Itikaf in the mosque in the last ten days of Ramadaan

in #culture7 years ago

In the last ten days of Ramadan, there was a very special night and most eagerly awaited by Muslims. You certainly know about the virtue of laylat Al-Qadr, right? Yes, the night is better than a thousand months.

Itikaf in mosques for the sake of getting a distinction is the suggestion from the Messenger. A golden opportunity just once a year there is indeed a shame really if it is passed.

That you are motivated to beritikaf in the mosque, you can join the friends who've often infectious enthusiasm so itikaf in thee. You can also read about the primacy of the laylat Al-Qadr so that your faith grow.

Come on, be strong azzam from now to obtain the laylat Al-Qadr passing itikaf and revives the mosque at the end of Ramadan