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RE: Auto Voters Yes Or No? Steemdunk Is My Choice With The Right Balance Of Manual Curation.

in #curation7 years ago

Having automated votes is definitely convenient, but with my limited SP I need to be very careful with how many votes I make each day. Most of my votes end up going to those who participate on my posts and when I get the chance, I read posts by those who show up in my feed. I prefer voting manually because that forces me to at least scan my feed for interesting topics and authors I really like. If my votes were automated, I would miss a lot more great articles because the incentive to actually read them is gone. It also gives me a chance to adjust my vote based on the article I'm reading rather than simply give all work an equal vote.

Unfortunately, I have a lot on my plate right now and have not been doing nearly as much reading of posts as before. Just before Christmas I found out I have cancer, so have been dealing with that among other things. All the money in the world is useless if one doesn't have their health, so I need to focus on my health first.


Really good point on the manual posting strategies! I wish you strengh, best recovery and health power to overcome every dark moment that may pass your way. Get well soon!

You are so kind to reply to @happyme
Now we are already 2 who send strength and power to overcome such horrific disease.
@happyme You can conquer this!!! I close my eyes and hope for the very best for you!

I do believe in the power of prayer and positive energy, so I thank you with all my heart. I can feel a shiver of energy surge through my body as I'm typing this.

Me too but maybe you look into Nature's medicines as well like Hemptouch CBD !!!
I wrote an article a while ago ....

Thank-you! Yes, I am looking into natural medicines. I don't like any of the "solutions" proposed by the western doctors. I'm so glad I have already watched the Truth About Cancer series, so have a bit of an idea about all the various alternative treatments that are available. I just need to find a few that I think will work for me. I've got 4 months to shrink the tumor enough that it is obvious when I get a re-scan in 4 months. If I manage to show it is shrinking, I will keep doing what is working and cancel the idea of surgery.

4 months!!!!! It’s possible!!! @happyme !!!!!

Thanks so very much. The support is most appreciated. Half the battle is psychological and I'm amazed at the support I have been getting from the people who know me. I've had multiple offers to drive me to hospital and back as well as lots of prayers. I will beat this thing for sure.


My prayers are with you to get through this dark time for you.

OMG! I am so so so sorry to hear about those horrific news and send you my sincere wishes and strength to get through. You are absolutely right if you say that health is the most important treasure we have. I am fighting difficult issues as well but I stay positive and keep going. My love your way!!!

I do understand your points reg VP very well but there comes the time you might have some favourites, knowing that they will deliver great content. Auto voting service helps me because even though I mostly curate manually, I still have the chance to go to those articles later and change my percentage to a higher or lower vote.
Its good to have you back here @happyme Keep in touch and let me know how you do .....

It seems almost everyone is getting it these days so I guess I will join the club! I really don't like the surgery options, so I'll be trying alternative medicine to shrink the tumor. I have 4 months to make it shrink. I'm remaining confident that it will shrink and go away if I apply myself. I need to do more research and determine exactly what I need to do to beat this naturally. Cutting it out will not prevent it from returning. Something caused it in the first place and I need to find out what that was so that it can be changed.

I am speechless to be honest and sad