HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #299

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @litguru

Community: The Ink Well
The Bare Necessities
"They had no bathing suits on and were swimming in the pool completely in the nude," said Miranda over the phone, "as bare as the day the lord made them". Larry listened to his wife speaking to the ship's staff, recounting how earlier she had gone to the pool and found herself in the middle of a rowdy naked bunch. "I see... yes, oh my, I did not know that," she said putting her hand on her forehead ...
Author: @nancybriti1

Community: The Ink Well
Fiction: The island / La isla (ENG/ ESP)
The island Alonso had left his house at about 7:00 a.m., as usual. He had taken the bus and had been the first to arrive at his office. Also as usual, he had got on the computer and started his work: he considered himself the best programmer in the world. When the staff arrived, after an hour, they neither greeted Alonso nor looked at him ...
Author: @bipolar95

Community: The Ink Well
It's been six years since Ashley's been abroad studying. In those six years she got married to Raymond and when they graduated, they both returned to Ashley's home. Being that Ashley's father is a wealthy billionaire with lots of company, Ashley felt it will be a soft landing for her and Raymond to start up their life after school. Raymond had his reservations as he would have preferred they both remained abroad and started up their life there ...

Curated By:
Author: @rosecane

Community: Eating Out
Eating out with Boss @ Raees Biryani House
Today, I’m sharing one of my lunches with my boss, which is not a common occurrence. Obviously, you don’t get the chance to have lunch with your boss every day; it all depends on his mood and the situation. One such situation arose in August when the boss was in the mood to eat out, and during this discussion, he called me into his room. Two colleagues were already there, and the conversation was about where to go for lunch ...
Author: @abneagro

Community: StemSocial
Observaciones en un "Ciempiés" de la familia Scolopendridae | ¿Realmente todos tienen 100 patas?
Cuando vivimos en zonas cálidas y con alta humedad siempre debemos ser cuidadosos cuando realizamos tareas en el jardín que ameriten la manipulación de material vegetal o cuando trabajamos directamente el suelo (con las manos desnudas), ya que en estos lugares se pueden llegar a ocultar organismos que, aunque no tengan mucha peligrosidad, pueden generarnos algún problema que nos haga pasar un mal rato. En este sentido, uno de los organismos que nos pueden hacer pasar un susto son los siempre admirables y respetables "ciempiés", esto porque en las zonas en donde se suele concentrar la humedad es probable que haya algunos empleando el lugar como refugio o quizás sean atraídos por la existencia de buenas fuentes de alimento, suelen actuar en horarios nocturnos, mientras que en el día se ocultan bajo el suelo, en macetas o entre la hojarasca que encuentren. Por lo general, no suelo ser muy fanático de estos organismos de cuerpos alargados y con múltiples patas, creo que mi blog es un reflejo de esto por solo tener un par de publicaciones referentes a este grupo en los 6 años que llevo en la plataforma, pero no esta de más comenzar indicando que estos ejemplares no son insectos y mucho menos arácnidos, son de grupos completamente diferentes, en este caso pertenecen al taxón llamado Myriapoda. Todo esto lo menciono con la intención de dejar de lado esa creencia tan extendida de que todo lo que tenga varias patas, antenas o se arrastre por el suelo sea un insecto, destacando que el filo Arthropoda no solo está compuesto de insectos, también alberga a miles y miles de ejemplares muy diferentes a estos, siendo uno de los rasgos compartidos entre t ...
Author: @guurry123

Community: Hive Learners
Delayed Flights, Exciting Nights: Our New Year Vacation
Dear Hive Friend and Hive Learner Members, Made with Traveling and exploring new places is always exciting activity for me. As my wife also love visiting and exploring new places so its more fun and enjoyable for me as we both are similar interest. Recently have a short visit to my twin brother living abroad but because of some constrains it was my solo visit but for sure I love take my family with me next time and if everything will be ok them most probably in coming two years itself. Here in this post I am sharing a visit to metro city Mumbai last city with family ...

