The Sexual Dialogues: Feminism is Derivative of the Civil Rights Movement

in #culture5 years ago (edited)

The Gay Marriage Threat

You go girl, you go! Don’t let no man tell you! Because inside every white woman is a gay Black man trying to get out. This is the feminists way of acting spicy, throwing some color into the scene. It’s style and it’s obvious. What’s less obvious is that everything else feminists do is an imitation of Black Americans. Feminism lifts the instincts surrounding racial grouping and applies them to sex, to the imaginary race of woman-as-race. Feminism imitates racial grouping in the larger sense, but it specifically imitates Black Americans and the actions and ideas of the Civil Rights movement. The timeline of feminism is always one step behind the Black timeline, the feminists do nothing first, they can do nothing first. The woman-as-race movement is derivative imitation, it’s the child wearing his father’s clothes with a proud grin. White feminists, the only real ones, watched the Civil Rights movement on tv and took notes. Everything done by feminism was done by Blacks first, the clothes belong to the Civil Rights movement and don’t fit, but the feminist child grins proudly.

Which of course means the feminists are imitating men, are indirectly led by men. It of course means that the age old claim of women being incapable of innovation, of invention, of firstness itself is true. And it is true, woman are incapable of firstness. They are incapable of saying something that has never been said before, doing something that has never been done before. This age old observation is formalized in the I Ching where only the male principle can start things but only the female principle can finish things. Sounds fair, both sides are needed to make a whole, both sides will fail alone but will succeed when they join as one. This is also an age old observation of the relation between men and women, we will fail alone but succeed when we join as complimentary halves into one whole. An age old observation, because human nature is age old, and observation is age old, and the truth never changes. Truth is that which has power over you even if you do not believe in it. Unchangeable human nature has power over you, even if you do not believe in it. It is human nature that firstness belongs to men, this has power over you even if you do not believe in it. And the first here were the Black men who created the Civil Rights movement. Deracinated white women liked it and put on daddy’s clothes, so proud. The feminist movement is secondness, because the feminist movement is female. The firstness was the civil rights movement, which was so loved by the white women of the world that they chose to make woman into race and second the Civil Rights movement, replay the won battle a second time. The feminist movement is feminine, it is true to femaleness, because the feminist movement is secondness, the firstness was the Civil Rights movement.

You go girl, you go! Feminism is the secondness to the Civil Rights movement and woman-as-race is the secondness to Black. An invented race derivative of human racial instincts and a movement derivative of a prior movement. Nothing feminism does is done first, it is always secondness to the Civil Rights movement. The key decade to the Civil Rights movement was the 60s, to the feminist movement the 70s. It had to be this way, feminism is secondness to the Civil Rights movement. Everything the feminist movement does has to be done first by someone else because woman are secondness by nature. The age old observations have power over you even if you do not believe them. The I Ching is age old, one principle has the ability to start, one principle has the ability to finish. Join the complimentary halves into one whole, this is the way, be dark as ink, as white as a swan, be like the lilies of the field, this is the way, the truth. Age old observations have a power over you even if you do not believe them.

Don’t let no man tell you! Feminism rejects masculinism, rejects male firstness, rejects male leadership. But everything feminist is secondness to the Civil Rights movement. Everything feminist follows the male leadership of the Civil Rights movement. It is secondness, but in a false way, just as woman-as-race is racial grouping in a false way. The feminist movement has no choice but to follow the form of another movement as an entirely female movement will not innovate, will not be capable of firstness. By choosing to be all female the feminist movement chooses to be derivative, chooses to be an imitation. The firstness the feminist movement imitates is the Civil Rights movement. The entire form of feminism is lifted from the Civil Rights movement just as the entire form of woman-as-race is lifted from racial grouping instincts. Everything feminine is secondness.

The feminist movement replays the prior Civil Rights movement, always a step behind, always its smaller feet in the same footprints. And so to understand the feminist movement we have to look at the firstness it imitates. There is an inner theme to Black America which is fully imitated by the white feminists, the only real ones. That theme is denied greatness, the door slammed on the worthy candidate, the brightest light hidden from view. For hundreds of years the historical super cycle we have been in orients itself around the controversy regarding culture’s influence on success. Black America orients itself around this same controversy. Whether or not culture influences success and what to do if it does is the controversy of this centuries long super cycle that started on Halloween 1517. The answer to this question from Black America is yes, all cultures are equally successful, and thus the need for explanation. Some would say the human race evolved in a world where all wealth comes from nature and that succeeding in a world where all wealth comes from human labor requires counter instinctive cultural progress and cultures have made uneven progress towards this goal. This view is denied by the age, the super cycle of history that started on Halloween 1517 denies all this and Black Americans are children of the age and they obey this denial, they deny what they are told to deny by the age. The founding principle of Black America is that there is no uneven cultural progress, only uneven access to success. It will remain this way until this historical super cycle is over.

