I met old women in the marketplace. 장터에서 할머니들을 만나다.

in #culture8 years ago (edited)

The marketplace is opened at every Tuesday near my office.
I look around the marketplace from time to time. Whenever I went to the marketplace, the deep wrinkles of old women came to my mind and made me think what a life was.

내가 있는 곳에는 일주일에 한번씩 장이 선다.
가끔씩 시장 구경을 간다. 그럴때 마다 항상 할머니들이 눈에 들어온다. 그래서 할머니들의 사진을 찍었다. 할머니들의 깊게 패인 주름살을 보면서 인생이 무엇인가하는 생각을 하곤한다.

Sitting on the ground, the old women were selling the vegetables as always.
할머니들은 어김없이 땅바닥에 앉아 나물과 채소를 팔고 있다

In the corner, a old man was preparing the vegetables .한쪽 구석에서는 아저씨가 채소를 다듬고 있다.

A old woman took a place to sell some vegetables near the roadway. It looked very dangerous.
She looked poor but had a grace.
어떤 할머니는 자리를 잡지 못해 차도 바로옆에서 위태위태하게 좌판을 열고 장사를 하신다.

A old woman couldn't stand straight .
어떤 할머니는 허리도 제대로 펴지도 못한다.

Some old women could take a wider place
그래도 어떤 할머니들은 넓게 자리를 잡은 경우도 있다.

There exists a gap at any cases in the world.
I know it is a real life. But that make me shed tears in my mind.
And that make me think to live a good life.
Love to others is really important.
Let's make life worthwhile and valuable.
어디서든지 차이는 존재한다.
할머니들을 보면서 주어진 삶을 잘살아야 겠다는 생각을 한다.
타인에 대한 사랑과 헌신이라는 것이 정말 중요하다는 생각이 든다.
인생을 보람있게 가치있게 살아갑시다.


I used to hang out in old-people coffee shops just to take some of their wisdom. Learned so many things from them.

You are a wise person

Somewhere in Ukraine there are the same marketplaces. Resteem 😎😎😎😎

Hello friend
When we see older people working
How sad I am this life is cruel
I hope with all my heart to give them a positive role

Old age is a step we all will take,when i see some old people i fall in love with them.There is this tenderness about them.And there others you just have to stay away from.
It saddens me none of my parents grew old,they passed while they were still young.I keep wondering how their old age would have looked like.

I am sorry you lost your parents early.

This means a lot to me @slowwalker. Thank you.

Thank you @slowwalker for sharing these compassionate thoughts with us!!

Thank you for your comment

Those are the real working people. THOSE are the people we have to pay respect. Those who work all day long just to bring a hot dinner to their tables because they didn't got the opportunity to study in a good -or bad- school or just the circumstances were not just as good as some people.



Awesome outlook on life @slowwalker! Thanks again for sharing these subtle moments of your life my friend:) Take care-

Thank you

I also see the landscape every day, but why did not I think so?
You are a slow - walking philosopher.

Thanks for that.

That's the whole truth. My dad always told me be a Man, means in the heart feel good and love people. I love your post. Beautiful story and shots. Thank you 🤗 I follow you.

You have a wise dad

할머님들이 파시는게 맛도 좋더라구요^^ 싸고 많이주시고~!


Great work @slowwalker my friend! In Ukraine, older women also work hard to earn some more money! I believe that their work should be evaluated more! Thank you for sharing your life story! Look my walk and listen to the beautiful songs of the famous Ukrainian band "Okean Elzy"! https://steemit.com/travel/@olga.maslievich/family-walk-to-the-old-park-today-we-ll-see-you-beautiful-arch-and-old-houses-that-adorns-our-ancient-town-part-3

Thank you.
I visited and heard the song.

It is true, I try to love and look after people here every day on Steemit and be kind to people.

Another great post with great quotes and thoughts and pictures.

