This is definitely a better post than your previous submission. I had actually found this post myself and upvoted with my own account and @r-bot (the @r-bot vote trail isn't working currently unfortunately so I can manually add my own vote but the rest of the trailing votes aren't coming through). It is well written and informative. The quality of the images is really terrible, it looks like the poster used a (bad) cell phone camera to take pictures of the screen instead of just using screencap to obtain a high res image. The same post if illustrated with screen caps that were as well done as the ones you had in your own post, might have been worth a curie submission :) Keep on hunting, find me a REALLY exceptional post. A post with no obvious weakness and something really interesting and exceptional about it. Good luck and happy hunting!
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alright @carlgnash, the hunter is here again, just brought another interesting hunt from the howto tag, @goldenheart who's a consistent and unsuccessful minnow and has been around for about 13 days, did a very interesting post on 3D animation using a more complex software that i can barely use, this is a very original and unique content from a minnow, ladies are not really as hardworking as this so i believe she deserves extra credit.
Oops soory @tikhub I missed this one somehow when I was scanning down the comments. This is a great post, I have added this poster to my Curie follow query and will keep an eye on her posting. I think I would have likely submitted this to Curie if I had seen it when you left it. Well written, well explained, well illustrated. A quality post through and through. Nice one. DM me on Discord - @gnashster #6522
Hey I haven't heard from you on Discord. I want to make sure you aren't trying to message me on I am no longer even opening up, the only reason I used that in the past was for @curie channel and that has moved to Discord. Look me up on Discord - @gnashster#6522
i sent you a request on discord days ago, i haven't gotten a respond