What very few people know about private detectives.

in #culture6 years ago

Discover everything that private detectives do in their day to day life and how you can become one of them.

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The black movies dressed the detectives of old with large trench coats and hid them behind a cloud of cigarette smoke, sitting in an office with a wooden door and opaque glass. The table was always covered with papers and a stunning girl gave them a very shady case.

However, the reality of today is very different and the profession of private detective is a great unknown.

A legal and regulated profession.

Currently, being a private detective is a totally legal and regulated profession. To be able to practice in Spain, it is necessary to have done Private Detective studies at the university, which last for 3 years.

In addition to obtaining the title, it is essential to comply with other requirements: be registered in the Tax on Economic Activities of the Treasury and self-employed, as well as having the authorization of the Ministry of the Interior. For this last one the fulfillment of all the previous requirements is demanded.

The private detective is the only professional who can carry out private investigations, such as the brand and specifies the Private Security Law 5/2014. Except this type of professionals, nobody can legally investigate for another person. No guards, no escorts, no cops.

In addition to the university degree, there are other courses that are essential for the student to face the reality of being a detective, such as the courses taught by the Cuzco Detectives Agency, which are totally practical and very useful to train the detective before leaving to the street and to help you decide if you want this to be your profession.

Cuzco Detectives, in addition to conducting international research at the highest level, teaches courses and seminars for professionals to specialize and opt for a good job from the first day. On its website you can find all the details about the detective courses offered by the agency.

Research most demanded in the business field.

Companies usually hire the services of a private detective mainly in the cases of unfair competition, low fake, absenteeism or low performance, and also to perform solvency and financial reports, among others.

Regarding unfair competition, the detective will have to obtain proof that this is happening, therefore, it will be necessary to carry out a follow-up or surveillance.

In a fake low, it will be necessary to track the employee and verify if it really is a feigned loss or not. In the case of being true, you should get a recording that demonstrates it. The same happens with absenteeism or poor performance.

The solvency and financial reports require an OSINT study of the companies, as well as the administrators, partners and other positions that carry them, sometimes having to resort to monitoring and follow-up. In these cases, it is very common that they are international companies and you have to travel to other countries during the research process.

In international investigations it is necessary the collaboration of detectives of the countries in question and everything that implies an investigation in another country: language, insurance, logistics, devices and trips. In this sense, we must bear in mind that a detective with a Spanish license can not follow up outside of Spain.

Other services that are usually hired by private detectives


  1. Family investigations in cases of divorce, guard duty and custody of minors. Contracts are also common to investigate the behavior of children and strange behavior in them: gambling, drugs, alcohol, etc.

  2. Search and location of people. The reasons can be several: to deliver a lawsuit, because someone wants to find a person who has not seen for a long time, cases of inheritance or search for children who have left home.

  3. Reports of leases, whether to prove illicit activities -games, parties or prostitution-, or for subleases, identity of tenants and accreditation of the true identity of tenants.

  4. Expert evidence, being the most demanded the graphology and documentscopy, very usually to verify the false testimony of witnesses.

  5. Electronic sweeps, where the placement of microphones or hidden cameras, intervention of communications and secret eavesdropping is sought. Electronic scanning is a security countermeasure that is used to guarantee confidentiality.

  6. Surveillance not uniformed in hotels, fairs and large surfaces; an unknown service for the majority. This function can only be performed by detectives and, basically, it is about monitoring possible thefts.


The profession has many different paths to take. The amount of different specializations is mind boggling really. I plan to specialize in missing persons in addition to the bread and butter of the PI (surveillance). It is an exciting career to have, and I love helping my customers find the truth. They deserve it!

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