Hello, How are you today? I hope steemians that's fine.
Today I want to share information about goods conductivity to be prepared by the groom to be brought to the bride's house.
This is the custom prevailing in Aceh on any marriage ceremony.
Some items that are often brought on substitutes such as conductivity, ornamental palm trees in the small craft, and decorated with colorful paper.
There is also lemonade, milk, sugar, bread, coconuts, sugar cane, banana trees ornamental purposes apparel and accessories, as well as various other necessary items.
Events decorate conduction goods carried on the night sebelm conductivity, which is done in work together by residents and relatives, as one of the social work which takes place in the community.
The boat that was decorated with a palm tree in the middle of a custom that must exist for conducting wedding
Colored paper cut as a garnish cover goods conductivity
Bread tin that has been decorated with colorful paper
goods for conducting wedding was prepared in ornamental
These are just some habits that occur in the process of conducting a bride in Aceh.
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thanks @muth