Illegal immigration....

in #culture8 years ago

This is a touchy subject... especially in Texas. Let me start off by saying there is nothing morally wrong with being an illegal immigrant. I see it no worse than violating the speed limit on a road which I have been guilty of plenty of times. Should i have been speeding? No. Should there be some punishment for speeding? Yes. Does this make the people who decided what the speed limit is or that enforce the speed limit against people who drive? No. It's order. When dealing with a large group of people, you need order.

Imagine you owned a business and could afford to hire and supply a job to 10 people. So you tell your managers to hire 10 people and no more because it's all the business could afford. When the managers hire the 10 employees they stop hiring. Then some people sneak into the business and start working there, not only that they start collecting a paycheck. Then they cut back on the original 10 employees hours. Now nobody can afford to work there. All of this could have been avoided had they only hired 10 employees and told the people who snuck in "no". Not hiring more than they can afford doesnt make them against having employees, it just gives a much needed balance into how the micro-economy of that business operates.

You could make a similar analogy with renting out hotel rooms and blah blah blah.

Now i completely understand that the people living in America today did not live here 500 years ago. If you are not able to make a distinction between the times of exploring and conquering to the times we live in today then I cant do much to help you. Exploring and conquering has been human nature since the existence of man. It is not limited to one race or one country or one continent. It is universal. We now live in a time where the world is collectively ok with where chips lie for the most part. This is not guaranteed. Society is fragile. Order must exist or chaos will. This isnt me advocating for big government just that order in general must exist.

Since my time in Texas, the people I have depended on the most have been hispanic. I love the culture and they are good people. I dont want families ripped apart. If someone has been here for years now and hasnt caused a problem we need to fast track them towards citizenship but we must regulate how many people come to live in this country. This isnt a matter of what is nice or what feels good it is a matter of stability and order.

Lastly, I do not blame the people coming here looking for a new life. I blame the politicians that have allowed this issue to go unchecked where it is now a mainstream idea to consider someone racist for saying we should strengthen our border or build a wall. Mexico has a wall on its southern border too....


You blame the poloticians for letting it go unchecked? What? Since when has immargration gone unchecked?

It is like I am in a fantasy world these days.. everyone has short term memory, history is longer a meaning, everyone just thinks they are having these fresh ideas and paving new ground.

Anyone who says we need to strengthen our border or build a wall, has no idea of facts, statistics or even new theories, you are just regurgitating your narrative. Kudos. Sheep

The War on Drugs is the reason we have had massive flooding of people from our southern border for decades now. We have not seen a decrease of illegal immigration from our southern border until 2015. End the war on drugs and you fix the real problem. We are handing billions to the cartels. The cartels use those billions to protect their operation.

So yeah, immigration has always gone unchecked until 2015. Yes it's the politicians faultt because of continuing the root of the problem in the war on drugs and not strengthening the border as the issue grows.

Building a wall helps. Ask Mexico. Ask Israel.

Do you have any actual facts or just emotional outbursts and namecalling?

Do YOU have facts? I can do what you did too, Watch

Actually in 2014 there was a decrease in immigration, and we are handing billions to Canadian pharmaceutical companies who want the wall built. They said so in 2011.

Just because you use dates and propaganda terms doesn't make it facts moron. What is your source? what are the comparative numbers? percentages?

Here I will help, because I know you would just go to to get some bullshit

First of all, yes lets build a 25 Billion dollar wall, spend millions in maintenance on something that doesnt even eliminate the whole source. What about planes? Planes account for 27 - 40% of people illegally crossing. (Politifact Sep 8 2015) So I guess we need an air wall too. That same article found that almost 40% of "illegal immigrants" actually CROSSED THE BORDER legally, then they stayed beyond what their visa allowed and became illegal. Once again making a wall futile.

In fact the Reagan, Bush AND Clinton administrations all made big adjustments to the immigration process making it increasingly harder for people to cross. (IRCA in 1986, the IMMACT of 1990, REAL id act of 2005, the 'Gang of eight" in 2013. it goes on...obviously politicians have been so idle on this...)

Also, these all caused a stop in circular motion, most Mexicans would come and work and leave, when all these happened it made it increasingly hard to cross back INTO Mexico, so most stayed cause an increase by 248% in "illegal immigrants" even though it wasn't "illegal" at their time of immigration.(Douglas S Masey PHD , Sociological professor at Princeton)

in 1986 it is estimated that 1,602,544 million people crossed illegally

in 2005 it was down to 1,676,438

In 2015 - 337,117

(Stats from US Border Patrol 2015)

So, ya, lets keep spending money and time on this obviously growing issue....

Are you sure you ARENT the one brainwashed here bud?

So we should have open borders? What are you suggesting?

