The old traditional house of noble family

in #culture8 years ago (edited)

There is a well-preserved traditional house of noble family not far from my office. I love to look around the old stuffs.

The name of the house was Mo Won Jae 慕遠齊

It means literally “Missing Far away House”. Here faraway means the King. In middle age of korea, to be Royal to their king was understood as same as to serve their parents due to Confucius philosophy.

So owner of this house would like to express his royalty to the King.
The owner of this house had lived at 1415-1480, he was a vice prime minister of Choson dynasty.

In Choson Dynasty, every house needed to be humble. They couldn't colour their houses. Coloring the house was strictly banned except the Palace and the Shrine. The size of house was also strictly prohibited.
Due to the Confucian philosophy, the extravagancy was perceived as immoral behavior

Full appearance from behind

The front gate was humble

main building

close shot

Do you feel the history of this house.

under the roof of the main building

the white patterns are the kind of ornament instead of the coloring

Back door

On the door, you can find the very humble encarved ornament at the just below of the roof.

I don’t know where this patterns came from, but it looked similar to the lotus in my guess.

They made a back door, because the graveyard of the family was located in just behind of the house.

They ‘d like to serve their ancestors near their house.

Thank you for reading.

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잘 보존 해야 할텐데요

They knew how to design back then, just beautiful to look at!

The culture has so much history. For those buildings to stand today a lot of skill and knowledge would have been put into them. Thanks for sharing @slowwalker. Upvoted!

Thank you so much

No problem @slowwalker. Keep up the great stories. I'm loving learning a little bit of history too!

I learn so much from your posts.

In Choson Dynasty, every house needed to be humble. They could colour their house. Coloring the house was strictly banned except the Palace and the Shrine. The size of house was also strictly prohibited.
Due to the Confucian philosophy, the extravagancy was perceived as immoral behavior

Solid reminders of what was (is) important in cultures in the past and some of what is meant to be important today as well.

Great work as always @slowwalker!

I made a mistake.
They couldn't color their houses

Wow that looks amazing @slowwalker. You are so lucky to have this so close to your home. I find it great that you are able to still find beauty in something that you have seen many times! What is the name of this style of home?

Han ok
Literaly korean house.

@slowwalker nim - wowza!

It has high value of art. What a beutiful house @slowwalker . I like it . U got two thumbs and Upvoted DONE. View my blog for my latest post (B & W photo).

Thank you so much

Wow, when I will earn some money through steem I will make this type of house in india

This is awesome postThanks for sharing @slowwalker

Thank you so much

Such beautiful architecture and design. This is like a time capsule so we could see what life was like in human history. Some of these designs still inspire modern architecture too - quite fascinating - thank you for sharing slowwalker.

It is amazing how the old architectures are preserved in Korea, and even more incredible and admirable is the way in which they maintain their culture.

🙆‍♂️ thank you

I find the picture you have labeled as "The front gate was humble" very interesting. When I noticed the blue building behind "Mo Won Jae", a thought stroke in my head. How far we have progressed in technology but how much we value our heritage!

Exactly you pinned the core out.

The cultural history of places like this is so interesting to me. Thanks for sharing!

How have I never seen this great user name of yours til just now LOL!!!!

You win the name of the week contest for sure hahaha!!!


Haha, thank you, that's a big compliment!

You look so beautiful.Thank you so much @uglysweater. May I ask why @uglysweater...?

Thank you! It is kind of a joke. I like ugly sweaters. :)

Very cool! I love to see old homes such as this maintained for future generations to see!

Every generation has it's history. The evidence of that bygone generation that you have captured with your photos. Gives all of us around the world a glimpse of what could have been to them.
An advanced state of being and living, compared to the generations before them.@slowwalker

Today, we think and believe ourselves to be in a great state of advancement over the previous generations. Such as getting off the back of a horse or carriage, and into the comfort of our motor vehicles.
You have preserved for a long, long, time, what you have placed on blockchain. It is essentially preserved forever.
The generations that will follow us, will wonder why we had it so tough. Who knows what humanity will have and be doing in the future.
Colonizing other planets for one I would imagine.

