You are very true friends, everywhere I hear people cheered cheerfully because the price is high sbd. the author attempted to increase the volume of his writing and upvotter also count upvotenya. Then what happens, I think it's all messed up when people no longer hold on to writing and all because of money. Even more sad is the comments have not received a decent award, because people commented at random without want to read the article. this is a negative phenomenon of money. Is rising prices for a mistake ...? I think not, as long as we write but still put quality first and keep learning to improve it.
I'm a writer who forgot the time, and forgot the minimum standard word set, because I am a writer who put interest in the satisfaction of readers. Not because of science level discussion but an information that is easily understood to be applied by people in need. Today, only a few idealists still appreciate writing and commenting. a penny is a huge value to say "I appreciate you" even though it's a long and strategic comment.
I see this situation has changed, am I disappointed with this all? No, because writing is art for me. The sad thing is the new writers who have not had time to teach the value of ideals on this platform, then they are broken in the middle of the road.
Prior to Steemit, almost all of my social media existed and after I joined, I said "this is where I am" because I love to write and gladly read other artists and appreciate them with proportional comments.
I do not mind this phenomenon, regardless of the price of sbd and steem, let's go back to appreciate each other do not empty someone's comments even if you put a penny alone.
Thank you, amazingly, your article has raised me to talk about a smallest value but begins to be forgotten.
For me, I'd rather see steady organic growth and maturity of the platform than a boom-bust because of a speculative bubble in the SBD. But that is how the market works - doesn't mean we shouldn't call it out.