Have a good day my friend @slowwalker

Thank you for your comment

Thank for an eye opener into ordinary people's lives, the every day struggle.
A window into Korea ...nice.

"Love to others is really important." Its inspiring.

so much love for this post! I could feel the sincerity of your heart. Thanks for sharing an eye-opener to anyone who takes life for granted. A reminder for me to be grateful always in everything. :)

Thank you for your comment

The everyday hustle, It's inspiring to see how other live clear across from you and how we take allot of materialism for granted as if we can't do without and live simple!

I'm a photographer myself and love capturing these moments!
Thanks for sharing

Thank you for dropping by

Wow. This puts things in perspective. I can't imagine having to rely on working that close to danger.

It's sorry.

Good topic .. but my question is are you going to share the reward of this post with them old ladies tho🤔

when I meet them again, I will

it shows that everywhere in the world this is the sad fact
so buy local@slowwalker nim am glad you posted this

Let's make life worthwhile and valuable.

I totally agree ..
you know ... the woman on the 1st pic reminds me of someone I call Hulmoni back when I was in the Philippines but maybe its not her cause that one has a diplomat son

This post moved me ..

Life is complicated.

I have the most respect to these people. I knew few people that are quite young and say they can't work or don't work. This makes me sad. I love people that fight and are strong. We can learn much from them.

Thanks for the pictures! Just a matter of time until I go to Asia again :)

You are right

It is very nice to see how you appreciate these simple but true people and their way of life. Thanks @slowwalker

Thank you for your comment

thank you for your article!!

You are welcome

Wonderful photos. It's so easy to walk by these hard-working adults in Korea without understanding how much they give back to society.

Yes, we need to remember.

They are impressive pictures of the everyday life you show us here. It reflects the hard and true life again. I particularly like the image of the woman with the cape, which bears my name...... Daniel ****

Yes, that's your name

A beautiful pure post. Very touching.
Thanks for sharing.
Crystal clear resteem :-)

Thank you so much

Very nice message at the end of your post, my friend. In my experience, I think that happiness depends on each person. My mother lives in a village of 6000 inhabitants, where there are very poor children. And whenever I see those children, it also gives me sadness, but then I see how they play and enjoy, laughing all the time. And to see that, makes me think that maybe they are happier than a rich kid. Happiness I do not think it's in material things, I think it is in learning to enjoy the little things. And it will always depend on how we approach life. There are people who are happy with very little.. Big hug and have a good weekend:

really insightful
happiness is in our mind not in our purse

Nice flow to the story - love the characters you let me envision in my mind.

정잘 좋아해요.
반가워요. ^^
Very nice 👍👍
I love Korea.

Nice to meet you

Nice piece @slowwalker, you obviously must be a good person to have had such thoughts, most people see old people and rather than reading in between the lines to get a clear perspective about life, they disregard them and pay little attention...thanks for sharing

I agree. The real life is brutal sometimes... and it does depend from a simple thing that you can choose... WHERE YOU BORN.
I think I am a lucky guy as I am European. If I was born in some part of Africa or Asia etc for sure I wasn't having the privilege of staying here in from of my laptop writing a comment on steemit but surely I was somewhere working hard to bring money at home.
Those people have my 100% admiration as human, as workers and as humans.
You have a new follower! Thanks for sharing

I'm very horned by your credo "slow walker"!The Germans have this expression: "Eile langsam" (hurry slowly). And in this lies a deep meaning! You will always have time to think! For thoughtless actions lead to a fiasco. The Russians say: "Hurry up, you'll make people laugh!"

slowwalker, Korea is very similar to Ukraine. We also have spontaneous markets where people sell what they have grown with their own hands. Local authorities drive these poor old women to please the government and corporations. But I'd rather buy greens or dairy products from this old woman, where there is a smell and taste of natural products., than to buy them in the hypermarket!!!

cool post. i am following you now and look forward to seeing your posts in my feed!

Sometimes such people enjoy the life better than other