
Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10usd for the camera, then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 usd more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.

Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10usd for the camera, then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 usd more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.

Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10SBD for the camera,
then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 SBD more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.

Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10SBD for the camera,
then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 SBD more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.

Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10SBD for the camera,
then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 SBD more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.

¿Cómo funciona eso? ¿Te escriben bonito por el chat y sueltas la plata? XD 20 SBD son más de 85 millones de bolívares. ¿Fue una Go Pro auténtica o una cámara "tipo" Go Pro? Imposible que sea una auténtica porque esa mierda vale más de 700 USD al cambio en ML. Una Go Pro "china" seguro que si. ¿Será que la amiga compró este modelo?

Si ese el caso (coño si ese es el caso me meto a brujo), la chamita solo ganó un poco más de 6 millones de bolívares con tu generosidad...

6 millones de bolívares = un cartón de huevo XD

Para la próxima haz como el banco de neoxian y evitamos el drama.

OJO: No tengo vela en este entierro, solo se me antojó dejar un comentario sin ánimos de apoyar un lado u otro. Sigan en lo suyo.

Hola @arepaleaks, @walden solo dice puras patrañas ya que nunca me dio tal dinero para comprar mi cámara, la cual le tuve que comprar a un amigo ya que se iba del país, la cámara que me compré es

Sin título.jpg

dayum, just looked said camera up. looks full legit. i imagine i could take awesome sunrise / set photo's with one of those. imma have to up my posting

totally, so bad she didnt actually bought it them and tried to scam me, but well, you know people

Como dije, te di 10SBD y te iba a dar 20 mas para comprar esa camara, la cual como muestra la evidencia no habias comprado.

Como dije, te di 10usd y te iba a dar 20 mas para comprar esa camara, la cual como muestra la evidencia no habias comprado.

Obvio que no era una GoPro original, era una camara de 60usd usada, como veras en las pruebas que presento la camara que dijo comprar era una "Wewdigi 4k WiFi Action Camera"
y la camara con la que estaba tomando las fotos en realidad era una Maginon CBB3.
Es decir, nada que ver, 0 chance de error,
si el EXIF dice eso es porque esa es la camara,
no hay vuelta que darle.

Obvio que no era una GoPro original, era una camara de 60SBD usada, como veras en las pruebas que presento la camara que dijo comprar era una "Wewdigi 4k WiFi Action Camera"
y la camara con la que estaba tomando las fotos en realidad era una Maginon CBB3.
Es decir, nada que ver, 0 chance de error,
si el EXIF dice eso es porque esa es la camara,
no hay vuelta que darle.

Obvio que no era una GoPro original, era una camara de 60SBD usada, como veras en las pruebas que presento la camara que dijo comprar era una "Wewdigi 4k WiFi Action Camera"
y la camara con la que estaba tomando las fotos en realidad era una Maginon CBB3.
Es decir, nada que ver, 0 chance de error,
si el EXIF dice eso es porque esa es la camara,
no hay vuelta que darle.

Y sigues con que es una maginon cbb3? nada te costará aceptar que estas equivocado, es gratis.

La evidencia del EXIF no miente, y toda persona tecnica quei lo sabe, si el exif dice maginoncbb3 es porque es una maginoncbb3.
Mentiste, me trataste de estafar, y te agarre. Mala suerte señorita.

Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10SBD for the camera,
then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 SBD more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.

Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10SBD for the camera,
then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 SBD more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.

Ok let's see you never sent me anything of 20 SBD for the camera, the camera was bought with my money that was saving you I remember you. Clearly I will show that I do not have that camera that you mention and that it came out in your EXIF.


This was the capture that you sent me and where it says that the camera is a Maginon CBB3 which is not like that and that I'll show you, here some pictures with my real camera called Action Camera 4K.


You have made a mistake again

like I said, I sent you 10usd for a camera, you wanted a more expensive one, I was gonna pay half of that one which was 20usd more, you tried to scam me, of course I didnt send the extra 20usd after you tried to scam me that is a given, the evidence of you lying and trying to scam me is there, you asked me to post it? there is the complete part about that failed scam, and the full screen with the metadata and exif. I also have the original of the picture you sent me, which still of course, has the same metadata.
You might have that camera now, but you clearly didnt when you said you did.
You are not gonna be able to cover that lie with more lies lady....

like I said, I sent you 10SBD for a camera, you wanted a more expensive one, I was gonna pay half of that one which was 20SBD more, you tried to scam me, of course I didnt send the extra 20SBD after you tried to scam me that is a given, the evidence of you lying and trying to scam me is there, you asked me to post it? there is the complete part about that failed scam, and the full screen with the metadata and exif. I also have the original of the picture you sent me, which still of course, has the same metadata.
You might have that camera now, but you clearly didnt when you said you did.
You are not gonna be able to cover that lie with more lies lady....

like I said, I sent you 10SBD for a camera, you wanted a more expensive one, I was gonna pay half of that one that was 20SBD more, you tried to scam me, of course I didnt send the extra 20SBD after you tried to scam me that is a given, the evidence of you lying and tring to scam me is there, you asked me to post it? there is the complete part about that failed scam, and the full screen with the metadata and exif. I also have the original of the picture you sent me, which still of course, has the same metadata.
You are not gonna be able to cover that lie with more lies lady....