I'm suggesting that this is an unimportant issue. Just the idea of someone bringing this up is stupid. Its the equivalent of someone one dangling their keys to keep a toddlers attention. We already have the a controlled border, it is not perfect, but it is as close as it is going to get without closing borders and becoming North Korea esque.

by the way on your "ask mexico" point THE UNITED STATES SUGGESTED, ENFORCED, and PAID FOR the wall on the southern border of Mexico... to protect the US from South America, this has ALL BEEN DONE BEFORE, these aren't new arguments, just new to you buddy. If you are going spout politics, get some facts

Illegal immigration is an unimportant issue? I disagree

Of course you do, its your narrative.. thus my point, regardless of the facts presented, you are set in your ways, you refuse to change that out of pride maybe, or you refuse, because it pushes your own narrative, you are just like all the news sources you claim to hate lol

I ask you this, why is Illegal Immigration an Important issue.

Please refrain from "I feel and I think" Use actual stats from respectable sources, Show me why it is such a big deal, also, show how and what we need to address in reference to illegal immigration, what could we change that we haven't already tried in the past, that we haven't already brought in front of congress,

Or you could just say, uh uh, I disagree , again...

"Massive flooding" lmao you sound like the news. "Tonight, the MASSIVE FLOODING of dirty illegal immigrants, and they are all part of the CARTEL!!! are your children safe? tonight at 11"

So you hear yourself man? Take a step back

Do you hear yourself? You're unable to have a conversation without letting emotions taking over. You take a step back and talk like an adult. You immediately jumped to name calling. What exactly did I say that you object to?

What in the HELL are you talking about? Are you just side stepping the issue cause your feelings are hurt? What happened to loving people "telling it like it is"

I apologize if I hurt your sensitive feelings, maybe I will jsut post some rascist jokes, everyone seems to like those!

Either way, say something about the issue at hand, or would you just like to speculate again how the FLOOD of illegal immigrants is fueling the drug cartel! Run! Be Scared consumer!

Do you understand the difference between disagreeing and what you're doing?

You make a post that is just riddled with conjecture, assumptions, and just bad ideals, I called you out on it, and instead of apologizing or at least trying to prove yourself, you try to shift the issue on how I am being mean and not acting like an adult, ya, I get it.

Talking like an adult? Haha I used facts, cited sources, made intelligent arguments.

I called you Moron once... haha, you are good man, dangle those keys bots, distract from the fact you obviously have no idea what you are talking about

The only thing you have disagreed with me on is that you think this is an unimportant issue. You got yourself all worked up because you don't believe it's an important issue. Take emotion out of it. Calm down and let's continue this conversation one day when you've cooled off.

Did you read anything? I wish you could see the smile on my face. I am not "worked up". I am calm, I am just shutting you down is all. Is this what it is like to talk to people about these things, I prove you wrong and you want to table it cause I am worked up? I am typing on a keyboard, any reason you think I am upset is in your own head, kinda like the post you made

I disagree with ALL THE MISINFORMATION you are providing. saying your theories based on assumptions are real. You are just as bad as the people you claim to hate

I mean even the most basic things you are just wrong on! 500 years? wtf? we live in a world where most are okay with where the chips lie? Is this just something you think? This inst a discussion on why you think yellow is a pretty color. You grow up and talk like a man, say it with your chest even lol.

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The United States has always had weak ass Immigration Laws. I know three couples who are married so the spouse can be legal. Not choosing sides or anything but there have been quite a few in our country who have slipped through the cracks. Again, I am not choosing sides when I comment about this.

You may not need a wall soon unless it's to keep Mexicans IN the USA. With the US economy in the toilet and the economic situation in their own country looking a lot brighter, it seems there are more of them leaving the USA than entering it.

it may seem that way but that isnt the case but yes we do need to fix our economy fast

I understand both sides. I see the reason safeguards will be needed for anyone going into a country to live. I also see the need to do what you have to do for your family. If i tried going through the the legal routes to give my family a chance and it did not work for any reason i would find a way to make it work. I understand deporting any criminal but i do not understand breaking up a family. I would like everyone to be given citizenship if they have been here for any amount of time, held a job or have a family. I understand it might not be feasible but it is the way i would like it. So a child or anyone really is not scared they will lose a parent or a loved one.

exactly. I've met so many great people and families that I would never want to lose as neighbors. I want a streamlined path to citizenship for these people and I want stronger borders.

Things like universal healthcare arent feasible when you have millions and millions of people using the system that arent being accounted for. Thats not the only thing in universal healthcares way but it is one of them. Look at the countries that have the highest standards of living. Border security through the roof and they only take immigrants that have the skills to fill the jobs they need. To go a step further the ones who have relaxed their border security recently are seeing very severe economical issues.