Texas Zoos Names A Cockroach After Your Ex And Feeds It To A Meerkat On Valentines Day!

in #culture5 years ago (edited)

This is almost in the category of "You can't make this stuff up!"

This is totally true though, it's the San Antonio Zoo and the El Paso Zoo. Both did this event last year and it was a smashing success! So much so that they're doing it again this year.


Evidently they've tapped into some very strong emotions regarding people's Exes. They let you name the cockroach and then they livestream those cockroaches being fed to Meerkats today!

They announce the Exes' first name but only the initial of their last name. Here's what they say on their facebook page:

“You will be able to name a cockroach after your ex, and we will serve it up as a snack to one of our animals for only $5,” said the San Antonio Zoo in their event announcement.

“If your ex was a snake, you can even name a rat after them, and we will feed it to a reptile for $25.” source

You can also go watch it live and in person if that would make you feel better. lol. I reckon it's cathartic for some people? At least it's just symbolic and not actually feeding the Ex to an animal!

These guys are gonna be feastin today. Oh, they also post the names of the Exes on the front of the Meerkat's exhibit to try and inflict as much public humiliation as possible.


Does this sound like a healthy thing to do on a day which is supposed to be about love? Hey Texas ain't the only ones though.

The Bronx Zoo in New York and the Boise Zoo in Idaho are also doing it. Not only that but the Hemsley Conservation Centre in England is doing a similar event.

And let's not forget the Aussies! Yeah, the Sydney Zoo in Australia lets you name a highly venomous Brown Snake after your snake of an ex. But I guess there's no feeding involved in theirs.

So apparently it's another world-wide movement that I don't really understand. I reckon it's just harmless fun though.


Thanks for stopping by for my silliness folks, God bless you all!

PS- Uh, before ya go I do have a Valentine present for you. I know how you guys are such smarty pants when it comes to brain teasers because y'all are so dang smart and all.

Well, this is a special Valentine Day brain workout. There's a cute little heart hidden in this image by Gergely Dudolf.

No way you guys are gonna find it. This one has a very high difficulty rating. At least according to me. lol. Here it is:


It's too tough ain't it?


Hurts your eyes don't it?


Hey, Papajohns has heart shaped pizza you can buy today:

Might as well give up.


No shame in quittin somethin so hard.


Probably got chocolates to get back tuh eatin.


Okee Dokee lets take a look at this thing:


No one found it on their own, right?






That's so cool. The best idea yet. Love it. I would pay the 25 to name a rat after my ex and see it being eaten by a snake. Love it love it.

Howdy paulag! lol...I'm so glad you like the idea, I didn't know how people would react, I didn't want to come off as cold-blooded but there ARE some horrible exes that deserve it! You must know one!

Good one Jonboy, I swear when I first read it, I thought you said it was a cute little WHITE heart, so that is what I was looking for.
Had it been white, I probably would have gotten it.
But it wasn't and I didn't. Ah well. Interesting.

I had already heard about the cockroach thing on FB a couple of days ago, some people were offended that another life form was being used this way, but the meerkats and snakes have to eat too, right?
Cool post @janton

Howdy sir jerry! So you didn't think that brain teaser was that hard did you? I must be getting old because I couldn't find the dang thing. lol.

Yes, I didn't want to come off as being cold but it's natural in nature for animals to eat other living creatures so why not make money on it and help people vent?

Oh no, I didn't mean that at all @janton, I just meant that after looking at it for a WHITE heart, for a while I gave up and scrolled down and saw the answer.
Just my mind played a trick when I read your post.
I almost made a comment that YOU had made a mistake because the heart wasn't white, and I scrolled back up THEN I realized it had been my mistake.
As for the cockroach thing. Bugs in general are fair game seems to me.

Oh okay, good. I'd hate to put an easy brain teaser up that I thought was hard but everyone else thought was easy! Yeah, they're going to feed the Meerkats and snakes anyway so no big deal.

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Howdy today steem-plus and thank you for the upvote!

Oh, I'm totally on board with that. As for being "all about love," well... It's more about capitalism from what I've heard. I may not have an ex, but I can certainly think of some people who's names would be well suited to roaches ;-)

It is difficult to understand what is going through people's mind nowadays. Even more difficult to understand what this society is becoming. Never mind, I will just go back to my cave.

lol...just go back to your cave...hey that's MY line! That's not what you do, you are mister socialite. But what are you saying, you don't think this type of vindictiveness is healthy sir Vincent?

It's certainly not healthy and it doesn't do anyone any good. So much meanness in this world. People should just get over it and move on.

Well I think your attitude is shared by most men but women hold grudges like forever! I bet most of these purchases are by women but they didn't say. I think they get some satisfaction out of it so I think they would disagree that it does no good.

Howdy Jonboy. Oh well. Whatever floats their boat.

Interesting 😘

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Thanks for reading clitadias, I know it's not the romantic valentine post that people like but I'm not a big fan of Valentines Day anyway. lol.

You are to much sometimes....lol, love the arrows, can't say you didn't provide ample time to go back and find it. It took me one complete scroll down then scrolling back up I found it. A good five minute task.

