New Age Or New Cult

in #cult6 years ago

A few months ago, a friend of mine was assaulted in Target. She was walking through the isle and accidentally just slightly brushed up against a black woman who was walking in the opposite direction. For this ‘horrible offense’, this woman viciously attacked her, pushing my friend onto the floor and then punched and kicked her repeatedly. This happened several months ago, and my friend is still recovering health wise.

After this happened, many of her friends sent prayers, and positive energy. But what my friend also told me was that, when she would reach out to friends and acquaintances to talk about what happened, there were quite a few people who simply said, ‘You attracted it.’ And then turned away or distanced themselves, like she had leprosy and they didn’t want to catch the disease. Real friends don’t do that. Whatever happened to all the things we learned as children about being good, kind, and there for your friends, such as ‘a friend in need is a friend in deed.’

This is what a lot of New Age doctrines do to people. More specifically this is what the Law of Attraction has molded people into - selfish / egocentric people, who live in bubbles, of sometimes real, sometimes false, usually a mix of both, positivity, and whose primary mission is to maintain these bubbles in a pristine condition untainted by any else’s ‘negativity’ (code word for real life issues). It looks to are more like they don’t want reality to ‘infect their safe space’.

I find that at this point its impossible to have a sincere conversation with people who have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the plethora of the New Age philosophies, because authentic expression is not actually valued or practiced much. When spiritually oriented people get together, and as soon as someone begins to express genuine emotion or experiences, someone or several people jump in and act as the word police or thought police. You can’t say ‘the car is broken’, because the word ‘broken’ is negative! You have to only speak positively. You can’t say ‘I’m so sick and tired of the corruption and dishonesty among our leaders.’ Because you’re affirming the negative. You must instead list the things you’re grateful for! And don’t even look at the negative things, or you’ll just have more of them. You can’t talk about problems, because, well, that’s negative!

I think that is completely utterly ludicrous. There is no other way to say that the car is broken, because its factually true, its simple and direct. Wouldn’t fixing the car be very positive? So therefore isn’t an accurate brief assessment of the problem, which can lead to an accurate and swift solution to the problem, a very positive thing? I say yes.

But according to many new-age group-think Law of Attraction followers, the mere discussion of problems and seeking of practical solutions in the real world to these problems, the consideration of pros and cons, and looking at possible negative side effects, or negative consequences to anything, is negative and futile. Because the Law of Attraction teaches that the new correct way of living, is to simply attract things, by carrying a certain frequency. Yeah you might take action, but it will be effortless effort IF you are carrying the right energy, and following the Law of Attraction correctly. Struggle is anathema to the dogma of the Law of Attraction. If you are struggling, suffering, feeling pain, if you are in resistance to anything, if you push against anything, then according to the Law of Attraction, you are doing life wrong. And the unspoken game being played, is that if you are so low frequency that you don’t get the Law of Attraction, and keep doing life wrong, then you are not part of the special club of those who seem to be getting things with easy, and effortless effort. It like an elite club of evolved allowing persons and you are not in it. Spiritual arrogance at its finest.

I did it for years myself, I read the Law of Attraction books, watched the Secret (not 600 times like someone did), but a few times, and did my best to apply it in my life.

But I already had training by a Shaman in Spiritual Protection and Psychic Self Defense prior to studying the Law of Attraction, and the Law of Attraction philosophy and Psychic Self Defense philosophies, are nearly opposites. I tried to reconcile them, and was not able to. Psychic Self Defense won (Thank God!). Because its real. It solves real spiritual problems for real people, even in times of severe crisis. What does The Law of Attraction do, when a person has real life problems? It tells them they attracted their own problems, essentially that they are wrong for having problems, and that they should attract differently. No solutions.

In case readers of this article are not familiar with the Law of Attraction, these are the most important facts:

Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks, a wife and husband team, created the concept of the Law of Attraction, and wrote a series of self-help books together, detailing how it works. Esther Hicks is the main writer, and channels an entity named Abraham (Aka Abraham Hicks) who is the supposed originator of all of these teachings. The Law of Attraction borrows a small fraction of ideas from a much more ancient philosophy of Hermetics, but it has twisted those ideas and created an off shoot doctrine, that according to some scholars of Hermetics, is false and has done more harm than good. If I recall correctly, according to the Hicks, for some years, they had regular meet ups where they taught the Law of Attraction. Some of these students, including Rhonda Byrne, then wanted to capitalize on the Law of Attraction, formed their own group, and created a movie called ‘The Secret’, later turned into a book by the same name, which was a best-selling book in 2006.

