HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #345

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:

Community: The Ink WellAuthor: @joycealarapon
The Ghost Santa
The aroma of freshly fried beef filled the kitchen as the harmattan haze filled the outside. Amaka sat at the dining table, pouring warm water into mugs to make early morning chocolate drink for herself and her parents. Across from her, her mother busied herself with making sandwiches by spreading loaves of bread with butter, occasionally glancing at her daughter, whose face looks thoughtful. “My dear, just say it, I know there’s something on your mind” ...

Community: The Ink WellAuthor: @osomar357
Fiction: Between gifts, shadows and spells of terror. Horror story. . EN/ESP.
Carolina, was the newest employee of the company, and unlike the other people, she used to be a very quiet person and rarely went out in groups. And although she tried to be cordial with all her co workers, she usually refused to go out with them when there were group meetings. Everyone at work had affection and respect for Carolina, and it was a well earned affection, because she supported and helped her colleagues selflessly. But at work, there was also a supervisor, who was very angry and disliked Carolina, and that was Laura, one of the supervisors of the accounting area ...

Community: The Ink WellAuthor: @lightpen
My boss's secret gift for my mom
Image generated from Meta AI Sitting beside my mom on her hospital bed were my dad and me. The clock is ticking, and we are hopeless in getting the required money for the emergency surgery to keep mom alive. Seeing my lovely mom in such a situation broke me down several times. The last time I cried, my father joined me in shedding tears—my first time of seeing his tears ...

Curated By:

Community: STEMGeeksAuthor: @trumpman
🕷️🕸️🔌🕊️ TIL Spiders Can Fly Using Static Electricity! 🕷️🕸️🔌 🕊️
I always considered spiders to be just so... cool 😎 And just when I thought they can't get any cooler today I learnt something really fascinating about them! You may know or may have even witnessed a spider flying using a thread of silk and some help from the nearby air currents. This behavior is called ballooning (or kiting) but it turns out that sometimes air currents aren't only what's involved ...

Community: ReflectionsAuthor: @azircon
Fire to Podcast
Fire to Podcast I was catching up on my podcast listening this weekend, and was listening to , a podcast hosted by Kevin Roose and Casey Newton. I have been a long term listener of their work and consider their podcast the basis of my AI news and knowledge. In this particular episode, Kevin and Casey were doing something that is unusual for them, they were counting down 100 most iconic technologies that have impacted human civilization. They have never done such a thing before, so I was surprised ...

Community: HiveGardenAuthor: @crazyphantombr
CrazyPhantomBR and garden journal challenge
Hello hive community! CrazyPhantomBR here speaking directly from South America, Brazil. I'm here again to show you my little amateur garden. This time I want to invite you to check out the updates from my backyard! ...

Curated By:
A little about Turmeric
Turmeric is an amazining healer, well known for its ability to reduce inflammation. But is it overrated as a natural herbal product? In some cases, yes. Let's start by looking at the 'active' ingredient, curcumin ...

Community: Silver BloggersAuthor: @denmarkguy
Juries, Prizes and Merit...
Seeing as how I derive part of my living from things I make with my hands and then finish and present for sale, I find myself being both rather generous with my openness towards different kinds of things, while at the same time also being a somewhat harsh critic of what my ostensible peers are doing. My somewhat critical and judgmental nature came out this past weekend at the Holiday show we attended, in the context of looking at some of the things that were offered for sale and thinking to myself "it's all well and good that you enjoy doing what you're doing, but you could really do a little bit more to present your endeavors to the general public in a way that's more than just a complete jumble". It's not even that the quality of these items offered was so bad, it was more a case of fully adult people in their 40s (and beyond) sitting there presenting their wares at a Christmas bazaar in a style I would consider parallel to a 7 year old showing up in a supermarket parking lot with a box and a scribbled sign that says "kittens free to a good home". I'm not sure why this is annoying me as much as it is except maybe for the fact that allegedly "juried" events often turn out to be not nearly as juried as you'd like to think ...

Curated By:

Community: Hive JAAuthor: @penta555
The first experience of airdrops at Bonsai Coin. / ボンサイコインでエアドロップを初体験した件
(日本語は後半にあります) 【English】 Good evening, I wanted to be born a genius, not an ordinary genius, Penta. No, it doesn't matter... 🤣 Today's topic is when the Bonsai coin was airdropped. Bonsai coin airdrops ...

