Very good post, @honeydue! Returning to the theme of the hero, you offer us in this post ideas that complete the previous article, on which I left you a comment.
I would observe that sometimes it causes us problems in our understanding of the complexity of the issues, that we are bound by a vision of antagonistic binary oppositions. I think it's a bit of what happens with the notion of anithero, which would result in being, then, simply the hero's antagonist, depending on how we conceive the hero.
I would like to think of contemporary literature and cinema outside the binary figure of the hero-antihero, which somewhat limits the complexity of post-romantic artistic production.
If we go to the cinema, there are truly attractive figures that represent unnoble or low values (as Aristotle would say); for example, Colonel Kurtz of Apocalypse Now or the psychopathic characters of The Silence of the Lambs or Seven.
Grateful for your post, @honeydue. Greetings.
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