The founding principle of Black America is there is no uneven cultural progress, only uneven access to success. This last part is needed to explain the facts, the stubborn facts which entirely point to uneven cultural progress. We all know them, we all know the facts that stubbornly point to uneven cultural progress. They barely need to be said, it’s a series of obvious facts and a series of questions beginning with why. The facts and the questions are known, reality does not support the claim of universal cultural equality, it supports the claim of uneven cultural progress. A response is needed, an answer to the questions beginning with why, a rebuttal to the argument. The response is the full development of the shut door world view. The Black race is great and unimpeded by a culture mired in the starting point of human nature, it is great, but does not have the list of accomplishments of a great race. The door was shut in their face. The door was shut in the face of greatness itself, the bright light obscured, the worthy left without wealth. This is the theme of Black America, the answer to the long list of questions is the theme of greatness denied, the door slammed, the light hidden from view. And so begins the long work of constructing an alternate history leading to an alternate future. The past is rewritten to include details of this greatness denied, the details of the shut door, the signs of the great light. It started as Negro History Week, it became Negro History Month and then Black History Month and then African-American History Month. The dates and names were changed because it wasn’t working. Make it longer, change the name, then it will work, It never worked. Unofficially every month is now Afro-American Blacks of Color Month of Greatness. The world revolves around the pole of the controversy regarding culture’s influence on success. Black America is part of this world, part of the historical super cycle. And so now every week is Negro History Week. Make that Negro History Strong, it sounds better.

The theme of Black American firstness becomes the theme of the feminist secondness. Every week is Women’s History Week. Make that Womyn’s history Week. Make that Womyn’s History Strong, it sounds better that way. Womyn’s History Strong is the theme of feminism because it is the theme of Black America, the firstness that feminist secondness is imitating. And Black America is imitating the historical super cycle that began on Halloween 1517. Once uneven cultural progress is denied the uneven success demands explanation. The explanation is the denied greatness, the shut door, the hidden light. An alternate history is written up to produce and alternate future, the Womyn’s History Strong version which is supposed to answer the questions. The questions of why any and all facts support the claim of uneven cultural progress. An attempted answer is given in the (insert group) History Strong version of history, supposedly detailing the hidden light that was there behind the shut door all along. This is the theme of Black America and so this is the them of feminism. A long, incredibly boring and predictable story of how Mary Wollstonecraft was as smart as sir Isaac Newton, but the door was shut in her face because she was Black. Well, honorary Black, because you go girl, you go! All white women are honorary Black men. All of them. You go girl, don’t let no man tell you!

There is a consequence to the Afro-American Black People of Color History Strong version of history. The denied greatness, the shut door, the hidden light. There is a consequence to this theme. Once the greatness is recognized, once the door is open, once the light is revealed certain things are expected to happen. Once the greatness is admitted the great are supposed to demonstrate the greatness they are claimed to have had all along. Once the door is open they are supposed to walk through, once the light is no longer hidden it is supposed to shine like a star. What happens when it doesn’t? What happens when uneven cultural progress is the reality? Unhappiness follows, much, much unhappiness. The only answer is to deny the greatness has been recognized, the door opened, the light revealed. The only answer is to deny fairness has been achieved until such time the stubborn facts support the claim that uneven cultural progress is a false claim, very, very false. And so the unhappiness begins, no matter how open the door is it cannot be admitted to be open. The open door must be described as shut and locked until such time that the stubborn facts support the claim of universal cultural equality. And so the door must be described as shut forever. A racial cold war must be maintained. Because Black culture is not as successful as white culture, cultural progress is uneven. The starting point is human instincts that evolved in a world where all wealth comes from nature. In a world where most wealth comes from human labor we must make counter instinctive cultural progress and groups have made uneven progress in this direction. And so the racial cold war lasts seemingly forever. The open door is denied, it is described as shut. It will continue to be described as shut until the stubborn facts support the claims of the age. This is the firstness of Black America. This is the secondness of feminism, of woman-as-race.