Joseph Pulitzer and the famous Pulitzer prize

in #culture6 years ago (edited)

Sure, you've probably heard of the famous Joseph Pulitzer, but what is he so famous for?

Joseph was born in 1847 in a small Hungarian town called Mako, and spent his childhood in Budapest, where he signed up for military service. And at the age of 17 years went to the United States, where he served as an ordinary mercenary during the Civil war.

Joseph Pulitzer

A few years later, he moved to San Luis, got a job as a reporter in the newspaper, and after 3 years decided to become a co-owner of this publication. He was quite an enterprising man, and by purchasing shares of other American publications, joined them, becoming the owner of the most influential print media in San Louisa.

However, as often happens in any business he has an important competitor in the person of William Hearst. Began a rivalry in everything. Any detail in the career or Hobbies of Americans for them was essential.

It was only required to submit skillfully: to think up a catchy header, to make colorful photos or just to touch on fantastic details of life. The editorial talent of the Pulitzer let him use a newspaper for the publication of the most debatable and controversial articles. By the way, that Joseph is associated with the emergence of so-called genre of "yellow" press.


With the acquisition in 1883 of the new York world, he managed to turn it into the most popular newspaper — the new York mouthpiece of the main political news. On the pages of the newspaper it became possible to consider both topical comics and beautiful artistic illustrations, to plunge into the world of the most caustic political notes.

Pulitzer believed very much in the future of journalism, considered it archived in the development of society. Often, this is what is called the main reason for his last will, bequeathed all his money to the organization of the prize awarded to talented authors, distinguished publications that address the pressing problems of the modern world.

Pulitzer prize

Today this award is considered one of the most prestigious estimates of creative work not only in journalism, but also in fiction, music, theater, and reporting.

Later began to award and for the best article on art criticism and for an original editorial comment. During many years of existence of this authoritative award there were all new and new nominations. In 1922 it became the first award for caricature, and 20 years later for the best photos.

For more than 100 years, the Pulitzer prize has been awarded every year on the first Monday of may to those who managed to impress the public with their work in various fields of United States culture. In the category "for service to society", the winner is even awarded a gold medal.


Today the prize is awarded in more than 20 nominations. Many of them are directly related to journalism, others are devoted to the social trends of modern life, politics and culture. Among the nominees there are enough participants engaged in photography, cartoons, literary works of various genres.

Pulitzer prize

Award Winners

For more than a century history of the award winners were writers and poets, journalists and musicians, photographers and literary critics. But, the first Pulitzer prize winner was a famous American journalist Herbert Bayard. His series of articles on The German Empire conquered most of the Advisory Board members.

The Laureates of different years were all the famous Margaret Mitchell (novel "gone with the wind"), and the esteemed Ernest Hemingway (short story "the old Man and the sea"), and the inimitable Harper Lee (educational novel "to Kill a Mockingbird")...

The first Russian nominee was a journalist Artem Borovik with a report called "Room 19" (about the problems in the Russian Institute of the brain). In 2011, the prestigious American award was presented to Anna Politkovskaya for documentary coverage of the events of the military conflict in the Chechen Republic.

Journalist Alexander Zemlyanichenko twice became a Pulitzer prize winner:

  • In 1992 (for documentary Chronicles about the Moscow putsch of 1991) and
  • In 1997 (Alexander presented to the jury fervent pictures Boris Yeltsin, vyplyasyvayuschego with Osin at a rock concert).

snapshot Zemlyanichenko

In 2014, Donna Tartt became the winner of the literature award for her magnificent novel Schegol (which I already wrote on the blog), telling the story of a brave teenager who, after the sudden tragic death of his mother, faced numerous problems.

In the category "Music" award receivedJohn Luther Adams for the song "Become an ocean". This is quite an interesting orchestral work. The sound of music as if shakes you on the waves of the ocean, plunging into its vast depths, evoke thoughts of melting polar ice and rising sea level.

In a nomination "Poetry" the award was received by Peter Balakian, his collection of poems "Ozone Journal" raises urgent problems, describes a modern tragedy, covers the important issues of the time of troubles.

In 2016, Russian journalist Sergey Ponomarev won the award in the category "News photography" (for photographs covering the migration crisis in Europe).

refugees trying to reach Europe in search of a better life

In the category "Fiction" was won by Colson Whitehead ("the Underground railroad"). In this work there is realism and allegory, combining the violence of slavery and the drama of today's American life.

In the "history" category, Heather Ann Thompson won the Prize. The award is given for an outstanding and well-documented book on the history of the United States. Her novel "Blood in the water: the attic prison uprising of 1971 and its legacy" is worth reading.


This work tells the story of high standards of scientific judgment and perseverance in the search for truth during the riots that took place in the prisons of Attica in 1971.

In the category" Theater "award won Lin-Manuel Miranda for the original script and music for the musical"Alexander Hamilton".

Received Pulitzer prize and talented journalist Sarah Riley for the investigation of the police in new York, evicted from their homes people who have not committed any offenses, such representatives of the law selected income from the owners of large stores, did all sorts of atrocities.

Sara collected history in a series of publications about the arbitrariness of the police, thoroughly studied about a thousand cases of abuse of power.

Jim Maureen received an award for editorial cartoons. Here's one of his works.


In his work shows grotesque and sometimes sharp prospects of our time, however, it is done subtly and ingeniously.

I, for example, liked the bright work of Mike Keef, for which he was awarded the prize in 2011. His caricature was called "the Tube" :-)

I Think that this year the prize winners will delight us with their achievements and new talented publications, musical productions, operas and photo reports. Wait is not long, in may will be published the entire list of applicants.

Thank you for Your attention and Your visit. I appreciate Your feedback and comments.

I wish you luck and have a nice day!

Best wishes,


In 1974, no Pulitzer Prize was awarded for fiction...The jury had voted unanimously for Thomas Pynchon’s novel Gravity’s Rainbow, but the board vetoed their recommendation calling the novel “obscene,” “overwritten,” “turgid,” and “unreadable.” The jury expressed dismay when they learned of the book’s rejection and protested the board’s decision but to no avail.

Thanks )

your welcome, I love Thomas Pynchon!

...I heard about him )

Gravity's Rainbow used to be my favorite novel. Now my favorites by Pynchon oscillate between Against the Day, Mason & Dixon , and the Crying of Lot 49.

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