Almost everyone that I have talked to, who have to a significant or full degree, subscribed to the Law of Attraction and/or The Secret, do not know several important facts. Some don’t know who actually wrote either of these books or what they wrote. They’ve been so programmed and conditioned by the people around them (the thought and word police mentioned above) to think and believe according these doctrines, without ever checking the origins of these ideas.

One thing that many people don’t know but must know is how Esther and Jerry Hicks met Abraham. They met this entity at a Ouija board seance. This entity came through the Ouija board to them, and then followed them home. I’ve heard many Ouija board stories over the years, and not once has anything good every come through the Ouija board. Remember the movie the Exorcist? That movie is based on a real story, about a possessed boy in the Washington DC area. He got possessed by playing with the Ouija Board. And literally every Ouija board story I heard, from past clients, is that they got dark force attachments (demons, reptilian entities, hostile spirit, etc) from playing with the Ouija board, though these people did not have as an extreme experience as the Washington DC boy. My recommendation to the readers is: don’t go near it, ever. Its a tool specifically designed to open portals and allow dark force entities into this dimension.

Another important fact is that one of the presenters from The Secret, James Arthur Ray, killed three people and injured 18 others, in a sweat lodge ceremony which went terribly wrong. There is confusion about how many people have died, and that may be deliberate. When this first happened, I read articles that stated that 10 people have died. Now there are articles that state that two people have died and others that three have died. I have also seen articles that stated that he did the sweat lodge ceremony incorrectly and not at all how native Americans do it; instead of using hot stones to heat up the lodge, he used coal. Coal created a lot of smoke in the sweat lodge that caused some people to die and many more to get injured and hospitalized.
Today I found some articles that have some of this information, but I am not right now able to find the articles that I had seen some years ago with more information. (By the way, it was in 2012, when James Arthur Ray was sentenced to two years in prison for negligent homicide.)

James Arthur Ray bio

Sweat Lodge Death Investigation Turns to Self-Help Guru James Arthur Ray

James Arthur Ray, leader of deadly Ariz. sweat-lodge ceremony, released from prison

This is only my suspicion, so don’t hold me to this, but its possible that James Arthur Ray is the fall guy for a bigger cult, who needed to conduct human sacrifice in order to get boons from the dark force entities they work with.

Because this is how it works with dark force entities in satanic cults. They promise you success, wealth, fame, career advancement, but only if you sacrifice someone for that. (And if you want a lot of success, then you have to sacrifice someone very dear to you.)

Mark Passio, had actually called Rhonda Byrne a satanist in one of his talks. He said that she got together with some other satanists and they figured out how to make a ton of money from the Law of Attraction by repackaging it.

Mark Passio is an interesting person and actually quite knowledgeable in Hermetics, Natural Law, and someone who does a great job calling New Age philosophies on their bullshit.

These articles recap some of his ideas well.

10 Basic New Age Deceptions and How to Correct Them

Mark Passio: Transforming the Satanic elements in Human consciousness

Former Satanic Priest Exposes the 4 Main Tenets of Satanic Ideology

You should definitely familiarize yourself with The 7 Principles of Hermetics, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth and books like The Kybalion. These ancient materials, is what the Law of Attraction was based on, but it doesn’t do the ancient wisdom justice at all.

The Kybalion by Three Initiates

The Seven Hermetic Principles

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth

Several years ago, I had a series of very serious challenges, and it didn’t even occur to me to go to any of my ’spiritual’ friends for advice or assistance. Because I knew they would just talk around the issue, redefine it in the Law of Attraction terminology, tell me I attracted it, and essentially do absolutely nothing to help me find viable solutions. I went to all sorts of ‘non-spiritual’ people who had experience in solving real world problems. And I got the results I was seeking, without having to deal with other people projecting their bullshit on me.