Thank you for this important work of preserving history. You will always be remembered as a recorder of history. And in expert and skilled fashion.


That's too much compliment.
Thank you @francis

Beautiful old house. We have something similar in Indonesia-Padang image

Look at the architecture! What sub category of traditional Asian is this? Chinese, Japenese, Korean?

It's Korean ;)

Hahaha right

Nice photos. Only wonder if this house is authentic? Almost all monuments I saw in Seoul were actually replicas because the originals were destroyed by wars with China or Japan through the centuries. Sadly this also reflects the hardship Koreans had to endure many centuries as a small country.

Just some awesome pictures of Korea. When I went to Korea, I was only ever able to stay at the DMZ. That itself was a serious experience. Thanks for sharing this home with us.

DMZ is unique place in the world.
You did great experience

Impressing its construction! Very nice and your photos are perfect. Thanks to you for making us travel. Have a great day

Thank you so much @jojovdm

i like your post, thanks for sharing

Thank you so much

Realy nice house ,
a geat building.

Plz if you can check my last post , tnx.

thanks for sharing, this is some awesome architecture !

That is beautiful.

Thank you so much

Always find your post interesting, especially I could understand more of Korean history~
(I am only exposed to K-pop and K-drama under normal social influence XD)

I am glad you like it

Hello dear friend
How are you today
We often have old places to keep because they have a lot of memories

That's right my friend.

Great housing , looks like all the houses around it are similar as well

That's right

A very unique building with woods that last a long time, I also really like


I love the roof especially thanks for sharing my friend have s good start to your week!xx

this was a very touching post, especially the second-last line: "They ‘d like to serve their ancestors near their house."

I found the emphasis on virtue refreshing, especially the desire to remain humble and modest and not to use bright colours in architecture.

I read Confucius but I especially admire Lao Tsu, The Tao Te Ching - I love the simple philosophy in that book.

Again, a very beautiful post, @slowwalker :)

His wording in his posts is always so precise, and very graceful I find, he always ends a post with a beauty like that too eh?

yes, very true. BTW, are you Canadian?


Jays finally beat the White Sox today LOL


Thank you so much

You share the most beautiful structures & historical finds @slowwalker!

Thank you so much

That's really cool!

Thank you so much

Interesting construction methods!

That's right

lol I'd live in that now with my samurai sword in hand 🤚 just to getaway from the city. #bless

I love their architecture, especially the roofing. Meanwhile over here in the west we just slap a basic triangle shape on top and call it a day.

I think so roof of korean traditional architecture is awesome.

Wow, this is really impressing!!, the architecture!, the view... I really like it!! You have my upvote! :)
Would you like helping me too? n.n.


It is beautiful piece of history. Once one tears down history it cannot be recaptured. IT our western society we have WAY to much disrespect for history. It is evident in how we treat our seniors citizens and our old buildings. i appreciate you taking to time to explain the background of this dwelling. it has a personality and is a living substance of our culture as long as we allow to show respect to our past.

Thank you so much

I'm amazed by how intact it still looks! Would have expected to it to be falling apart by now. Do you know how they keep it so well preserved? Thanks a lot for the share, absolutely love it!

It was falling apart several times, of course.
They rebuilt it again and again

How old is this house? (Really 600 years :o)

Feel likes an interesting step into an unknown world for me. Thanks for the detail.

It was rebuilt several times

Beautiful. Even more beautiful that you are able to explore it, and it looks like there is no vandalism or litter anywhere...

It's interesting to me how much more imposing and impressive the back gate is in contrast to the front gate. I'm also assuming the inside was off limits, though it would be really interesting to see the interior!


Thank you for this post! This is great stuff. I love architecture, history, and culture, and seeing how those all overlap in interrelate. Keep it up!

are these protected lets say by institutions like global heritage or alike ...

It is under protection now

good post...

Thank you so much

Thanks again...

In this era modern still there are tradisional building. That is very nice. I LIKE IT

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