Community: Holos&LotusAuthor: @zoraida01
(ESP/ENG) El retiro espiritual, una hermosa experiencia./ The spiritual retreat, a beautiful experience.
"El corazón alegre hermosea el rostro; Mas por el dolor del corazón el espíritu se abate". Proverbios 15:13 Feliz día estimados amigos de @holos lotus, me place estar nuevamente escribiendo para nuestro enriquecimiento físico, mental y espiritual en esta hermosa comunidad que busca el desarrollo integral del ser humano, un saludo afectuoso. Deseo compartir con ustedes un evento de mi iglesia Adventista al cual asistí el sábado pasado que llenó mi corazón de alegría y satisfacción, un retiro espiritual. Se realizó aquí mismo en la ciudad de Carúpano, Estado Sucre, Venezuela, en una casa de playa, muy bonita, con piscina y hermosa vegetación ...

Community: Holos&LotusAuthor: @chris-chris92
Algunas personas meditan, otras van al gym, yo hago trekking para drenar todo lo negativo...
Les voy a dar una breve intro sobre mis gustos y particularidades... Verán, no siempre fui una chica amante de los ejercicios ni de la vida fitness, ni mucho menos. Mi padre fue, en s juventud, un gran maratonista autodidacta. Ganó varios premios pero realmente siempre fue amateur ...

Curated By:

Community: Hive GamingAuthor: @pravesh0
Dredge - Can I get a new Hull for my Boat?
Hello and Welcome back to my blog! In my last on Dredge, I went on to explore the Gale Cliffs in the south eastern part of the map and encountered a monstrous fish. Also, I managed to install the Versatile Rod on my boat which enabled me to fish from Shallow, Coastal, Mangrove and Volcanic waters. Another incredibly useful upgrade is to add more storage space to your cargo ...

Community: Hive GamingAuthor: @noomer
Armour and Sword.
I had to get to Colonel Monro who was on the other side o an island so I tried to get to him through the Old Growth Forest. I found a lot of Frenchmen on my way that I Butchered and I found some good views there also. But I didn't found a way to get to the other side through the forest as there were big mountains in the middle so I returned to Morrigan after wandering around for around 8 minutes. I needed only 4 minutes to get to Monro sailing the ship when I wasted the double time into the forest ...

Community: Hive GamingAuthor: @pusen
I Unlocked Vanish and Poisons For My Rogue In Hardcore World of Warcraft
Two of the biggest milestones for rogues in World of Warcraft: Classic comes at level 20 and 22 when you get the quest to unlock poisons and the ability to train the vanish skill from your trainer. Both of these massively increases my survivability. In softcore World of Warcraft: Classic these are practical and convenient. In Hardcore World of Warcraft: Classic these are pure lifesavers ...

Curated By:

Community: WorldmappinAuthor: @stayoutoftherz
Weihnachtskonzert in der Annakirche
Liebe Leser, am Wochenende waren wir bei einem Trompetenkonzert in der Annakirche in Wien, mit Werken von Bach, Händel, Mozart und anderen. Die Annakirche liegt relativ versteckt in der schmalen Annagasse (links in Bild, die kleine Schlange davor sind Konzertbesucher). Sogar viele Wiener sollen sie angeblich gar nicht kennen, ich war auch zum ersten Mal dort! Die weihnachtliche Dekoration mit den Musiknoten deutet darauf hin, dass sich in der Nähe (in der Seilerstätte am Ende der Annagasse) nicht nur mehrere Institute der Musikuni Wien befinden, sondern auch das "" (ein interaktives Museum für Musikgeschichte, das einmal einen eigenen Post wert wäre) ...

Community: Photography LoversAuthor: @tonyz
Low Tide.
Getting dark in Scharendijke. North sea coast, the Netherlands. Silence, just some seagulls squawking ...

Community: Photography LoversAuthor: @gric
Zooming In: A Bug's Life in Macro Detail
Today I scanned my photo archive for marcro shots of insects. I'm not really an expert in macro photography, nevertheless I took hundreds of photos of bugs over the years. Here is a just small selection of what I found ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs!

Currently deployed on 72 Discord servers, with over 8065 Hive users!

© 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris

Greetings and happy day.
Thank you so much for choosing my post on healing.
Thanks for the support.

Thank you!

This is amazing, thank you so much!