Fresh resteems and upvotes from the Minnows Accelerator Project (MAP) of articles within the last couple of days.

I tend to concentrate on those that need some extra loving attention - and upvotes. Many more MAP members are doing very well indeed without my extra nudge!
Also, please check out the new MAP Rewarder fund - rewarding delegators and mapsters with passive income and free upvotes!
You may request to join MAP by reading this.
Today's selection:
The Humminbird Sage Has Much to Tell Me
Now For Something Really Subversive
Raw Milk, Vodka Berry Infusions and STILL making stock :)
Helping the Ailing with Fingers Less Heavy
And some notable resteems from MAP members:
My crystal and mineral finds from Diamond Hill mine in South Carolina thanks to @nainaztengra
Purge Complete thanks to @saffisara
That's all for now! See you next time!

Please Comment, Resteem and Upvote. Thanks!
AAKOM project and the MAP forum.@rycharde manages the
Also check out the new MAP Rewarder for passive income!
Thank you for the feature! 🙏🏻
Thank you for curating Ap-petite - Day! <3
I have read this project, I think this is good chance to join this community, how can I get in to discord team. I need some guidance from this community, I will be the best member in future....
Upvote, Resteem and comment always my duty in this community.... Thanks
The signup request instructions are always on the @accelerator profile page:
Yeahhh, thanks
Thank you for attention you already give @accelerator. I applaud your establishment.