Steemit Culture Challenge Entry : MOROCCO

in #culturechallenge8 years ago

Hi steemnators , IMG_20170711_230521.jpgI am here to introduce my country, culture, tradition ... Everything that makes it different . Diversity actually is one of what makes Morocco's culture so RICH . My country can be separated to three small culture lets start from the north in arabic "CHAMAL" .
This part has its proper culture , tradition and even own meals ,that's known by . In the North they have a tradition clothes like that images (1).jpg ONLY for old people now , but in some special parties like ceremonies ,or villages even young girls wear like that . Some of you will considered like old fashioned , but it's a sign of shyness .
download (1).jpg .
The music also is so special , like by hearing you know it . And there is a uniform that all the musician wear no matter the band was , it's a "JELLABA" and " AMAMA" as the picture below
download (4).jpg
They are known by a meal that calls " kalinti ", it's a popular meal that sold for 0.11$ (SOOOOOOOO Expensive hh ) ,but the taste is just UNFORGETTABLE thumbs.jpg .
Now the south ,is an other world ,that has its own rules .Starting with Western Sahara download (5).jpg from "Sahara" the desert .In the past and even a big part of them now live in temples in groups .The most popular thing that make Sahraoui so popular it's their special TEA . What's special here , that it takes 3 hours minimum to be ready , images (8).jpg and the most importing thing that the glass of tea must not be full , just the half of it , it's a TRADITION .
They like to celebrate in temples , it steel a favorite place , under the sky full of stars , and on the gold sand .
Moving now to the heart of Morocco , where even cities becomes different worlds , like in Marrakech ,it known all over the world by "Tangia" ,it's my plat number 1, that made in meet beef, cumin, special butter, salt lemon,and gingember. but if you the ingredients not the tool it can't be done here is why download (6).jpg The ingredients are mixed in a pot that we put on coal as a last step ,after that Bonne Appetite .
In the past , Morocco suffer from feminine , that's why we do now have some plats that were created ithat period of time that are cheap ,delicious ,and always ENOUGH for everybody , and that even after becomes like a habit . Like Couscous download (7).jpg it's made in Seminole and 7 vegetables but you can do it with whatever vegetable do you have , that specific plat it's always done Fridays .,all over morocco , it becomes a habit or something more . (Now I am Starving).
The diversity , of my country is already mentioned at the beginning , but it's not just limited in tradition clothes and food , no , even in religion .Morocco is a country of coexistence . Yeah, the majority here are Muslims but there is Jewish and even Christian . That's what we call diveristy , and I am so proud to be one of them .


Great post! I visited Morocco a few years ago and I had a lot of delicious meals there. Thanks for sharing, good luck in the contest. :)