I wonder what the ratio of women to men are who'd paid to name a insect or rodent after an ex and have it fed to a reptile or animal. I guess you have to be once bitten twice shy or a whole lot of angry, especially on Valentine's day.

Howdy sunlit7! Thanks for enjoying my silliness. I've never been a fan of valentines day so it worked for me. I think women never forget and hold a grudge stronger and longer so I say more women would do that, what do you think, am I wrong?

Sometimes it takes awhile, I think women who were deceived (played) can tend to hold quite a grudge. I ran across a similar discussion on someone's d poll a couple two, three weeks ago. I didn't vote in the poll but left a comment. From years of having a hair salon it seemed to me there are two basic types of woman in this world, those who husbands die and they say they are glad the bast**ds dead, they tend to have no interest in remarrying. The other can't get over the loss and grief of losing their beloved husband. They may or may not remarry. The rest of them tend to be woman who are just happy to have a man, they don't care who it is as long as they have a man hanging on their arm, they also usually don't give up one man until they have another in place. lol.

lol..very interesting observations and I'm sure you heard some wild stories in the salon!

Hey janton, this is to be a very creative 'think tank' money raising idea!

Howdy today angiemitchell! I agree, it's brilliant because they're already going to be feeding those critters with other critters so it won't cost extra in that regard. Do you think more women used that event or men? My theory is that women never forget and they hold grudges longer, what do you think?

Yes, you are so right, I agree totally with women having a tendency to being revengeful.

Howdy today angiemitchell! Not you though. But in my experience most men can literally forget about bad relationships and move on. But women don't forget. Or forgive. lol.

Poor Meerkat only offered cockroaches could charge a bit more for scorpions, a rat is a rat so snakes will come out smiling...

Oh that heart thingy, no patience to squint away looking for it, did not see it at a glance, now you can settle and enjoy a !BEER

Howdy joanstewart! Thanks for stopping by, I agree about the critters and that does take alot of patience to find hidden images, I gave up and had to go look for the answer myself because I thought it was really hard.

Do you think more women or more men would take part in those events? I think women hold grudges longer, at least in my experience.

Women tend to talk about matters that displease them, men let it go a lot quicker, very difficult to say why, suppose that is why they refer to drama-queens !

That's a great point joanstewart, we don't hear the term Drama Kings do we? lol. Well in their defense I think there are a heck of a lot more mean, cruel, and jerky dirtbag males out there than bad females.

Hey @janton, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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Howdy sir beerlover on this beautiful Saturday, thanks for being here!

That tiny heart was impossible to find. 😂
I guess naming an rat or insect after your ex and feeding it to another animal might help get rid of negative feelings. I can see it catching on and getting a crowd cheering as they watched- sort of like a Roman theatre where The crowd cheers as the gladiator is feed to the lions.

lol..I agree that some people have such hatred for exes that this might be coming to a zoo near you! Do you think more women or more men will use it? I think women because they hold grudges longer and never forget but also because there are more jerky, idiot men!
Yes, the heart was very difficult, I gave up and looked up the answer!

lol! That is such a great fundraising idea! For those of us who simply can NOT let go. Maybe I'll have one named after a sister I am mad at. Just kidding. I wonder if people just send them money because this idea is so funny.
And I tried to find the heart. I really did. I gave up. Now that you've shown it to us, I can UNsee it! That is so strange.

Howdy again owasco! I agree, the marketing guys that came up with this are pretty good! Almost no extra cost to them but tons of publicity. I think there are MANY more jerky men out there than women so I think more women will take part in this, do you agree? Plus in my experience at least, women hold a grudge alot longer. What do you think?

That heart was super hard to find, I gave up too!

Hhahaha I think this is an excellent idea

HOwdy anneke! lol..do you know any exes that deserve this kind of treatment?

I do not believe in living in the past and hating someone is also an emotion, so I rather just forget them and carry on, but yes there are one or two, just not worth my energy. I just think this is a very cute and fun idea. Some people need that kind of closure.

Good for you anneke, that is very wise and of course mature. I agree, it must help some people that get alot of satisfaction from having this done. lol.

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yay steemitbloggers! Thank you so much and God bless you!

How the hell was I suppose to find that one? 🤭

Howdy sir belemo! Oh, you wanted to participate in this? There's always next year and more and more zoos are doing it. I saw a newspaper article but the zoos also post about it on their facebook pages.

The world is getting stranger every day what people come up with for money..lol 😄

I think you just don't like the idea of having a cockroach named after you and fed to a meerkat sir hangin! lol.

I just find that one pathetic and the people getting sucked in to paying money for that shit...lol 😄

Oh I see. You don't think it is healthy for people to be so vindictive right? At least the marketers are shrewd and understand human behavior though!

Yep thumbs up for the Marketers they are not silly...lol 😊

Is that your field of expertise in your career sir hangin or is your field entertainment? lol..😁

No specifics i am just a daredevil anything goes...lol 😄

Give the person in marketing a raise! It is crazy but I love it. LOL!

Yeah I figured you could relate to ladies who would do this!

Hi Sir Please donate me a little :) best regard