At that point I knew, that something was rotten in Denmark - the popular spiritual and new age philosophies that so many in the community swallowed hook, line, and sinker are totally dead wrong.

The Law of Attraction teaches that the universe is like a giant vending machine. You can have whatever you want. But you should not apply any force in taking action, and you should not impress your will upon this world. That doing so is wrong, that this is an old model and it doesn’t work anymore. All you need to do is emote at a certain frequency, put out those emotional frequencies into the universe and it will bring to you whatever you want. What I saw is that this ideology infantilizes people. Because this is what babies do. They just emote helplessly, and mommy brings them everything they need. So this trains people out of cultivating the ‘fighting spirit’ and ‘the grit’ that is needed to overcome obstacles, to develop resilience, and keep striving when things get tough. It also paves the wary for the nanny state, where people have been infantilized to such a degree where they are incapable of solving their own problems, or even assessing their problems (because doing so is ‘negative’), that they have to depend on the gov for everything. And that would usher in socialism/communism, where the gov controls everything. And that is precisely what is happening already, a sort of a socialist takeover in the US, where people happily give up their rights, and their ability to determine their own life, because Nanny and Big Brother promise to take care of everyone and everything. For a price of course.

Mark Passio, and other philosophers and social commentators have said a lot in the recent years about how the New Age philosophies, but also the liberal culture at large, infantilizes people and suppresses or attacks the sacred masculine. I agree with this. The sacred masculine is all about taking action, problem solving, critical thinking, honing the skills of practical self defense - all things that New Age Law of Attraction type philosophies basically say are pathologically wrong, useless, and outdated.

When I decided to speak publicly about my Milab experiences as a child, and was talking to some friends in the community about the situations that I recalled, and then how I was rescued out of the cult, one of my friends, who is a big follower of the Law of Attraction, said he didn’t want to hear about all the painful stuff, he wanted me to get straight to the rescue part. (He didn’t want to hear ‘the negative’ parts and only wanted to hear the ‘positive parts’.) And that’s infantile as well, where people want to get straight to the happy ending, like in a Disney cartoon, to the feel-good part, without ever having to actually extend any real understanding to another person. Many critics of the Law of Attraction say that it is a lighter watered down version of the satanic philosophy of service to self. I think that’s true, and I take it further. I think the Law of Attraction is narcissism training. Narcissists are not capable of deep emotions or truly understanding or empathizing with another person. They are really only interested in themselves and what they can get from others that will make the feel good, but very superficially good, because its not earned through struggle, transformation, self reflection, and inner growth. From the years of watching people be changed by the Law of Attraction, I see them exhibit these narcissistic qualities more and more as time passes.

Millions of children around the world, actually survived years or decades of torture and rape in satanic cults and SSP/ Milab situations. And then recovered enough to function in the world and talk about it. And Law of Attraction followers assert that grown adults can’t bear to hear about it. That it would be bad for them to think about it. And that no one should hear about it. (Esther Hicks actually said in one of her talks, basically, that people should not pay attention to the suffering of others, and should to stay in your bliss instead.) I hope you see the depraved insanity and irresponsibility of that assertion. Which becomes blatantly apparent given the circumstances of current events with so much disclosure around busts of satanic cults and pedophile rings all around the world, in the last year or so.

For those who’re not familiar with what pedogate is and these international busts, here are just some articles. And if you search the internet you’ll find many more.

List of Pedophile busts and Children saved

Busted: Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble

Global Pedophile Ring Busted

238 Arrested in Major Hollywood Pedophile Ring Bust

Massive Pedophile Ring Busted in California

Another Pedophile Ring Involving Politicians Was Just Busted

Life presents many opportunities for us to make choices that would either lead us down the path of discovery of truth, or the path of denial and un-consciousness. The red and blue pill choice is not something we take just once in our lives. It happens every day, many times a day, with many many small pieces of difficult, uncomfortable truth beckoning us into greater truth. There isn’t just one matrix, there are many matrices, like Russian Matryoshka dolls, or like layers of an onion. Daily, its important to assess whether you are still in alignment with truth, or have you wandered away from your goal. If you find that you drank someone’s kool-aid, purge that poison, clear your mind, guard your heart, and most importantly learn from that experience.

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