HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #300

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @marriot5464

Community: The Ink Well
James was that guy everybody loved while in school. The comforter, the warmth on cold days, the life of the party, the caregiver and the best of it all he was a beautiful soul. "Baba no worry. I go pay" he's always quick to say ...
Author: @popurri

Community: The Ink Well
A small gray speck (Eng/Esp)
My dad came home with a little gray speck with long ears. It barely fit in his hand. He showed it to us, and all my sisters and I surrounded it and shouted for joy. "How beautiful! ...
Author: @osomar357

Community: The Ink Well
Creative Nonfiction: Any follow-up entails a resignation. A reflection on the balance in life. Original Content. EN/ESP.
The story: It was about seven thirty in the morning when I arrived at the office, and I always arrived before the rest of the employees. That was a habit I learned from one of my uncles, who is one of the most sought after managers by large companies in the country. To the point where, after his retirement, some companies still call him to serve as a financial advisor. With him, I learned several things about the working world that were very useful to me, and helped me to move up quickly in the companies where I worked ...

Curated By:
Author: @fashtioluwa

Community: LeoFinance
There is more to do on Hive than blogging; Time to invest and earn $PAKX
One of the reasons many people join Hive is to show their creativity skills to the world. Hive is a place that accommodates many people. If you have stuck around for a long time, you would have seen many communities that support all kinds of content. Sometimes, this will make you think Hive is all about blogging, but I tell you today that there is more to Hive ...
The sea as therapy | A Healing Memory [ENG/SPA]
For years now, my kids have been begging me to take them to the beach, but every time we start getting ready to go, something new comes up and the trip gets postponed. One of the most recurring problems is car trouble. It needs to be running, but not always in top condition to make the trip. El mar como terapia Un recuerdo que sana Todo lo que va de años mis hijos me han pedido que los lleve a la playa, pero cada vez que comenzamos los preparativos para porder ir, surge un nuevo inconveniente y se pospone la visita, uno de los problemas que mas se repite es las averías del carro, es necesario mantenerlo en funcionamiento pero no siempre en óptimas condiciones como para volver hacer el viaje ...
Author: @jesuslnrs

Community: Throwback Thursday
Throwback to Feelings!
Watching this video fills me with many mixed emotions, and is that for me it has always been natural to sing as a soloist in choirs since I was little, I was very good at it and always had something special that made me stand out from other singers, but it was also a job at a smaller level. That day was the first time I sang a solo verse with this impressive choir that already had a sound of international projection, and it was many years before I was part of it, since I was still representing my state in the interior of the country. Ver este video me llena de muchas emociones encontradas, y es que para mí siempre ha sido natural cantar de solista en los coros desde que era pequeño, se me daba muy bien y siempre tenía algo especial que me hacía resaltar ante otros cantantes, pero también era un trabajo a un nivel más pequeño. Ese día fue la primera vez que canté una estrofa solo con esta impresionante coral que ya tenía un sonido de proyección internacional, y fue muchos años antes de ser parte de la misma, ya que aún representaba a mi estado del interior del país ...

Curated By:
Author: @scribblingramma

Community: Freewriters
Peanut Butter and Pickles
This is my post for freewriters Day 2535 prompt, "the worst sandwich," hosted by @mariannewest. I grew up eating dill pickle and cheese sandwiches on homemade white bread with mayonnaise. I didn't think it was an odd combination, because I grew up with it. Since then I have fallen into conversations with friends about the odd sandwiches we have eaten ...

Curated By:
Author: @yanetzi1

Community: Holos&Lotus
¿Quien Soy?Mis tres Cualidades.Esp/Eng
Español Hola un cordial saludo a todos los miembros de esta comunidad maravillosa de @holos Lotus,a esta comunidad de permitirme publicar en esta iniciativa que me llamó mucho la atención de @Damarysvibra realmente es una iniciativa de empoderamiento de seguridad y de reflexión para mí, por titulo QUIEN SOY? Y cuáles son mis tres cualidades. Quiero invitar a participar a mis amigos @divergente @sarayRodri y @afrofat1 a unirse a esta maravillosa iniciativa que nos llena de satisfacción y orgullo saber quiénes somos y qué aportamos también para la vida de cada uno de las personas que están a nuestro alrededor espero que puedan animarse ¿Quien Soy? Realmente me considero una persona que le da Gracias a la vida por los buenos y malos momentos, pero a raíz de todas nuestras experiencias y de nuestra manera de vivir y nuestra convivencia cada punto, transforma mi vida y hoy quiero expresar quién soy cómo me defino y cuáles son esas tres cualidades que me identifica ...
Author: @therevenant

