Curating New Steemian Posts for MSP! Issue #26

in #curation6 years ago

Join me in welcoming
five new members
of the Steem Community!

Welcome to my weekly curation
blog for @MSP-Curation
and the
@MinnowSupport Project!


ISSUE # 26

Hello once again my fellow Steemians! @Ma1neEvent with you once again for another curation feature. Each week I try to find you five new members who have authored their introduction post!

An introduction post can go a long way to helping you connect with others on Steemit in my opinion! It allows you to show that you are not a bot or fake profile, while also sharing more about who you are and what your interests are. You can also talk about the types of things you plan to be sharing with us on the Steem blockchain.

Each week I will be sharing with you five Steemians! Join me in saying hello to them!

This blog is part of my curation with the @MinnowSupport Project, and @MSP-Curation. You can learn more about the MSP Community by joining them on Discord Chat!.

Let's meet some of
the new members of the
Steem Blockchain!


First up this week we have a new musician to share with you, @YourMind! She shares with us in her introduction post that she is from Poland, enjoys EDM Music, and one day hopes that she can become a recording artist herself! Welcome to the Steem Community @YourMind! You can learn more about her and her music ambitions in her introduction blog below:

"Sooo... Who am I?"


Our second new Steemian to share with you in Issue 26 is @aaronnaps! He shares with us that he is from Cornwall in the UK. He says he enjoys art a lot, and is into painting, drawing, and also has experimented with other forms of art. He included many cool looking photos as well! Join me in saying hello to @aaronnaps in his new introduction post below!

"aaronnaps is on steemit! - Introduce yourself"


Our next new member of the Steem Community to share with you is @maicz! She tells us in her introduction post that she is from the Philippines! She also says she is excited to be here after being invited her by her husband. She is also a school teacher as well! Say hello to @maicz in her introduction post below:

"My husband @mcdonz introduced me to steemit"


Next up we have @efrat5843, who says she is an avid world traveler! She tells us that she plans to share some of her adventures with us here on Steemit. She says she is currently studying language editing, and hope to be able to continue traveling the world. Welcome to the Steem Community @efrat5843! You can find out more in her introduction post below:

"#introducemyself 🌸"


Last but most certainly not least, please join me in welcoming @kapitein.koek to the Steem Community! He shares with us that he is the developer of the Steemify App, and works with @BlockBrothers on the project. He shares with us an update of how things are going too! You can check out the project and say hello to @kapitein.koek in his new intro post below. Welcome @kapitein.koek!

"Introducing Steemify's Android developer"

A big welcome and shout out
to everyone who is new
here on Steemit!

I hope you can take a moment and welcome any newcomer you see here!

See you next week when I will bring you five more Steemians for Issue # 27!

Your Support for curation is always appreciated.
Any SP Delegations can go a long way to helping support
under-valued, and under-seen authors.
Thank you for your Support!

@Ma1neEvent is an active human Curator for @MinnowSupport Project,
You Got Snekked, and @OCD




Thank you so much :)

You're very welcome @Yourmind!

Such a nice welcome. Thanks!

My pleasure to feature your blog @kapitein.koek