Ok let's see you never sent me anything of 20 SBD for the camera, the camera was bought with my money that was saving you I remember you. Clearly I will show that I do not have that camera that you mention and that it came out in your EXIF.


This was the capture that you sent me and where it says that the camera is a Maginon CBB3 which is not like that and that I'll show you, here some pictures with my real camera called Action Camera 4K.


like I said, I sent you 10SBD for a camera, you wanted a more expensive one, I was gonna pay half of that one which was 20SBD more, you tried to scam me,** of course I didnt send the extra 20SBD after you tried to scam me** that is a given, the evidence of you lying and trying to scam me is there, you asked me to post it? there is the complete part about that failed scam, and the full screen with the metadata and exif. I also have the original of the picture you sent me, which still of course, has the same metadata.
You might have that camera now, but you clearly didnt when you said you did.
You are not gonna be able to cover that lie with more lies lady....

Like I said, I sent you 10SBD for a camera, you wanted a more expensive one, I was gonna pay half of that one which meant sending you 20SBD more, you tried to scam me, of course I didnt send the extra 20SBD after you tried to scam me that is a given, the evidence of you lying and trying to scam me is there, you asked me to post it? there is the complete part about that failed scam, and the full screen with the metadata and exif. I also have the original of the picture you sent me, which still of course, has the same metadata.
You might have that camera now, but you clearly didnt when you said you did.
You are not gonna be able to cover that lie with more lies lady....

like I said, I sent you 10usd for a camera, you wanted a more expensive one, I was gonna pay half of that one which was 20usd more, you tried to scam me, of course I didnt send the extra 20usd after you tried to scam me that is a given, the evidence of you lying and trying to scam me is there, you asked me to post it? there is the complete part about that failed scam, and the full screen with the metadata and exif. I also have the original of the picture you sent me, which still of course, has the same metadata.
You might have that camera now, but you clearly didnt when you said you did.
You are not gonna be able to cover that lie with more lies lady....

like I said, I sent you 10SBD for a camera, you wanted a more expensive one, I was gonna pay half of that one which was 20SBD more, you tried to scam me, of course I didnt send the extra 20SBD after you tried to scam me that is a given, the evidence of you lying and trying to scam me is there, you asked me to post it? there is the complete part about that failed scam, and the full screen with the metadata and exif. I also have the original of the picture you sent me, which still of course, has the same metadata.
You might have that camera now, but you clearly didnt when you said you did.
You are not gonna be able to cover that lie with more lies lady....

2018-03-06, 12:50 walden venuss23 3.000 STEEM Escribi la concha de tu madre

there you go, price of steem at the time 3.46 x 3--------->10USD

$10 USD =/= 10 SBD

ditto. im SURE i read 10 sbd....

just out of curiosity @walden, how old are you?

like I said, I sent you 10SBD for a camera, you wanted a more expensive one, I was gonna pay half of that one which was 20SBD more, you tried to scam me, of course I didnt send the extra 20SBD after you tried to scam me that is a given, the evidence of you lying and trying to scam me is there, you asked me to post it? there is the complete part about that failed scam, and the full screen with the metadata and exif. I also have the original of the picture you sent me, which still of course, has the same metadata.
You might have that camera now, but you clearly didnt when you said you did.
You are not gonna be able to cover that lie with more lies lady....

like I said, I sent you 10usd for a camera, you wanted a more expensive one, I was gonna pay half of that one which was 20usd more, you tried to scam me, of course I didnt send the extra 20usd after you tried to scam me that is a given, the evidence of you lying and trying to scam me is there, you asked me to post it? there is the complete part about that failed scam, and the full screen with the metadata and exif. I also have the original of the picture you sent me, which still of course, has the same metadata.
You might have that camera now, but you clearly didnt when you said you did.
You are not gonna be able to cover that lie with more lies lady....

Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10SBD for the camera,
then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 SBD more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.

Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10SBD for the camera,
then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 SBD more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.

Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10SBD for the camera,
then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 SBD more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.

Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10SBD for the camera,
then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 SBD more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.

Oh yes, Im saying the truth and I can prove it, I sent you 10SBD for the camera,
then you wanted a more expensive one(goprostyle), I offered to pay half of that, which was 20 SBD more. You finally supposedly "got the camera" and you sent me some pics and told me that they were taken with the new goprostyle camera, you even told me the model and all.
I reviewed the EXIF and Metadata for the pics you sent me(The information every picture has relating to the camera model used, settings, etc. which is always exact) and discovered that it wasnt at all the camera you were claiming to have bought but a totally different, significantly cheaper camera.

So yes, you tried to scam me, and I can prove it, its all in our chat records, and these records are all screencaptured already, so dont even bother erasing them.

Lies, dear, have short legs, in the end the truth prevails.