Community: Holos&Lotus
Today is a very important day for me, it all started because a few weeks ago I came across the concept of blisscipline, which means “The discipline of bliss”. The art of staying in a blissful state regardless of the circumstances or the environment. Blissfulness is the state in which all the greatest men and women in history have manifested their dreams, they not only learned how to remain undisturbed, unbothered and unbreakable while walking towards their biggest goals, they also learned how to find happiness in every step of their paths. Hoy es un día muy importante para mí, todo empezó porque un par de semanas me encontré con el concepto de “Feliciplina” el cual significa “La disciplina de la felicidad” ...
Author: @carly765

Community: Holos&Lotus
Mis tres mayores cualidades
Las cualidades son algo que nos caracteriza y que muchos de nosotros no los notamos, pero las personas a nuestro alrededor sí lo hacen, estas nos acompañan en nuestro día a día. Por lo que cuando leí esta iniciativa, me encantó y pensé en mis tres cualidades, pero también pregunté a mis amigos y familiares sobre mis cualidades y me encantó. Notaron muchas que yo pasé por alto, me subieron la autoestima por las nubes jajaj, pero todos tuvieron de acuerdo en algunas. Aquí están mis cualidades: Sociable: soy muy sociable esto me he permitido conocer a muchas personas, dicen que tengo mucha soltura, energía y elocuencia para socializar, no me gusta estar en un grupo y que estados estén desanimados, hablo cambio el ambiente y nos reímos hasta de lo malo que nos pasó, todo cambia dependiendo de la mentalidad, mi mamá siempre dice que es mejor reír que llorar ...

Curated By:
Author: @equipodelta

Community: Hive Diy
DIY: Earrings embroidered with sequins / Sarcillos bordados con lentejuelas (Esp/Eng)
Spanish English Mostacillas varios colores Beads in various colors Lentejuelas Sequins Tijera Scissors Fieltro negro Black felt Argolla y ganchos para sarcillos Hooks and hooks for earwires Hilo, aguja de coser a mano Thread, hand sewing needle Pedrería de fantasía Rhinestones Cordón de cuero Leather cord Paso a paso / Step by Step Step 1️⃣/ Paso 1️⃣ Créditos / Credits Program: Tablet Huion model 420 💜💜💜 👉 👉 👉 👉 ...
Author: @rlathulerie

Community: Hive Diy
Bandeja de desayuno para caballeros [Esp/Eng]
El día de ayer con nuestro emprendimiento Detallitos Dulces estuvimos entregando una bandeja sorpresa, esta vez a un amante de la marca de vehículos Honda, y la verdad amé el resultado, por eso una vez más comparto con ustedes un poquito de mi trabajo, dejándole algunas ideas para consentir a sus seres queridos. Esta bandeja fue un regalo para un chico de parte de su novia (sí, súper lindo, ¿no? ) y al ser un fanático de la marca Honda, quería que la bandeja fuese con esa temática y utilizando los colores rojo, negro y plateado, una elección bastante linda y sobre todo varonil. En este caso, ella quería para Nobel (el nombre de su novio) tequeños, una baby cake, bebida y chuches, y en cuanto a la decoración de la bandeja prefirió no colocar ni el nombre ni otro mensaje especial al frente de la bandeja, sino un moño que decidí hacerlo en negro y rojo ...
Author: @aquagelas

Community: Hive Diy
Tutorial on making a high school student's uniform from a sheet of origami paper
Hi Hive DIY friends Today I want to make a craft from a piece of origami paper, the craft that I will make today is a high school student's school uniform, what inspired me to make this uniform was because when I was watching anime I saw a high school student wearing her school uniform. To make a high school student uniform from origami paper is very easy, here is a tutorial on how to make a high school student uniform from a piece of origami paper. First, fold the origami paper into two parts neatly, then unfold the paper again and now fold the origami paper once again into two parts from the opposite direction. After that, fold both bottom sides of the origami paper up a little like the picture below ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

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Currently deployed on 72 Discord servers, with over 8093 Hive users!

© 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris

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