Hola muchachos, en otra ocasión @auelitairene, les trae un viaje por la creación del nuevo mundo, un espacio hecho para honrar a la madre tierra y a aquellos que ya están siendo parte del cambio que ella exige.
Creo que a estas alturas, después de tantos cambios que hemos vivido producto de la pandemia, todos deberíamos detenernos y pensar, que necesitamos para vivir. Buscando lo esencial encontraremos la paz. Necesitamos aire para respira, vitalidad para actuar y amor para accionar.
Antes en mi escuela nos hacían leer muchos libros de auto ayuda, en la segunda versión de "La culpa es de la vaca" había una reflexión de un agricultor que todos los años ganaba la competencia de siembra. Cuando le fueron a preguntar su secreto el respondió que su secreto era compartir sus mejores semillas.
¿Es un tonto por enseñarle a los otros? o ¿es un tonto por regalar sus frutos? La respuesta aquí va mas allá.
I believe that at this point, after so many changes that we have experienced as a result of the pandemic, we should all stop and think, what we need to live. By seeking the essential we will find peace. We need air to breathe, vitality to act and love to act.
Before in my school they made us read many self-help books, in the second version of "The fault is the cow" there was a reflection of a farmer who every year won the planting competition. When they went to ask him his secret he answered that his secret was to share his best seeds.
Is he a fool for teaching others? Or is he a fool for giving away his fruits? The answer here goes further.Hi guys, on another occasion @auelitairene, brings you a journey through the creation of the new world, a space made to honor mother earth and those who are already being part of the change she demands.
Nos explican que la competencia siempre va direccionada a la meta, pero lo que te hace ganar también va ligado al conocimiento de los que te preceden y aveces también de los que compiten a tu lado.
En la siembra así como en la vida, es importante que lo que te rodea sea igual de bueno que lo que tu quieres aspirar como producto. El viento se lleva el polen de lo sembrado y lo esparce por toda el área. Si tus vecinos cultivan plantas de calidad inferior, la colonización del viento y de las abejas degradaría la calidad de las tuyas.
Por lo tanto, es necesario ayudarnos para que la calidad de lo que hacemos en grupo, sea la fuerza que nos haga crecer en este nuevo mundo. Es tiempo de olvidarnos del ego y escoger el camino del bien común, pues si nos hundimos en las ganas de conseguir las metas solos, quizás no lleguemos tan alto como podríamos al unirnos.
¿No es verdad que compartir es algo más que dejar de ser egoísta: es actuar positivamente con respecto a los demás?
They explain to us that competition is always directed towards the goal, but what makes you win is also linked to the knowledge of those before you and sometimes also of those competing at your side.
In planting as well as in life, it is important that what surrounds you is as good as what you want to aspire to as a product. The wind blows the pollen away from what is sown and spreads it over the whole area. If your neighbors grow inferior plants, the colonization of the wind and bees will degrade the quality of yours.
Therefore, it is necessary to help us so that the quality of what we do as a group is the force that makes us grow in this new world. It is time to forget about the ego and choose the path of the common good, because if we sink into the desire to achieve goals alone, we may not reach as high as we could by joining together.
Isn't it true that sharing is more than just not being selfish: it is acting positively towards others?
Sin mas aquí vamos... || Just like that, here we go...
This week this deer is grateful for such a nice post, here I found this user that the squirrel friends have taught even how to plant. The impressive thing about permaculture and the world behind it, are the teachings that leave us to live with the Pachamama.
Proving that collaboration is the way forward...
This is one of the projects that I love to see when they are carried out here Brother @ecoinstant shows us how work is being actively carried out that shows how different regional stakeholders can come together to align their interests so that they can achieve multiple objectives at the same time.
I'll be honest with you and I hate those posts that are only based on images, I think that creating a content is not only a nice shot, but also the connection you generate and the teachings you transmit through it... But a post that has good images and also makes me connect, is something quite atypical and miraculously this week the photographers surprised me.
A wonderful walk through a garden that has been in gestation for some time now...
This is a user whom I have seen repeatedly for his wonderful photographic work and for his dedication to permaculture, I delight in his post today, which this time is not only devoted to his beautiful photographs but also tells us how it has been his experience giving love and energy to this project that he carries out day after day.
Who around here loves rosemary? If you don't know how to plant it, or you need tips to make your plant sprout better... This post may be one of the best you can find to clarify your doubts.
Repeatedly I have tried to plant rosemary and my attempts have been vain, for those who do not know me I like natural medicines, including snuff which one day I tried to make with rosemary and I found it an interesting creation.
Rosemary is an herb that evokes memories and feelings emanated with it, so a recommendation from wise people is to make infusions with rosemary for meditation, so planting and using rosemary will always be something that will bring them multiple benefits.
Encontrar agricultores en Venezuela es algo común y es algo que se admira dadas las condiciones para el trabajo. @willsaldeno nos cuenta como trabajando en sus tierras puede despejar su mente que esta colapsando ante todos los problemas que afronta por la situación de país en el que reside.
Finding farmers in Venezuela is commonplace and is something to be admired given the working conditions. @willsaldeno tells us how working on his land can clear his mind that he is collapsing in the face of all the problems he faces because of the situation in the country where he lives.
Estoy muy agradecida de ver y de tener la oportunidad de compartir estos post que hablan de experiencias personales con la siembra y del vinculo que se genera con la madre tierra, cuando vamos por allí trabajándola y enseñando a nuestros hermanos a trabajarla con amor y respeto.
I am very grateful to see and have the opportunity to share these posts that speak of personal experiences with sowing and the bond that is generated with mother earth, when we go around working it and teaching our brothers to work it with love and respect.
Esta fue mi recolección de experiencias bonitas de esta semana, espero las disfruten y vayan a apoyar a estos grandiosos escritores.
This was my collection of beautiful experiences from this week, I hope you enjoy them and go support these great writers.
Con mucho amor... @auelitairene || With much love... @auelitairene
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Thank you for the shout out and your beautiful words @auelitairene :)
It's a pleasure, I hope I always have as good a post as you to read.