Sorry but when saying things like "disable" self-voting, it is hard to take a discussion regarding selfvoting/votetrading abuse serious. Even newbies I'm sure would think "oh I'll just create another account" after a little while in this space.
Thanks for replying. i understand that, and am not saying it would be easy to implement, but i do think it could be achieved. How is a deep subject however, but the potential method i have in mind could have many other benefits to the chain (or community in which it could be tested). It is a big subject and would take a lot of work. We did touch on the subject about four years ago and i would be happy to discuss with you if it's of interest to you.
should be okay in moderation but also depends on the votes you get in general and the content you produce in terms of effort.
That's a bit vague though, and not coded. Some might (and some do)/take advantage of that i think. (Not talking about you, i've not looked)
Personally i don't self-vote and think it would be best to dis-able self-voting
Sorry but when saying things like "disable" self-voting, it is hard to take a discussion regarding selfvoting/votetrading abuse serious. Even newbies I'm sure would think "oh I'll just create another account" after a little while in this space.
Thanks for replying. i understand that, and am not saying it would be easy to implement, but i do think it could be achieved. How is a deep subject however, but the potential method i have in mind could have many other benefits to the chain (or community in which it could be tested). It is a big subject and would take a lot of work. We did touch on the subject about four years ago and i would be happy to discuss with you if it's of interest to you.