors. For 3 SBD steemvoters offered even up to 500 I think ( not sure about)

yes, that is why I am thinking of re- use steemdunk also. as you said, turning on and off would be a very good idea, and support different author at certain times. 😃

I truly think this is a good way to use those autovoters.
BTW I appreciate your Vote also on my reply🙌

no problem Ibu, you have given me more before. : )
big hug from Bali. : )

You are on my auto voter now for a few days :)

thnaks so much Ibu, I really appreciate that.

This post has received a 0.24 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Informative....Thanks for the information and helpful .
Thank's for sharing sir

Mintu it’s nice to read your comments but I am not a SIR! I am a woman :)

sorry medam...First to last...i have read your post...