Magnífico salón de fiestas de cumpleaños con alberca / Superb birthday party lounge with swimming pool

in #cumpleanos3 years ago

Hace poco fue la fiesta de mi sobrino que nos invitó a celebrar en un salón de fiestas con alberca, la fiesta fue realmente enorme, allí encontramos a toda la familia pero también vecinos, conocidos…. Era un día extremadamente caluroso por lo que los niños se bañaban casi todo el tiempo, incluso era difícil sacarlos de la piscina para comer, para la piñata y el pastel. Comimos birria con arroz y tortillas hechas a mano que estaban buenísimas y con mucho sabor. Mi tía que es la madrina le hizo una magnífica tarta con forma de barco pirata. Luego rompimos las piñatas que contenían dulces muy ricos, muchos de los cuales eran de chocolate. Nos divertimos mucho mi sobrino parecía estar feliz con su fiesta y sus regalos


Recently it was my nephew's party who invited us to celebrate in a party room with a pool, the party was really huge, there we met the whole family but also neighbors, acquaintances... It was an extremely hot day so the children were swimming almost all the time, it was even difficult to get them out of the pool to eat, for the piñata and the cake. We ate birria with rice and handmade tortillas that were very good and full of flavor. My aunt who is the godmother made him a magnificent cake in the shape of a pirate ship. Then we broke the piñatas containing very tasty candies, many of which were chocolate. We had a lot of fun my nephew seemed to be happy with his party and his gifts











