Fresh resteems and upvotes from the Minnows Accelerator Project (MAP) of articles within the last couple of days.
I tend to concentrate on those that need to some extra loving attention - and upvotes. Many more MAP members are doing very well indeed without my extra nudge!
Also, please check out the new MAP Rewarder fund - rewarding delegators and mapsters with passive income!
Today's selection:
Affinitive Discordia by @callistanix
April ’18 New Steemit User Report – Blockchain Business Intelligence by @paulag
Damn Hackers. by @melinda010100
Calling All Professors and Students! by @cstrimel
Lucid Dreaming: Triggering Conscious Sleep by @leaky20
I would appreciate it! A ticket to a wedding. by @lindahas
Save Yourself Or Burn by @snowmachine
How (Not) To Write A Novel - Energy Reflections by @ellievallie
And some notable resteems from MAP members:
Beyond the veil Newsletter Issue 1. thanks to @crazybgadventure
That's all for now! See you next time!

Please Comment, Resteem and Upvote. Thanks!
AAKOM project and the MAP forum.@rycharde manages the
Also check out the new MAP Rewarder for passive income!
Congratulations everyone! Thank you @rycharde for the unending support! More power!
Thanks for the support. I appreciate it! :)
Thank you so much for the mention it is very much appreciated, very excited about our project, I hope it is of some interest.
tagOur goal is to support Minnows on Steemit.
Congratulations!,@accelerator Your post has been upvoted by @reachout via the Join our discord group SP Donation by @eturnerx , @rufans & @solomon158
Major Upvote Sponsor : @bleepcoin ###### Join Our Trail here:
Thanks for the mention, @rycharde :D
Much appreciated, good sir :)
Thank you so very much for the recent upvotes. Highly appreciate it.
thank you for the upvotes, I checked everything and the private discord channel is a very cool thing. I will definitly try to get in !