Curated By:
My start in the fascinating world of needles 🪡 🧶 (ENG - SPA)
Basic crochet course Greetings to all, especially to the people who make life in the community of NeedleWorkMonday, I introduce myself briefly because it is my first time in this community and many must not know me, my name is Ana Maria Santacruz, I am Venezuelan, my measurements are: 90, bust, and forget it 🤭, I have 5 years in hive and I am single and without commitment 🤣, after this joke now if writing seriously, for a long time not to say years I wanted to learn something with my hands, but not just anything, since I am not attracted to crafts (so far) but to learn the art of crochet or as I called it the art of knitting. Mi inicio en el fascinante mundo de las agujas 🪡 🧶 Curso de crochet básico Saludos a todos, especialmente a las personas que hacen vida en la comunidad de NeedleWorkMonday, me presento brevemente porque es mi primera vez en esta comunidad y muchos no deben conocerme, mi nombre es Ana María Santacruz, soy venezolana, mis medidas son: 90, revienta, y olvídalo 🤭, tengo 5 años en hive y soy soltera y sin compromiso 🤣, después de esta broma ahora si escribiendo en serio, desde hace mucho tiempo para no decir años deseaba aprender algo con mis manos, pero no cualquier cosa, ya que no me atraen las manualidades (hasta el momento) sino aprender el arte del crochet o como yo le decia el arte de tejer. My teacher Mi profesora 🥰 My motivation This desire is also born by observing that my long term memory has decreased drastically forgetting many things from my childhood relying on photography to remember; however, I must admit that sometimes my mom helps me remember things in which I was involved and I have for ...
Plantbased German inspired sausage dinner
Hello friends of Hive. Here in Canada we are in the thick of autumn. This is when the leaves turn yellow, orange, and red. People rave about the beauty of it all ...

Curated By:
Author: @ibbtammy

Community: ThoughtfulDailyPost
Emotionally Supportive Friends
Having emotionally supportive friends is totally underrated. A lot of people want to have rich friends, successful friends and friends with networks and so on but it is important to have friends who are there to support you emotionally. No one wishes to be an emotional wreck but when it happens having people offer a shoulder to cry on is very important. Emotionally supportive friends are friends who are there for us emotionally, listening to us rant, curse, manage our outbursts and comfort us ...

Curated By:
Author: @equipodelta

Community: Hive Diy
Reto InkGris 2024 - Semana 3 / InkGris Challenge 2024 - Week 3 (Esp/Eng)
Esta es mi entrada para el Reto InkGris2024 llevado por @grisvisa 0 This is my entry for the InkGris2024 Challenge run by @grisvisa Día 15: Flor / Day 15: Flower Día 16: Fantasma / Day 16: Ghost Día 17: Oscuridad / Day 17: Darkness Día 18: Pirata / Day 18: Pirate Día 19: Candelabro / Day 19: candleholder Día 20: Gato / Day 20: Cat , me gustaban tanto que las tenía en revistas como en sus comienzos, luego las llevaron a televisión en los 70's y allí fue evolucionando, de hecho en el año 2000 hubo un nuevo lanzamiento de las mismas pero un tanto realistas, no me agradó. ! , I liked them so much that I had them in magazines as in their beginnings, then they took them to television in the 70's and there it evolved, in fact in the year 2000 there was a new release of them but somewhat realistic, I did not like it. Día 21: Elfo / Day 21: Elf Créditos / Credits Inspiraciones: Camera: Teléfono Tecno Spark 20 👉 👉 👉 👉 ...
Author: @lismar21

Community: Hive Diy
(ENG-ESP) ⚡¡Cotillions of printed cloth bags! ⚡¡Cotillones de bolsitos de tela estampadas! ⚡
🍀 To make cotillion bags in printed fabrics of different colors, these fabrics are of 1 meter each one, where for each meter 6 bags were made. The fabric is very good ideal for these bags or to make sets or dresses for girls. I made several, since these were for the culmination of my daughter's school year, where the teacher wanted each student to receive her cotillion, but it had to be something durable, and not a paper bag, which would be thrown away later. That's why she preferred something that they can continue to use later on, it is also useful not only for candy or sweets, but also to carry anything like clothes, notebooks, toys, among others ...
Author: @lauracraft

Community: Hive Diy
Card holder wallet for them (ENG/ESP)
Hello creatives, happy week, I hope you are active with those magical artistic projects, which you share with us every day, to charge us with motivation. It's been a while since I got into the world of wallets, and it's because I would like to do so many things that I like, that when I think of 1 I'm thinking of several at the same time, so in the meantime, I end up doing a mental roulette, to stay with an idea, no matter how complex it is, I'm always persevering to achieve it, even if I have to do and redo it. Today I share with you the process to make a wallet, a card holder for men, an important accessory to keep cards safe and preserved, preventing them from getting lost in larger bags or wallets, an accessory that facilitates immediate accessibility when using our cards to make purchases. The photographs you will see below were taken with my TECNO SPARK GO 2024 model phone ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs!

Currently deployed on 72 Discord servers, with over 8090 Hive users!

© 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris

Thank you!

Thank you very much for the support, happy Friday to all.